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Java Swing | JToolBar

JToolBar is a part of Java Swing package. JToolBar is an implementation of toolbar. The JToolBar is a group of commonly used components such as buttons or drop down menu. 
JToolBar can be dragged to different locations by the user 

Constructors of the class are: 

  1. JToolBar() : creates a new toolbar with horizontal orientation
  2. JToolBar(int o) : creates a new toolbar with specified orientation
  3. JToolBar(String n) : creates a new toolbar with specified name
  4. JToolBar(String n, int o) : creates a new toolbar with specified name and orientation.

Commonly used methods :  

  1. addSeparator() : adds the separator to the end of toolbar
  2. setFloatable(boolean b) : if true is passed then the toolbar can be dragged to other locations or else  not .
  3. setLayout(LayoutManager m) : set layout of the toolbar
  4. setOrientation(int o) : sets the orientation of toolbar
  5. add(Component c) : adds component to the toolbar
  6. getMargin() : returns the margin of the toolbar
  7. setMargin(Insets m) : sets the margin of the toolbar to the insets given
  8. getOrientation() : returns the orientation of the toolbar
  9. updateUI() : Notification from the UIFactory that the Look and feel has changed.
  10. setUI(ToolBarUI u) : Sets the Look and feel object that renders this component.
  11. setRollover(boolean b) : Sets the rollover state of this toolbarto boolean b.
  12. setFloatable(boolean b) :the boolean b decides whether the position of toolbar can be changed or not
  13. setBorderPainted(boolean b): decides whether border should be painted or not.
  14. paintBorder(Graphics g) : paint the toolbar’s border
  15. isRollover() : Returns the rollover state.
  16. isFloatable() : returns the floatable property.
  17. isBorderPainted() : returns whether border is painted or not
  18. getComponentIndex(Component c) : Returns the index of the specified component.
  19. getComponentAtIndex(int i) :Returns the component at the specified index.
  20. addSeparator(Dimension size) :Appends a separator of a specified dimension.
  21. addSeparator() :Appends a separator of default size.
  22. add(Action a) : adds a new JButton that follows the specified action.
  23. paramString() : returns a string representation of this JToolBar.
  24. getUIClassID() : returns the name of the Look and feel class that renders this component.
  25. getAccessibleContext() : gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JToolBar.

The Following programs will illustrate the use of toolbar.
1. Program to create a simple toolbar and add buttons and combobox to it.  


// Java Program to create a simple toolbar and add buttons and combobox to it.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Tool extends JFrame {
    // toolbar
    static JToolBar tb;
    // buttons
    static JButton b1, b2;
    // create a frame
    static JFrame f;
    // create a combo box
    static JComboBox x;
    public static void main()
        // create a frame
        f = new JFrame("Toolbar demo");
        // set layout for frame
        f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        // create a toolbar
        tb = new JToolBar();
        // create a panel
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        // create a combobox
        x = new JComboBox(new String[] { "item 1", "item 2", "item 3" });
        // create new buttons
        b1 = new JButton("button 1");
        b2 = new JButton("button 2");
        // add buttons
        // add menu to menu bar
        // add toolbar to frame
        f.add(tb, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        // set the size of the frame
        f.setSize(500, 500);

Output : 

2. Program to create a toolbar and add action listener to its components . 


// Java Program to create a toolbar and add action listener to its components .
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Tool extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
    // toolbar
    static JToolBar tb;
    // buttons
    static JButton b1, b2;
    // create a frame
    static JFrame f;
    // create a combo box
    static JComboBox x;
    // create a label
    static JLabel l, l1;
    public static void main()
        // create a object of class
        Tool to = new Tool();
        // create a label
        l = new JLabel("nothing selected");
        l1 = new JLabel("nothing selected");
        // create a frame
        f = new JFrame("Toolbar demo");
        // set layout for frame
        f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        // create a toolbar
        tb = new JToolBar();
        // create a panel
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        // create a combobox
        x = new JComboBox(new String[] { "item 1", "item 2", "item 3" });
        // add actionListener
        // create new buttons
        b1 = new JButton("button 1");
        b2 = new JButton("button 2");
        // add ActionListener to it
        // add buttons
        // add menu to menu bar
        // create a panel
        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
        // add toolbar to frame
        f.add(tb, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        f.add(p1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        // set the size of the frame
        f.setSize(500, 500);
    // if button is pressed
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        l.setText(e.getActionCommand() + " selected.");
    // if combo box is selected
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
        l1.setText(x.getSelectedItem() + " selected.");

Output : 

3. Program to create a vertical toolbar and add action listener to its components . 


import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Tool extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
    // toolbar
    static JToolBar tb;
    // buttons
    static JButton b1, b2;
    // create a frame
    static JFrame f;
    // create a combo box
    static JComboBox x;
    // create a label
    static JLabel l, l1;
    public static void main()
        // create a object of class
        Tool to = new Tool();
        // create a label
        l = new JLabel("nothing selected");
        l1 = new JLabel("nothing selected");
        // create a frame
        f = new JFrame("Toolbar demo");
        // set layout for frame
        f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        // create a toolbar
        tb = new JToolBar("toolbar");
        // set orientation
        // create a panel
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        // set layout
        p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
        // create a combobox
        x = new JComboBox(new String[] { "item 1", "item 2", "item 3" });
        // add actionListener
        // create new buttons
        b1 = new JButton("button 1");
        b2 = new JButton("button 2");
        // add ActionListener to it
        // add buttons
        // add menu to menu bar
        // create a panel
        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
        // add toolbar to frame
        f.add(tb, BorderLayout.WEST);
        f.add(p1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        // set the size of the frame
        f.setSize(500, 500);
    // if button is pressed
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        l.setText(e.getActionCommand() + " selected.");
    // if combo box is selected
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
        l1.setText(x.getSelectedItem() + " selected.");

Output : 

Note : The following programs might not run in an online compiler please use an Offline IDE


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