Thursday, July 4, 2024

In-Place Merge Sort

Implement Merge Sort i.e. standard implementation keeping the sorting algorithm as in-place. 
In-place means it does not occupy extra memory for merge operation as in the standard case.


Input: arr[] = {2, 3, 4, 1} 
Output: 1 2 3 4

Input: arr[] = {56, 2, 45} 
Output: 2 45 56 

Approach 1:

  • Maintain two pointers that point to the start of the segments which have to be merged.
  • Compare the elements at which the pointers are present.
  • If element1 < element2 then element1 is at right position, simply increase pointer1.
  • Else shift all the elements between element1 and element2(including element1 but excluding element2) right by 1 and then place the element2 in the previous place(i.e. before shifting right) of element1. Increment all the pointers by 1.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program in-place Merge Sort
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
// Inplace Implementation
void merge(int arr[], int start, int mid, int end)
    int start2 = mid + 1;
    // If the direct merge is already sorted
    if (arr[mid] <= arr[start2]) {
    // Two pointers to maintain start
    // of both arrays to merge
    while (start <= mid && start2 <= end) {
        // If element 1 is in right place
        if (arr[start] <= arr[start2]) {
        else {
            int value = arr[start2];
            int index = start2;
            // Shift all the elements between element 1
            // element 2, right by 1.
            while (index != start) {
                arr[index] = arr[index - 1];
            arr[start] = value;
            // Update all the pointers
/* l is for left index and r is right index of the
   sub-array of arr to be sorted */
void mergeSort(int arr[], int l, int r)
    if (l < r) {
        // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        // for large l and r
        int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
        // Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m);
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
        merge(arr, l, m, r);
/* Function to print an array */
void printArray(int A[], int size)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        cout <<" "<< A[i];
    cout <<"\n";
/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
    int arr[] = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
    int arr_size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1);
    printArray(arr, arr_size);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by shivanisinghss2110


// C++ program in-place Merge Sort
#include <stdio.h>
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
// Inplace Implementation
void merge(int arr[], int start, int mid, int end)
    int start2 = mid + 1;
    // If the direct merge is already sorted
    if (arr[mid] <= arr[start2]) {
    // Two pointers to maintain start
    // of both arrays to merge
    while (start <= mid && start2 <= end) {
        // If element 1 is in right place
        if (arr[start] <= arr[start2]) {
        else {
            int value = arr[start2];
            int index = start2;
            // Shift all the elements between element 1
            // element 2, right by 1.
            while (index != start) {
                arr[index] = arr[index - 1];
            arr[start] = value;
            // Update all the pointers
/* l is for left index and r is right index of the
   sub-array of arr to be sorted */
void mergeSort(int arr[], int l, int r)
    if (l < r) {
        // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        // for large l and r
        int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
        // Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m);
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
        merge(arr, l, m, r);
/* Function to print an array */
void printArray(int A[], int size)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        printf("%d ", A[i]);
/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
    int arr[] = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
    int arr_size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1);
    printArray(arr, arr_size);
    return 0;


// Java program in-place Merge Sort
public class GFG {
    // Merges two subarrays of arr[].
    // First subarray is arr[l..m]
    // Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
    // Inplace Implementation
    static void merge(int arr[], int start, int mid,
                      int end)
        int start2 = mid + 1;
        // If the direct merge is already sorted
        if (arr[mid] <= arr[start2]) {
        // Two pointers to maintain start
        // of both arrays to merge
        while (start <= mid && start2 <= end) {
            // If element 1 is in right place
            if (arr[start] <= arr[start2]) {
            else {
                int value = arr[start2];
                int index = start2;
                // Shift all the elements between element 1
                // element 2, right by 1.
                while (index != start) {
                    arr[index] = arr[index - 1];
                arr[start] = value;
                // Update all the pointers
    /* l is for left index and r is right index of the
       sub-array of arr to be sorted */
    static void mergeSort(int arr[], int l, int r)
        if (l < r) {
            // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
            // for large l and r
            int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
            // Sort first and second halves
            mergeSort(arr, l, m);
            mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
            merge(arr, l, m, r);
    /* Function to print an array */
    static void printArray(int A[], int size)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            System.out.print(A[i] + " ");
    /* Driver program to test above functions */
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int arr[] = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
        int arr_size = arr.length;
        mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1);
        printArray(arr, arr_size);
    // This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1


