SocketException is a subclass of IOException so it’s a checked exception. It is the most general exception that signals a problem when trying to open or access a socket. The full exception hierarchy of this error is:
java.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception
As you might already know, it’s strongly advised to use the most specific socket exception class that designates the problem more accurately. It is also worth noting that SocketException, usually comes with an error message that is very informative about the situation that caused the exception.
Implemented Interfaces: Serializable Direct Known Subclasses: BindException, ConnectException, NoRouteToHostException, PortUnreachableException
What is socket programming?
It is a programming concept that makes use of sockets to establish connections and enables multiple programs to interact with each other using a network. Sockets provide an interface to establish communication using the network protocol stack and enable programs to share messages over the network. Sockets are endpoints in network communications. A socket server is usually a multi-threaded server that can accept socket connection requests. A socket client is a program/process that initiates a socket communication request. Connection reset
This SocketException occurs on the server-side when the client closed the socket connection before the response could be returned over the socket. For example, by quitting the browser before the response was retrieved. Connection reset simply means that a TCP RST was received. TCP RST packet is that the remote side telling you the connection on which the previous TCP packet is sent is not recognized, maybe the connection has closed, maybe the port is not open, and something like these. A reset packet is simply one with no payload and with the RST bit set in the TCP header flags.
Now as of implementation it is clear that we need two programs one handling the client and the other handling the server. They are as follows:
Example 1: Server-side
// Java Program to Illustrate SocketException // Server Side App // Importing required classes import; import; import; import; import; import; // Main class public class SimpleServerApp { // Main driver method public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { new Thread( new SimpleServer()).start(); } static class SimpleServer implements Runnable { // run() method for thread @Override public void run() { ServerSocket serverSocket = null ; // Try block to check for exceptions try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket( 3333 ); serverSocket.setSoTimeout( 0 ); // Till condition holds true while ( true ) { try { Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); // Creating an object of // BufferedReader class BufferedReader inputReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( clientSocket .getInputStream())); System.out.println( "Client said :" + inputReader.readLine()); } // Handling the exception catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // Print the exception along with // line number e.printStackTrace(); } } } // Catch block to handle the exceptions catch (IOException e1) { // Display the line where exception occurs e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (serverSocket != null ) { serverSocket.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } |
Example 2: Client-side
// Java Program to Illustrate SocketException // Client Side App // Importing required classes import; import; import; import; import; // Class 1 // Main class public class SimpleClientApp { // Main driver method public static void main(String[] args) { // Calling inside main() new Thread( new SimpleClient()).start(); } // Class 2 // Helper class static class SimpleClient implements Runnable { // run() method for the thread @Override public void run() { // Initially assign null to our socket to be // used Socket socket = null ; // Try block to e=check for exceptions try { socket = new Socket( "localhost" , 3333 ); // Creating an object of PrintWriter class PrintWriter outWriter = new PrintWriter( socket.getOutputStream(), true ); // Display message System.out.println( "Wait" ); // making thread to sleep for 1500 // nanoseconds Thread.sleep( 15000 ); // Display message outWriter.println( "Hello Mr. Server!" ); } // Catch block to handle the exceptions // Catch block 1 catch (SocketException e) { // Display the line number where exception // occurred using printStackTrace() method e.printStackTrace(); } // Catch block 2 catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Catch block 3 catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Catch block 4 catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { // If socket goes NULL if (socket != null ) // Close the socket socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } |
Output: Connection reset
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(
at com.javacodegeeks.core.lang.NumberFormatExceptionExample.SimpleServerApp$
Now in order to get rid off of the to get proper output then it can be perceived via as if you are a client and getting this error while connecting to the server-side application then append the following changes as follows:
- First, check if the Server is running by doing telnet on the host port on which the server runs.
- Check if the server was restarted
- Check if the server failed over to a different host
- log the error
- Report the problem to the server team
Note: In most cases, you will find that either server is not running or restarted manually or automatically.