The getNano() method of Instant class is used to return the number of nanoseconds later in the time-line represented in this instant, from the start of the second. The nanosecond-of-second value which measures the total number of nanoseconds from the second value returned by getEpochSecond(). Syntax:
public int getNano()
Returns: This method returns the nanoseconds within the second value which is always positive and never exceeds 999, 999, 999. Below programs illustrate the getNano() method: Program 1:
// Java program to demonstrate // Instant.getNano() method import java.time.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // create a Instant object Instant instant = Instant.parse(" 2018 - 12 -30T19: 34 : 50 .63Z"); // get nano second of secondvalue // using getNano() int value = instant.getNano(); // print result System.out.println("nanoseconds value: " + value); } } |
nanoseconds value: 630000000
Program 2:
// Java program to demonstrate // Instant.getNano() method import java.time.*; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // create a Instant object Instant instant =; // current Instant System.out.println("Current Instant:" + instant); // get nano second of secondvalue // using getNano() int value = instant.getNano(); // print result System.out.println("nanoseconds value: " + value); } } |
Current Instant:2018-11-27T04:21:27.029Z nanoseconds value: 29000000