# Python program in-place Merge Sort
# Merges two subarrays of arr.
# First subarray is arr[l..m]
# Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
# Inplace Implementation
def merge(arr, start, mid, end):
    start2 = mid + 1
    # If the direct merge is already sorted
    if (arr[mid] <= arr[start2]):
    # Two pointers to maintain start
    # of both arrays to merge
    while (start <= mid and start2 <= end):
        # If element 1 is in right place
        if (arr[start] <= arr[start2]):
            start += 1
            value = arr[start2]
            index = start2
            # Shift all the elements between element 1
            # element 2, right by 1.
            while (index != start):
                arr[index] = arr[index - 1]
                index -= 1
            arr[start] = value
            # Update all the pointers
            start += 1
            mid += 1
            start2 += 1
* l is for left index and r is right index of
the sub-array of arr to be sorted
def mergeSort(arr, l, r):
    if (l < r):
        # Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        # for large l and r
        m = l + (r - l) // 2
        # Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m)
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r)
        merge(arr, l, m, r)
''' Function to print an array '''
def printArray(A, size):
    for i in range(size):
        print(A[i], end=" ")
''' Driver program to test above functions '''
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7]
    arr_size = len(arr)
    mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1)
    printArray(arr, arr_size)
# This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// C# program in-place Merge Sort
// sum.
using System;
class GFG {
    // Merges two subarrays of arr[].
    // First subarray is arr[l..m]
    // Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
    // Inplace Implementation
    static void merge(int[] arr, int start, int mid,
                      int end)
        int start2 = mid + 1;
        // If the direct merge is already sorted
        if (arr[mid] <= arr[start2]) {
        // Two pointers to maintain start
        // of both arrays to merge
        while (start <= mid && start2 <= end) {
            // If element 1 is in right place
            if (arr[start] <= arr[start2]) {
            else {
                int value = arr[start2];
                int index = start2;
                // Shift all the elements between element 1
                // element 2, right by 1.
                while (index != start) {
                    arr[index] = arr[index - 1];
                arr[start] = value;
                // Update all the pointers
    /* l is for left index and r is right index of the
    sub-array of arr to be sorted */
    static void mergeSort(int[] arr, int l, int r)
        if (l < r) {
            // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
            // for large l and r
            int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
            // Sort first and second halves
            mergeSort(arr, l, m);
            mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
            merge(arr, l, m, r);
    /* Function to print an array */
    static void printArray(int[] A, int size)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            Console.Write(A[i] + " ");
    /* Driver code */
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] arr = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
        int arr_size = arr.Length;
        mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1);
        printArray(arr, arr_size);
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh


// Javascript program in-place Merge Sort
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
// Inplace Implementation
function merge(arr, start, mid, end)
    let start2 = mid + 1;
    // If the direct merge is already sorted
    if (arr[mid] <= arr[start2])
    // Two pointers to maintain start
    // of both arrays to merge
    while (start <= mid && start2 <= end)
        // If element 1 is in right place
        if (arr[start] <= arr[start2])
            let value = arr[start2];
            let index = start2;
            // Shift all the elements between element 1
            // element 2, right by 1.
            while (index != start)
                arr[index] = arr[index - 1];
            arr[start] = value;
            // Update all the pointers
/* l is for left index and r is right index
of the sub-array of arr to be sorted */
function mergeSort(arr, l, r)
    if (l < r)
        // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        // for large l and r
        let m = l + Math.floor((r - l) / 2);
        // Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m);
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
        merge(arr, l, m, r);
/* Function to print an array */
function printArray(A, size)
    let i;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
        document.write(A[i] + " ");
// Driver code
let arr = [ 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 ];
let arr_size = arr.length;
mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1);
printArray(arr, arr_size);
// This code is contributed by rag2127


5 6 7 11 12 13 

Note: Time Complexity of above approach is O(n2 * log(n)) because merge is O(n2). Time complexity of standard merge sort is less, O(n Log n).

