Lodash is a JavaScript library that works on the top of underscore.js. Lodash helps in working with arrays, strings, objects, numbers, etc.
The _.conforms() method of Util is used to create a function that calls the predicate properties of the source with the analogous property values of a stated object, which returns true if all the predicates are true else returns false.
Parameters: This method accepts single parameter as described below:
source (Object): It is the object of property predicates which is to be conform.
Return Value: This method returns the new specified function.
Example 1:
// Requiring the lodash library const _ = require( 'lodash' ); // Initializing an object var object = [ { 'x' : 2, 'y' : 3 }, { 'x' : 5, 'y' : 6 } ]; // Calling _.conforms() function with its parameter let newfunc = _.filter(object, _.conforms({ 'y' : function (n) { return n > 3; } })); // Displays output console.log(newfunc); |
[ { x: 5, y: 6 } ]
Example 2:
// Requiring the lodash library const _ = require( 'lodash' ); // Initializing an object var object = [ { 'GfG' : 13, 'neveropen' : 5 }, { 'GfG' : 7, 'neveropen' : 4 } ]; // Calling _.conforms() function with its parameter let newfunc = _.filter(object, _.conforms({ 'GfG' : function (n) { return n > 13; } })); // Displays output console.log(newfunc); |
Here, nothing is returned as the stated condition is not satisfied.
Reference: https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#conforms