One of the things we just can’t help but notice about the Home Screen is the fact that each individual app icon sports its own label — typically designating the respective app’s name.
Apple doesn’t provide users with much customization when it comes to the Home Screen’s app icon labels. The only arguable exceptions are that the icon labels may switch between black and white depending on the color of the Home Screen’s wallpaper and that users may embolden the app icon labels by enabling bold text system-wide.
Those searching for an slicker app icon label personalization experience than Apple provides out of the box will be pleasantly surprised by the likes of a newly released jailbreak tweak called Labels+ by iOS developer Sirius24, as it empowers users to customize a bevy of label-centric parameters that can make even the blandest Home Screen stand out from a crowd of stock iPhone users.
In the screenshot examples above, you’ll see that Labels+ offers a lot of different options for changing the look and feel of your handset’s Home Screen app icon labels. Whether you’re trying to position the labels somewhere other than below the icon, change the text color, or add a solid or gradient background to each label, this tweak offers a little bit of something for everyone.
Once installed, Labels+ adds the following preference pane to the Settings app:
Here, users will be able to configure Labels+ to their liking, such as:
- Toggle Labels+ on or off on demand
- Choose a custom app icon label color
- Toggle label notification animations on or off on demand
- Choose a label notification animation:
- Blink
- Fade
- Hide notification badges when the app icon label animates
- Toggle label background colors on or off on demand
- Choose a label background color for Home Screen apps
- Choose a label background color for foldered apps
- Enable or disable an adaptive background color
- Enable or disable a clear background
- Adjust the corner radius of the background color
- Toggle label borders on or off on demand
- Choose a label border color for Home Screen apps
- Choose a label border color for foldered apps
- Enable or disable adaptive borders
- Adjust the width of the borders
- Choose a position for your app icon labels:
- Bottom
- Top
- Left
- Right
- Toggle label glows on or off on demand
- Configure a glow color for your icon labels
- Adjust the glow radius
The developer provides an Apply button at the top right of the preference pane, and it’s recommended that you use it after making any changes to the list of options to ensure that they’re appended. Without doing so, options may not be saved.
While app icon label customization won’t be for everyone, it can be an effective way for those fancying a unique Home Screen appearance to achieve their ideal appearance. The tweak also plays nicely with other Home Screen-modding tweaks.
Those interested in giving Labels+ a try can download the tweak for free from sirius247’s repository via their favorite package manager. Labels+ supports jailbroken iOS 12, 13, and 14 devices.
Anyone who isn’t already taking advantage of sirius247’s repository can add it to their package manager app of choice by using the URL provided below:
Do you plan to give Labels+ a try? Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.