Approach 2: The idea: We start comparing elements that are far from each other rather than adjacent. Basically we are using shell sorting to merge two sorted arrays with O(1) extra space.


  • Calculate mid two split the array in two halves(left sub-array and right sub-array)
  • Recursively call merge sort on left sub-array and right sub-array to sort them
  • Call merge function to merge left sub-array and right sub-array


  • For every pass, we calculate the gap and compare the elements towards the right of the gap.
  • Initiate the gap with ceiling value of n/2 where n is the combined length of left and right sub-array.
  • Every pass, the gap reduces to the ceiling value of gap/2.
  • Take a pointer i to pass the array.
  • Swap the ith and (i+gap)th elements if (i+gap)th element is smaller than(or greater than when sorting in decreasing order) ith element.
  • Stop when (i+gap) reaches n.

Input: 10, 30, 14, 11, 16, 7, 28

Note: Assume left and right subarrays has been sorted so we are merging sorted subarrays [10, 14, 30] and [7, 11, 16, 28]

Start with

gap =  ceiling of n/2 = 7/2 = 4

[This gap is for whole merged array]

10, 14, 30, 7, 11, 16, 28

10, 14, 30, 7, 11, 16, 28

10, 14, 30, 7, 11, 16, 28

10, 14, 28, 7, 11, 16, 30

gap =  ceiling of 4/2 = 2

10, 14, 28, 7, 11, 16, 30

10, 14, 28, 7, 11, 16, 30

10, 7, 28, 14, 11, 16, 30

10, 7, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30

10, 7, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30


gap =  ceiling of 2/2 = 1

10, 7, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30

7, 10, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30

7, 10, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30

7, 10, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30

7, 10, 11, 14, 28, 16, 30

7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 28, 30


Output: 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 28, 30

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Calculating next gap
int nextGap(int gap)
    if (gap <= 1)
        return 0;
    return (int)ceil(gap / 2.0);
// Function for swapping
void swap(int nums[], int i, int j)
    int temp = nums[i];
    nums[i] = nums[j];
    nums[j] = temp;
// Merging the subarrays using shell sorting
// Time Complexity: O(nlog n)
// Space Complexity: O(1)
void inPlaceMerge(int nums[], int start,
                              int end)
    int gap = end - start + 1;
    for(gap = nextGap(gap);
        gap > 0; gap = nextGap(gap))
        for(int i = start; i + gap <= end; i++)
            int j = i + gap;
            if (nums[i] > nums[j])
                swap(nums, i, j);
// merge sort makes log n recursive calls
// and each time calls merge()
// which takes nlog n steps
// Time Complexity: O(n*log n + 2((n/2)*log(n/2)) +
// 4((n/4)*log(n/4)) +.....+ 1)
// Time Complexity: O(logn*(n*log n))
// i.e. O(n*(logn)^2)
// Space Complexity: O(1)
void mergeSort(int nums[], int s, int e)
    if (s == e)
    // Calculating mid to slice the
    // array in two halves
    int mid = (s + e) / 2;
    // Recursive calls to sort left
    // and right subarrays
    mergeSort(nums, s, mid);
    mergeSort(nums, mid + 1, e);
    inPlaceMerge(nums, s, e);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int nums[] = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
    int nums_size = sizeof(nums) / sizeof(nums[0]);
    mergeSort(nums, 0, nums_size-1);
    for(int i = 0; i < nums_size; i++)
        cout << nums[i] << " ";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by adityapande88


