In combinatorial mathematics, the Lobb numberLm, n counts the number of ways that n + m open parentheses can be arranged to form the start of a valid sequence of balanced parentheses. The Lobb number are parameterized by two non-negative integers m and n with n >= m >= 0. It can be obtained by:
Lobb Number is also used to count the number of ways in which n + m copies of the value +1 and n – m copies of the value -1 may be arranged into a sequence such that all of the partial sums of the sequence are non- negative. Examples :
Input : n = 3, m = 2
Output : 5
Input : n =5, m =3
Output :35
The idea is simple, we use a function that computes binomial coefficients for given values. Using this function and above formula, we can compute Lobb numbers.
// CPP Program to find Ln, m Lobb Number.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define MAXN 109
// Returns value of Binomial Coefficient C(n, k)
intbinomialCoeff(intn, intk)
intC[n + 1][k + 1];
// Calculate value of Binomial Coefficient in
// bottom up manner
for(inti = 0; i <= n; i++) {
for(intj = 0; j <= min(i, k); j++) {
// Base Cases
if(j == 0 || j == i)
C[i][j] = 1;
// Calculate value using previously stored values
C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] + C[i - 1][j];
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
intlobb(intn, intm)
return((2 * m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2 * n, m + n)) / (m + n + 1);
// Driven Program
intn = 5, m = 3;
cout << lobb(n, m) << endl;
// JAVA Code For Lobb Number
classGFG {
// Returns value of Binomial
// Coefficient C(n, k)
staticintbinomialCoeff(intn, intk)
intC[][] = newint[n + 1][k + 1];
// Calculate value of Binomial
// Coefficient in bottom up manner
for(inti = 0; i <= n; i++) {
for(intj = 0; j <= Math.min(i, k);
j++) {
// Base Cases
if(j == 0|| j == i)
C[i][j] = 1;
// Calculate value using
// previously stored values
C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] +
C[i - 1][j];
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
staticintlobb(intn, intm)
return((2* m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2* n, m + n)) /
(m + n + 1);
/* Driver program to test above function */
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)
intn = 5, m = 3;
System.out.println(lobb(n, m));
// This code is contributed by Arnav Kr. Mandal.
Python 3
# Python 3 Program to find Ln,
# m Lobb Number.
# Returns value of Binomial
# Coefficient C(n, k)
defbinomialCoeff(n, k):
C =[[0forj inrange(k +1)]
fori inrange(n +1)]
# Calculate value of Binomial
# Coefficient in bottom up manner
fori inrange(0, n +1):
forj inrange(0, min(i, k) +1):
# Base Cases
if(j ==0orj ==i):
C[i][j] =1
# Calculate value using
# previously stored values
C[i][j] =(C[i -1][j -1]
+C[i -1][j])
# Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
deflobb(n, m):
return(((2*m +1) *
binomialCoeff(2*n, m +n))
/(m +n +1))
# Driven Program
n =5
m =3
print(int(lobb(n, m)))
# This code is contributed by
# Smitha Dinesh Semwal
// C# Code For Lobb Number
classGFG {
// Returns value of Binomial
// Coefficient C(n, k)
staticintbinomialCoeff(intn, intk)
int[, ] C = newint[n + 1, k + 1];
// Calculate value of Binomial
// Coefficient in bottom up manner
for(inti = 0; i <= n; i++) {
for(intj = 0; j <= Math.Min(i, k);
j++) {
// Base Cases
if(j == 0 || j == i)
C[i, j] = 1;
// Calculate value using
// previously stored values
C[i, j] = C[i - 1, j - 1]
+ C[i - 1, j];
returnC[n, k];
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
staticintlobb(intn, intm)
return((2 * m + 1) * binomialCoeff(
2 * n, m + n)) / (m + n + 1);
/* Driver program to test above function */
intn = 5, m = 3;
Console.WriteLine(lobb(n, m));
// This code is contributed by vt_m.
// PHP Program to find Ln,
// m Lobb Number.
// Returns value of Binomial
// Coefficient C(n, k)
functionbinomialCoeff($n, $k)
$C= array(array());
// Calculate value of Binomial
// Coefficient in bottom up manner
for($i= 0; $i<= $n; $i++)
for($j= 0; $j<= min($i, $k); $j++)
// Base Cases
if($j== 0 || $j== $i)
$C[$i][$j] = 1;
// Calculate value using p
// reviously stored values
$C[$i][$j] = $C[$i- 1][$j- 1] +
$C[$i- 1][$j];
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
functionlobb($n, int $m)
return((2 * $m+ 1) *
binomialCoeff(2 * $n, $m+ $n)) /
($m+ $n+ 1);
// Driven Code
$n= 5;$m= 3;
echolobb($n, $m);
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.
