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HomeData Modelling & AIInstall MongoDB Compass on CentOS 7|8 & Rocky Linux 8

Install MongoDB Compass on CentOS 7|8 & Rocky Linux 8

MongoDB is a general-purpose, object-oriented, and dynamic NoSQL database server used in developing modern dynamic apps. In MongoDB, data objects are stored as separate documents in a collection unlike in traditional relational databases where rows and columns are used. It offers both the Community version which is free for download and the Enterprise version which is part of the Mongo Advanced subscription and has more features including; LDAP, Kerberos e.t.c

MongoDB Compass is the official GUI tool for MongoDB that aids in creating, reading, updating, and deleting databases graphically. This eliminates the need of running Mongo commands for every task. It allows one to explore data, run queries and interact with the database with full CRUD functionality. MongoDB is a much better alternative for the Mongo Shell since you can do all the operations done in the shell and more such as:

  • Get real-time server statistics.
  • Manage indexes.
  • Its extendable via plugins
  • Visualize and explore data stored in the database.
  • Understand performance issues with visual explain plans
  • Validate data with JSON schema validation rules.

With the above knowledge, we are set to begin this guide on how to install and use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8.

Step 1: Download MongoDB Compass

Unlike MongoDB Database, the MongoDB compass is not available in the base repository of CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8 therefore we have to download it from the official website. This is done by visiting the Compass official download page and select the platform on the right side as shown below.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8

For CentOS | Rocky Linux installation, we will select the RedHat package and download the .rpm file.

Alternatively, you can download the stable version of MongoDB compass on CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8 using Wget as below. First, you need to have Wget installed on your system.

sudo apt install wget

Then proceed and download MongoDB compass as below. By the time of documenting this guide, the latest stable version was 1.28.1 download it as below.

cd Downloads

In case you want to download another version of MongoDB Compass, copy the download link on the official page and use Wget as above.

Step 2: Install MongoDB Compass on CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8

On CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8 launch the terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the .rpm file. If you used a browser, your download will go to the Downloads directory. Navigate to the directory and you should see the file below

$ ls

Now install MongoDB Compass with yum on CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8 Using the below command.

sudo yum localinstall mongodb-compass-*.x86_64.rpm

Dependency Tree:

Dependencies resolved.
 Package                     Arch    Version                Repository     Size
 mongodb-compass             x86_64  1.28.1-1.el7           @commandline  100 M
Installing dependencies:
 libXScrnSaver               x86_64  1.2.3-1.el8            appstream      30 k
 mailx                       x86_64  12.5-29.el8            baseos        256 k
 ncurses-compat-libs         x86_64  6.1-7.20180224.el8.1   baseos        327 k
 postfix                     x86_64  2:3.5.8-1.el8          baseos        1.5 M
 redhat-lsb-core             x86_64  4.1-47.el8             appstream      44 k
 redhat-lsb-submod-security  x86_64  4.1-47.el8             appstream      21 k
 spax                        x86_64  1.5.3-13.el8           baseos        215 k

Transaction Summary
Install  8 Packages

Total size: 103 M
Total download size: 2.4 M
Installed size: 455 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

Step 3: Run MongoDB Compass

To run MongoDB compass, navigate to the App Menu and launch it. It appears as below.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 1

With MongoDB compass launched, plugins will be loaded as shown.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 1 1

When plugins are loaded successfully, you will see this welcome window.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 3

Step 4: Connect to a MongoDB Database

If you have a MongoDB instance installed on your system, you can connect to it by clicking connect as shown below.

Alternatively, create a database using this guide Install MongoDB 5 on CentOS 8/7 & RHEL 8/7

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 10
Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 5

You will be connected to the existing database on your system.

Step 5: Connect to a Remote Database Instance

If you want to connect to a remote database instance, click on “Fill in connection fields individually“. In the Hostname segment, you can connect to the localhost database or the remote system by entering its hostname.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 11

When done, click on connect. You should see your database as below.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 9

Step 6: Create database using MongoDB Compass

While connected to a database, you can easily create and edit a database. In this database, let us create a database with the name mongotestdb and a collection with the name “user details“. Click on create database while on the above page

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 13

Click on “Create Database” and you should see your database appear as below.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 14

Now we go into the database by clicking on it.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 16

In our created collection, we will try and add data to it. First, click on it to open.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 15

While on the above page, you can manually add the data or import data from your documents, normally a JSON or CSV file. Browse and load it, then select the type of file uploaded and click import.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 17

To create a file manually, click on “Add data” and select “Insert Document” on the drop-down list shown.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 18

You will enter details for your collection in the area paste one or more documents. Leave the Id as it is and click insert.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 21

You should have your collection added.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 20

Step 7: Drop a database in MongoDB Compass.

You can easily delete a database in MongoDB compass by navigating to the database on the left and click drop database as shown

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 23

Exit, disconnect from an instance in MongoDB compass by clicking on the connect button on the far left corner and select disconnect as shown.

Install and Use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 87 Rocky Linux 8 25


We have come to the end of this guide on how to install and use MongoDB Compass on CentOS 8/7 | Rocky Linux 8. We have seen how MongoDB compass aids one to easily create, edit and delete a database without using the shell commands. I hope this guide was helpful.

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