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class InPlaceMerge {
    // Calculating next gap
    private static int nextGap(int gap)
        if (gap <= 1)
            return 0;
        return (int)Math.ceil(gap / 2.0);
    // Function for swapping
    private static void swap(int[] nums, int i, int j)
        int temp = nums[i];
        nums[i] = nums[j];
        nums[j] = temp;
    // Merging the subarrays using shell sorting
    // Time Complexity: O(nlog n)
    // Space Complexity: O(1)
    private static void inPlaceMerge(int[] nums, int start,
                                     int end)
        int gap = end - start + 1;
        for (gap = nextGap(gap); gap > 0;
             gap = nextGap(gap)) {
            for (int i = start; i + gap <= end; i++) {
                int j = i + gap;
                if (nums[i] > nums[j])
                    swap(nums, i, j);
    // merge sort makes log n recursive calls
    // and each time calls merge()
    // which takes nlog n steps
    // Time Complexity: O(n*log n + 2((n/2)*log(n/2)) +
    // 4((n/4)*log(n/4)) +.....+ 1)
    // Time Complexity: O(logn*(n*log n))
    // i.e. O(n*(logn)^2)
    // Space Complexity: O(1)
    private static void mergeSort(int[] nums, int s, int e)
        if (s == e)
        // Calculating mid to slice the
        // array in two halves
        int mid = (s + e) / 2;
        // Recursive calls to sort left
        // and right subarrays
        mergeSort(nums, s, mid);
        mergeSort(nums, mid + 1, e);
        inPlaceMerge(nums, s, e);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] nums = new int[] { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
        mergeSort(nums, 0, nums.length - 1);


# Python3 program for the above approach
import math  
# Calculating next gap
def nextGap(gap):
    if gap <= 1:
        return 0
    return int(math.ceil(gap / 2))
# Function for swapping
def swap(nums, i, j):
    temp = nums[i]
    nums[i] = nums[j]
    nums[j] = temp
# Merging the subarrays using shell sorting
# Time Complexity: O(nlog n)
# Space Complexity: O(1)
def inPlaceMerge(nums,start, end):
    gap = end - start + 1
    gap = nextGap(gap)
    while gap > 0:
        i = start
        while (i + gap) <= end:
            j = i + gap
            if nums[i] > nums[j]:
                swap(nums, i, j)
            i += 1
        gap = nextGap(gap)
# merge sort makes log n recursive calls
# and each time calls merge()
# which takes nlog n steps
# Time Complexity: O(n*log n + 2((n/2)*log(n/2)) +
# 4((n/4)*log(n/4)) +.....+ 1)
# Time Complexity: O(logn*(n*log n))
# i.e. O(n*(logn)^2)
# Space Complexity: O(1)
def mergeSort(nums, s, e):
    if s == e:
    # Calculating mid to slice the
    # array in two halves
    mid = (s + e) // 2
    # Recursive calls to sort left
    # and right subarrays
    mergeSort(nums, s, mid)
    mergeSort(nums, mid + 1, e)
    inPlaceMerge(nums, s, e)
# Function to print an array
def printArray(A, size):
    for i in range(size):
        print(A[i], end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [ 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 ]
    arr_size = len(arr)
    mergeSort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1)
    printArray(arr, arr_size)
# This code is contributed by adityapande88


// C# program for the above approach
// Include namespace system
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
public class InPlaceMerge
  // Calculating next gap
  private static int nextGap(int gap)
    if (gap <= 1) {
      return 0;
    return (int)Math.Ceiling(gap / 2.0);
  // Function for swapping
  private static void swap(int[] nums, int i, int j)
    var temp = nums[i];
    nums[i] = nums[j];
    nums[j] = temp;
  // Merging the subarrays using shell sorting
  // Time Complexity: O(nlog n)
  // Space Complexity: O(1)
  private static void inPlaceMerge(int[] nums, int start,
                                   int end)
    var gap = end - start + 1;
    for (gap = InPlaceMerge.nextGap(gap); gap > 0;
         gap = InPlaceMerge.nextGap(gap)) {
      for (int i = start; i + gap <= end; i++) {
        var j = i + gap;
        if (nums[i] > nums[j]) {
          InPlaceMerge.swap(nums, i, j);
  // merge sort makes log n recursive calls
  // and each time calls merge()
  // which takes nlog n steps
  // Time Complexity: O(n*log n + 2((n/2)*log(n/2)) +
  // 4((n/4)*log(n/4)) +.....+ 1)
  // Time Complexity: O(logn*(n*log n))
  // i.e. O(n*(logn)^2)
  // Space Complexity: O(1)
  private static void mergeSort(int[] nums, int s, int e)
    if (s == e) {
    // Calculating mid to slice the
    // array in two halves
    var mid = (int)((s + e) / 2);
    // Recursive calls to sort left
    // and right subarrays
    InPlaceMerge.mergeSort(nums, s, mid);
    InPlaceMerge.mergeSort(nums, mid + 1, e);
    InPlaceMerge.inPlaceMerge(nums, s, e);
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    int[] nums = new int[] { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
    InPlaceMerge.mergeSort(nums, 0, nums.Length - 1);
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", nums));
// This code is contributed by mukulsomukesh


