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HomeLanguagesJavascriptJavaScript SyntaxError – Missing ; before statement

JavaScript SyntaxError – Missing ; before statement

This JavaScript exception missing ; before statement occurs if there is a semicolon (;) missing in the script.


SyntaxError: Expected ';' (Edge)
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement (Firefox)

Error Type:


Cause of Error: Somewhere in the code, there is a missing semicolon (;). You need to provide it so that JavaScript can parse the source code without any error.

Example 1: In this example, the string is not escaped properly and JavaScript expecting a “;”, so the error has occurred.


// invalid string
let GFG = 'This is GFG's platform'; 

Output(In console of Edge Browser):

SyntaxError: Expected ';'

Example 2: In this example, the properties of an object is declared with the var declaration, Which is invalid. So the error has occurred, 


let GFG = {};
let GFG.prop_1 = 'Val_1';

Output(In console of Edge Browser): 

SyntaxError: Expected ';'
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