The java.lang.Math.toRadians() is used to convert an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.
Note: The conversion from degrees to radian is generally inexact.
public static double toRadians(double deg) Parameter: deg : This parameter is an angle in degrees which we want to convert in radians. Return : This method returns the measurement of the angle deg in radians.
Example: To show working of java.lang.Math.toRadians() method.
// Java program to demonstrate working // of java.lang.Math.toRadians() method import java.lang.Math; class Gfg { // driver code public static void main(String args[]) { // converting PI from degree to radian double deg = 180.0 ; System.out.println(Math.toRadians(deg)); // converting PI/2 from degree to radian deg = 90.0 ; System.out.println(Math.toRadians(deg)); // converting PI/4 from degree to radian deg = 45.0 ; System.out.println(Math.toRadians(deg)); } } |
3.141592653589793 1.5707963267948966 0.7853981633974483