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Calculating next gap
function nextGap(gap)
    if (gap <= 1)
            return 0;
        return Math.floor(Math.ceil(gap / 2.0));
// Function for swapping
function swap(nums,i,j)
    let temp = nums[i];
        nums[i] = nums[j];
        nums[j] = temp;
// Merging the subarrays using shell sorting
    // Time Complexity: O(nlog n)
    // Space Complexity: O(1)
function inPlaceMerge(nums,start,end)
    let gap = end - start + 1;
        for (gap = nextGap(gap); gap > 0;
             gap = nextGap(gap)) {
            for (let i = start; i + gap <= end; i++) {
                let j = i + gap;
                if (nums[i] > nums[j])
                    swap(nums, i, j);
// merge sort makes log n recursive calls
    // and each time calls merge()
    // which takes nlog n steps
    // Time Complexity: O(n*log n + 2((n/2)*log(n/2)) +
    // 4((n/4)*log(n/4)) +.....+ 1)
    // Time Complexity: O(logn*(n*log n))
    // i.e. O(n*(logn)^2)
    // Space Complexity: O(1)
function mergeSort(nums,s,e)
    if (s == e)
        // Calculating mid to slice the
        // array in two halves
        let mid = Math.floor((s + e) / 2);
        // Recursive calls to sort left
        // and right subarrays
        mergeSort(nums, s, mid);
        mergeSort(nums, mid + 1, e);
        inPlaceMerge(nums, s, e);
// Driver Code
let nums=[12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 ];
mergeSort(nums, 0, nums.length - 1);
document.write((nums).join(" "));
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


5 6 7 11 12 13 

Time Complexity: O(log n*nlog n)

Note: mergeSort method makes log n recursive calls and each time merge is called which takes n log n time to merge 2 sorted sub-arrays

Approach 3: Here we use the below technique:

Suppose we have a number A and we want to  
convert it to a number B and there is also a  
constraint that we can recover number A any  
time without using other variable.To achieve  
this we choose a number N which is greater  
than both numbers and add B*N in A.
so A --> A+B*N

To get number B out of (A+B*N)  
we divide (A+B*N) by N (A+B*N)/N = B.

To get number A out of (A+B*N)  
we take modulo with N (A+B*N)%N = A.

-> In short by taking modulo  
we get old number back and taking divide  
we new number.


  • Calculate mid two split the array into two halves(left sub-array and right sub-array)
  • Recursively call merge sort on left sub-array and right sub-array to sort them
  • Call merge function to merge left sub-array and right sub-array


  • We first find the maximum element of both sub-array and increment it one to avoid collision of 0 and maximum element during modulo operation.
  • The idea is to traverse both sub-arrays from starting simultaneously. One starts from l till m and another starts from m+1 till r. So, We will initialize 3 pointers say i, j, k.
  • i will move from l till m; j will move from m+1 till r; k will move from l till r.
  • Now update value a[k] by adding min(a[i],a[j])*maximum_element.
  • Then also update those elements which are left in both sub-arrays.
  • After updating all the elements divide all the elements by maximum_element so we get the updated array back.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program in-place Merge Sort
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
// Inplace Implementation
void mergeInPlace(int a[], int l, int m, int r)
    // increment the maximum_element by one to avoid
    // collision of 0 and maximum element of array in modulo
    // operation
    int mx = max(a[m], a[r]) + 1;
    int i = l, j = m + 1, k = l;
    while (i <= m && j <= r && k <= r) {
        // recover back original element to compare
        int e1 = a[i] % mx;
        int e2 = a[j] % mx;
        if (e1 <= e2) {
            a[k] += (e1 * mx);
        else {
            a[k] += (e2 * mx);
    // process those elements which are left in the array
    while (i <= m) {
        int el = a[i] % mx;
        a[k] += (el * mx);
    while (j <= r) {
        int el = a[j] % mx;
        a[k] += (el * mx);
    // finally update elements by dividing with maximum
    // element
    for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)
        a[i] /= mx;
/* l is for left index and r is right index of the
   sub-array of arr to be sorted */
void mergeSort(int arr[], int l, int r)
    if (l < r) {
        // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        // for large l and r
        int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
        // Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m);
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
        mergeInPlace(arr, l, m, r);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int nums[] = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
    int nums_size = sizeof(nums) / sizeof(nums[0]);
    mergeSort(nums, 0, nums_size - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < nums_size; i++) {
        cout << nums[i] << " ";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by soham11806959


