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HomeLanguagesIntroduction to Python for Absolute Beginners

Introduction to Python for Absolute Beginners

Are you a beginner planning to start your career in the competitive world of Programming? Looking resources for Python as an Absolute Beginner? You are at the perfect place. This Python for Beginners page revolves around Step by Step tutorial for learning Python Programming language from very basics to advanced.
Python is a high-level programming language and is widely being used among the developers’ community. Python was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code. Python is a programming language that lets developers work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.

Why learn Python as an absolute beginner ?

Before exploring Python’s basics, data types and other features, let us explore why you should learn Python and how it has made its place in industry.

Applications :
1) GUI based desktop applications(Games, Science)
2) Web frameworks and applications
3) Enterprise and Business applications
4) Operating Systems
5) Language Development
6) Prototyping

Organizations using Python Language :
1) Google(Components of Google spider and Search Engine)
2) Yahoo(Maps)
3) YouTube
4) Mozilla
5) Dropbox
6) Microsoft


Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the early 1990s and its latest version is 3.7.1, we can simply call it as Python3. Python 3.0 was released in 2008. and is interpreted language i.e it’s not compiled and the interpreter will check the code line by line. These articles can used to learn very basics of Python programming language.


Developers often have a need to interact with users, either to get data or to provide some sort of result. Most programs today use a dialog box as a way of asking the user to provide some type of input. While Python provides us with two inbuilt functions to read the input from the keyboard.

raw_input ( prompt )
input ( prompt )

Data Types

Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data. Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are actually classes and variables are instance (object) of these classes.


Python is not “statically typed”. We do not need to declare variables before using them, or declare their type. A variable is created the moment we first assign a value to it.


Python has all variety of operators ranging from arithmetic and relational to logical operators. Checkout operators here –

Control Flow

Python programming language provides following types of control flow statements to handle looping requirements.


A function is a set of statements that take inputs, do some specific computation and produces output. The idea is to put some commonly or repeatedly done task together and make a function, so that instead of writing the same code again and again for different inputs, we can call the function.
Python provides built-in functions like print(), etc. but we can also create your own functions. These functions are called user-defined functions.


Python is used in industry for different purposes, for machine learning, for developing web and android applications and much more. Here is a list of applications one can use with tutorials and projects for learning advance python –


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