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Bash HereDoc Tutorial With Examples


A here document (HereDoc) is a section of code that acts as a separate file. A HereDoc is a multiline string or a file literal for sending input streams to other commands and programs.

HereDocs are especially useful when redirecting multiple commands at once, which helps make Bash scripts neater and easier to understand.

This article teaches you the basics of using HereDoc notation and some typical use cases.

Bash HereDoc Tutorial With ExamplesBash HereDoc Tutorial With Examples


Bash HereDoc Syntax

The syntax for writing a HereDoc is:

  Line 1
  Line 2

It consists of the following elements:

  • COMMAND is optional. Works for any command that accepts redirection.
  • << is the redirection operator for forwarding a HereDoc to the COMMAND.
  • - is a parameter for tab suppression.
  • DELIMITER in the first line defines a HereDoc delimiter token. END, EOT, and EOF are most common, but any multicharacter word that won’t appear in the body works. Omit single quotes on the first line to allow command and variable expansion.
  • The DELIMITER in the last line indicates the end of a HereDoc. Use the same word from the first line without the leading whitespaces.

The HereDoc itself contains any number of lines with strings, variables, commands, and other inputs.

Bash HereDoc Examples

This section showcases how to use the HereDoc notation in various situations. The most common use case is with the cat command.

Multiline String

Open the terminal and enter the following text, pressing Enter after each line:

cat << EOF
cat multiline heredoccat multiline heredoc

The cat command reads the HereDoc and writes the contents to the terminal.

Variable Expansion

A HereDoc accepts the use of variables and reads them.

To see how this works, create two variables in the terminal:


Pass the HereDoc to a cat command to print the two variables along with an environment variable:

cat << END
heredoc variablesheredoc variables

All the variables expand, and their respective values print to the terminal.

Command Expansion

HereDocs accept command substitution. Run the following code in the terminal line by line to see the results:

cat << EOF
$(echo Hello)
cat command expansioncat command expansion

Encompass each command in $() to evaluate a statement and fetch the results. Omitting $() treats the text as a string.

Ignore Variable and Command Expansion

Add single or double quotes to the first delimiter to ignore variable and command expansion in a HereDoc.

For example:

cat << "EOF"
$(echo Hello)
heredoc quotation marks no expansionheredoc quotation marks no expansion

Adding quotes to the delimiter treats the contents as a HereDoc literal.

Piping and Redirecting

Use piping or redirecting to forward the command results to another command. For example, create a Bash script and add the following contents to pipe a command:


cat << EOF | base64 -d

Alternatively, use redirect notation to achieve the same result:


(base64 -d) < cat << EOF

Run the Bash script to see the results.

redirecting heredocredirecting heredoc

In both cases, the output from the cat and a HereDoc command pipes (or redirects) to the base64 -d command. As a result, the script decodes the message from the HereDoc.

Write to File

HereDoc allows writing multiline documents through one command.

To create a file and save the HereDoc contents, use the following format:

cat << EOF > hello_world.txt

If the document does not exist, the command creates it. Check the file contents to confirm:

cat hello_world.txt
heredoc to fileheredoc to file

The console shows the file contents.

Note: Learn different methods on how to write to file in Bash.

Tab Suppression

Add a dash (-) after redirection to suppress leading tabs. For example, create and run the following script:


cat <<- EOF
tab suppression heredoctab suppression heredoc

Without tab suppression, the message prints to the console with indentation. Adding the dash removes the tab indent and outputs the message without the leading spaces.

Note: If the text shows up with the leading spaces, press TAB instead of copying and pasting the example code.

Inside Statements and Loops

When working with a HereDoc inside statements and loops, keep in mind the following behavior:

  • Code inside statements and loops is indented. Add a dash after the redirect operator to print messages from a HereDoc without indentation.
  • The ending delimiter cannot have spaces or indentations before it.

Try the following example code to see how to use a HereDoc inside an if statement:


if true;
        cat <<- "END"
heredoc and if statementheredoc and if statement

The dash ensures the indents don’t show up when the program runs. The ending delimiter is not indented, and adding spaces causes an error.

Multiline Comments

A HereDoc with the null command (:) creates the effect of block comments in Bash scripts.

For example:


: << 'END'
This is a comment

Using HereDoc notation as a block comment is unconventional. In general, Bash does not support block commenting.

Escape Characters

To avoid character interpretation, add a backslash (\) before a character:

cat << EOF

Alternatively, avoid character interpretation completely by escaping the delimiter:

cat << \EOF

Using quotation marks on the delimiter is equivalent in this case.


Add parameters to a function by forwarding information through a HereDoc. For example, create a function to read lines and add information through the HereDoc:


        read greeting
        read name

readLines << EOF

echo $greeting
echo $name

The function stores the information provided by the HereDoc into variables.

heredoc and functionsheredoc and functions

Run the script to print the variable values to the terminal.

HereDoc and SSH

A HereDoc is convenient for executing multiple commands on a remote machine. Pass a HereDoc to the SSH connection to run multiple commands.

For example:

ssh username@host << EOF
echo "Local user: $USER"
echo "Remote user: \$USER"
ssh heredoc user local and remotessh heredoc user local and remote

The command prints the local and remote users to the console.

HereDoc and SFTP

SFTP helps transfer data securely via the SSH protocol. Forward a HereDoc to run multiple SFTP commands automatically:

sftp username@host << EOF
sftp heredoc putsftp heredoc put

The code uploads a sample file to the remote machine.

Note: Learn how to read files line by line in Bash using here strings.


After going through the examples in this guide, you know how to use HereDoc notation in various situations. HereDoc helps pass multiple commands at once as input for different commands.

Next, learn about advanced text processing with the AWK command.

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