// Java program in-place Merge Sort
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
// Inplace Implementation
private static void mergeInPlace(int a[], int l, int m, int r)
    // increment the maximum_element by one to avoid
    // collision of 0 and maximum element of array in modulo
    // operation
    int mx = Math.max(a[m], a[r]) + 1;
    int i = l, j = m + 1, k = l;
    while (i <= m && j <= r && k <= r) {
        // recover back original element to compare
        int e1 = a[i] % mx;
        int e2 = a[j] % mx;
        if (e1 <= e2) {
            a[k] += (e1 * mx);
        else {
            a[k] += (e2 * mx);
    // process those elements which are left in the array
    while (i <= m) {
        int el = a[i] % mx;
        a[k] += (el * mx);
    while (j <= r) {
        int el = a[j] % mx;
        a[k] += (el * mx);
    // finally update elements by dividing with maximum
    // element
    for (i = l; i <= r; i++)
        a[i] /= mx;
/* l is for left index and r is right index of the
   sub-array of arr to be sorted */
private static void mergeSort(int arr[], int l, int r)
    if (l < r) {
        // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        // for large l and r
        int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
        // Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m);
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
        mergeInPlace(arr, l, m, r);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int nums[] = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
        int nums_size = nums.length;
        mergeSort(nums, 0, nums_size - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < nums_size; i++) {
        System.out.print(nums[i]+" ");
// This code is contributed by Pushpesh Raj


// JS Code
// Merges two subarrays of arr[].
// First subarray is arr[l..m]
// Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
// Inplace Implementation
function mergeInPlace(a, l, m, r) {
    // increment the maximum_element by one to avoid
    // collision of 0 and maximum element of array in modulo
    // operation
    let mx = Math.max(a[m], a[r]) + 1;
    let i = l, j = m + 1, k = l;
    while (i <= m && j <= r && k <= r) {
    // recover back original element to compare
        let e1 = a[i] % mx;
        let e2 = a[j] % mx;
        if (e1 <= e2) {
            a[k] += (e1 * mx);
        else {
            a[k] += (e2 * mx);
    // process those elements which are left in the array
    while (i <= m) {
        let el = a[i] % mx;
        a[k] += (el * mx);
    while (j <= r) {
        let el = a[j] % mx;
        a[k] += (el * mx);
    // finally update elements by dividing with maximum
    // element
    for (let i = l; i <= r; i++)
        a[i]= Math.floor(a[i] / mx);
/* l is for left index and r is right index of the
   sub-array of arr to be sorted */
function mergeSort(arr, l, r) {
    if (l < r) {
    // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
        // for large l and r
        let m = l + Math.floor((r - l) / 2);
        // Sort first and second halves
        mergeSort(arr, l, m);
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
        mergeInPlace(arr, l, m, r);
let nums = [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7];
let nums_size = nums.length;
mergeSort(nums, 0, nums_size - 1);
// This code is contributed by ishankhandelwals.


