JavaScript RegExp dotAll property is used to check whether the ‘s’ flag is set or not. If the ‘s’ flag is set then this property returns true else false.
Return Value: A boolean value.
Example 1: This example checks if the regular expression contains s Modifier or not.
function dotAll_prop() { let regex = new RegExp(/[a-d]/, 's' ); console.log(regex.dotAll) } dotAll_prop(); |
Example 2: This example checks if the regular expression contains s Modifier or not.
function dotAll_prop() { let regex = new RegExp(/[a-d]/); if (regex.ignoreCase) { console.log( "i Modifier is present" ); } else { console.log( "i Modifier is absent" ); } } dotAll_prop(); |
i Modifier is absent
Supported Browsers:
- Chrome 62
- Edge 79
- Firefox 78
- Opera 49
- Safari 11.1
We have a complete list of JavaScript RegExp expressions, to check those please go through this JavaScript RegExp Reference article.