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Java Program to Make a Rollback

Calling a rollback operation undoes all the effects or modifications that have been done by a Transaction(Ti) and terminate the Ti and all the variables get their previous values stored. Rollback is mainly called when you get one or more than one SQL exception in the statements of Transaction(Ti), then the Ti get aborted and start over from the beginning. This is the only way to know what has been committed and what hasn’t been committed. 
A SQL exception just signals out that something is wrong in your statement that you have written but doesn’t mention what and where wrong has been done. So the only option left to you is calling a rollback method.

Procedure: It primarily deals with two steps. First, create a database and then dealing with transactions.

  1. Create a database
  2. Execute the transactions for rollback
    • Import the database
    • Load and register drivers if necessary
    • Create a new connection
    • Create a statement for commit/rollback
    • Execute the query for commit/rollback
    • Process the results
    • Close the connection else previous processing may lose if any.

Step 1: We can also rollback the modifications in the database up to a particular flag or save point by just passing the needed Save points name as a parameter into this below method −

// Set the Flag or Save point 

Step 2. To roll back a transaction: Load the JDBC driver, by using the API method forName(String className) of the Class. In this example, we are using the Oracle

   // To register the needed Driver
   DriverManager.registerDriver(new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver());
  • Get the connection information using the getConnection() API method of the DriverManager:
   // For getting the connection
   String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabase/icpc";
   Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(string url, String user, String password);
  • Disable the auto-commit using the API method of off connection setAutoCommit(boolean auto-commit) method as:
   // Set the auto commit false. This will execute all
   // SQL statements as individual transactions
  • Now, set the save point using the setSavepoint() or, commit the transaction using the API method commit( ) of connection as shown below−
   Savepoint savePoint = con.setSavepoint("MysavePoint");
  • If any SQL exception is found then, in that case, invoke rollback( ) API method for the whole transaction to till the previously set savepoint:
   con.rollback() Or,
   con. rollback(my_Savepoint);

Implementation: Java program to demonstrate both rollback() and commit() program is as follows


// Importing generic java libraries
// Retrieving SQL DB
// javaconnector-linkage for JDBC
import java.sql.*;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Date;
// Importing drivers(if necessarily)
// GFG class only to illustrate JDBC
// not illustrating connection class
class GFG {
    /* Step 1: Importing DB */
    // Database URL so as to create/fetch data from DB
    static String DB_URL
        = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost/my_database_";
    // DB userID
    static String DB_USER = "local";
    // Remember randomly self createdDB password
    // to deal with above DB root
    static String DB_PASSWORD = "test";
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Try block to check exceptions  if occurs
        try {
            /* Step 2: Loading and registering drivers*/
            /* Step 3: Create the new connection */
            Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                DB_URL, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
            // set auto commit of the connection to false
            /* Step 4: Create a statement */
            // Input the info into record
            String sql_
                = "INSERT INTO Employee (empid, empname) VALUES (?, ?)";
            // Create a Statement_object
            PreparedStatement ps
                = conn.prepareStatement(sql_);
            /* Step 5: Execute a query */
            // Take user input
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(;
            while (true) {
                // Asking user to enter data(EmpID)
                System.out.print("Enter emp_Id: ");
                // Reading above user entered EmpID
                String s_1 = br.readLine();
                int empid = Integer.parseInt(s_1);
                // Asking user to enter data(EmpName)
                System.out.print("Enter emp_name: ");
                // Reading above user entered EmpName
                String name = br.readLine();
                // Creating entry in table
                // Set emp_id
                ps.setInt(1, empid);
                // Set emp_name
                ps.setString(2, name);
                // Execute the updation operation
                /* Step 6: Process the results */
                /* Displaying choice what user wants to do
                   with updation, either Commit() or
                   rollback() */
                System.out.println("commit or rollback");
                // Reading choice from user
                String answer = br.readLine();
                /* Asking user's choice for condition
                 * check*/
                /* Checking if users want to commit or
                 * rollback */
                // If user wants to commit
                if (answer.equals("commit")) {
                // If user wants to rollback
                if (answer.equals("rollback")) {
                    // Rollback the update in case if some
                    // flaw in your record
                /* Display message to user for inputing next
                   record if user wants to add */
                    "Do you want to include more records");
                /* Asking choice */
                System.out.println("\n yes/no");
                // Read user's choice
                String answ = br.readLine();
                if (answ.equals("no")) {
            // Print message
                "record is successfully saved");
            /* Step 7: Close the connection */
            // calling commit() before closing connection
            // else updation would be lost
        // Exception handled if occurred by catch block
        catch (Exception exc) {
            // Highlighting line where exception occurred
            // as execution is equal

Output: There are two sample outputs images covering both cases: commit and rollback or simply direct rollback as illustrated in the below outputs. 


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