// javascript code for Lobb Number
// Returns value of Binomial
// Coefficient C(n, k)
functionbinomialCoeff(n, k)
let C = newArray(n + 1);
// Loop to create 2D array using 1D array
for(vari = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
C[i] = newArray(2);
// Calculate value of Binomial
// Coefficient in bottom up manner
for(let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
for(let j = 0; j <= Math.min(i, k);
j++) {
// Base Cases
if(j == 0 || j == i)
C[i][j] = 1;
// Calculate value using
// previously stored values
C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] +
C[i - 1][j];
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
functionlobb(n, m)
return((2 * m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2 * n, m + n)) /
(m + n + 1);
// Driver code
let n = 5, m = 3;
document.write(lobb(n, m));
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.
Time Complexity: O(2*n*(m+n)) Auxiliary Space: O((2*n)*(m+n))
Efficient approach: Space optimization
In previous approach the current value dp[i][j] is only depend upon the current and previous row values of DP. So to optimize the space complexity we use a single 1D array to store the computations.
Implementation steps:
Create a 1D vector C of size K+1.
Set a base case by initializing the values of C.
Now iterate over subproblems by the help of nested loop and get the current value from previous computations.
At last return and print the final answer stored in C[K].
// CPP Program to find Ln, m Lobb Number.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define MAXN 109
// Returns value of Binomial Coefficient C(n, k)
intbinomialCoeff(intn, intk)
memset(C, 0, sizeof(C));
C[0] = 1; // nC0 is 1
// Calculate value of Binomial Coefficient
for(inti = 1; i <= n; i++)
for(intj = min(i, k); j > 0; j--)
C[j] = C[j] + C[j-1];
//return final answer
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
intlobb(intn, intm)
return((2 * m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2 * n, m + n)) / (m + n + 1);
// Driven Program
intn = 5, m = 3;
// function call
cout << lobb(n, m) << endl;
publicclassLobbNumber {
// Returns value of Binomial Coefficient C(n, k)
staticintbinomialCoeff(intn, intk) {
int[] C = newint[k + 1];
Arrays.fill(C, 0);
C[0] = 1; // nC0 is 1
// Calculate value of Binomial Coefficient
for(inti = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for(intj = Math.min(i, k); j > 0; j--) {
C[j] = C[j] + C[j - 1];
//return final answer
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
staticintlobb(intn, intm) {
return((2* m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2* n, m + n)) / (m + n + 1);
// Driven Program
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {
intn = 5, m = 3;
// function call
System.out.println(lobb(n, m));
# Returns value of Binomial Coefficient C(n, k)
defbinomialCoeff(n, k):
C =[0] *(k+1)
C[0] =1# nC0 is 1
# Calculate value of Binomial Coefficient
fori inrange(1, n+1):
j =min(i, k)
whilej > 0:
C[j] =C[j] +C[j-1]
j -=1
# return final answer
# Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
deflobb(n, m):
return((2*m +1) *binomialCoeff(2*n, m +n)) //(m +n +1)
# Driven Program
if__name__ =="__main__":
n =5
m =3
# function call
print(lobb(n, m))
// Returns value of Binomial Coefficient C(n, k)
staticintbinomialCoeff(intn, intk)
int[] C = newint[k + 1];
Array.Fill(C, 0);
C[0] = 1; // nC0 is 1
// Calculate value of Binomial Coefficient
for(inti = 1; i <= n; i++)
for(intj = Math.Min(i, k); j > 0; j--)
C[j] = C[j] + C[j - 1];
//return final answer
// Return the Lm, n Lobb Number.
staticintlobb(intn, intm)
return((2 * m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2 * n, m + n)) / (m + n + 1);
// Driven Program
intn = 5, m = 3;
// function call
Console.WriteLine(lobb(n, m));
functionbinomialCoeff(n, k) {
let C = newArray(k + 1).fill(0);
C[0] = 1; // nC0 is 1
// Calculate value of Binomial Coefficient
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for(let j = Math.min(i, k); j > 0; j--)
C[j] = C[j] + C[j - 1];
//return final answer
functionlobb(n, m) {
return((2 * m + 1) * binomialCoeff(2 * n, m + n)) / (m + n + 1);
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