// C# code
using System;
class GFG {
    // Merges two subarrays of arr[].
    // First subarray is arr[l..m]
    // Second subarray is arr[m+1..r]
    // Inplace Implementation
    static void mergeInPlace(int[] a, int l, int m, int r)
        // increment the maximum_element by one to avoid
        // collision of 0 and maximum element of array in
        // modulo operation
        int mx = Math.Max(a[m], a[r]) + 1;
        int i = l, j = m + 1, k = l;
        while (i <= m && j <= r && k <= r) {
            // recover back original element to compare
            int e1 = a[i] % mx;
            int e2 = a[j] % mx;
            if (e1 <= e2) {
                a[k] += (e1 * mx);
            else {
                a[k] += (e2 * mx);
        // process those elements which are left in the
        // array
        while (i <= m) {
            int el = a[i] % mx;
            a[k] += (el * mx);
        while (j <= r) {
            int el = a[j] % mx;
            a[k] += (el * mx);
        // finally update elements by dividing with maximum
        // element
        for (int it = l; it <= r; it++)
            a[it] /= mx;
    /* l is for left index and r is right index of the
       sub-array of arr to be sorted */
    static void mergeSort(int[] arr, int l, int r)
        if (l < r) {
            // Same as (l + r) / 2, but avoids overflow
            // for large l and r
            int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
            // Sort first and second halves
            mergeSort(arr, l, m);
            mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r);
            mergeInPlace(arr, l, m, r);
    // Driver Code
    static public void Main()
        int[] nums = { 12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7 };
        int nums_size = nums.Length;
        mergeSort(nums, 0, nums_size - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < nums_size; i++) {
            Console.Write(nums[i] + " ");


def mergeInPlace(a, l, m, r):
    mx = max(a[m], a[r]) + 1
    i, j, k = l, m+1, l
    while i <= m and j <= r and k <= r:
        e1 = a[i] % mx
        e2 = a[j] % mx
        if e1 <= e2:
            a[k] += (e1 * mx)
            i += 1
            k += 1
            a[k] += (e2 * mx)
            j += 1
            k += 1
    while i <= m:
        el = a[i] % mx
        a[k] += (el * mx)
        i += 1
        k += 1
    while j <= r:
        el = a[j] % mx
        a[k] += (el * mx)
        j += 1
        k += 1
    for i in range(l, r+1):
        a[i] //= mx
def mergeSort(arr, l, r):
    if l < r:
        m = l + (r - l) // 2
        mergeSort(arr, l, m)
        mergeSort(arr, m + 1, r)
        mergeInPlace(arr, l, m, r)
nums = [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7]
nums_size = len(nums)
mergeSort(nums, 0, nums_size - 1)
for i in range(nums_size):
    print(nums[i], end=' ')


5 6 7 11 12 13 

Time Complexity: O(n log n)
Note:  Time Complexity of above approach is O(n2) because merge is O(n). Time complexity of standard merge sort is  O(n log n).

Approach 4: Here we use the following technique to perform an in-place merge

Given 2 adjacent sorted sub-arrays within an array (hereafter
named A and B for convenience), appreciate that we can swap
some of the last portion of A with an equal number of elements
from the start of B, such that after the exchange, all of the
elements in A are less than or equal to any element in B.

After this exchange, this leaves with the A containing 2 sorted
sub-arrays, being the first original portion of A, and the first
original portion of B, and sub-array B now containing 2 sorted
sub-arrays, being the final original portion of A followed by
the final original portion of B

We can now recursively call the merge operation with the 2
sub-arrays of A, followed by recursively calling the merge
operation with the 2 sub-arrays of B

We stop the recursion when either A or B are empty, or when
either sub-array is small enough to efficiently merge into
the other sub-array using insertion sort. 

The above procedure naturally lends itself to the following implementation of an in-place merge sort.


  • Hereafter, for convenience, we’ll refer to the first sub-array as A, and the second sub-array as B
  • If either A or B are empty, or if the first element B is not less than the last element of A then we’re done
  • If the length of A is small enough and if it’s length is less than the length of B, then use insertion sort to merge A into B and return
  • If the length of B is small enough then use insertion sort to merge B into A and return
  • Find the location in A where we can exchange the remaining portion of A with the first-portion of B, such that all the elements in A are less than or equal to any element in B
  • Perform the exchange between A and B
  • Recursively call merge() on the 2 sorted sub-arrays now residing in A
  • Recursively call merge() on the 2 sorted sub-arrays now residing in B


  • Split the array into two halves(left sub-array and right sub-array)
  • Recursively call merge_sort() on left sub-array and right sub-array to sort them
  • Call merge function to merge left sub-array and right sub-array


// Merge In Place in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define __INSERT_THRESH 5
#define __swap(x, y) (t = *(x), *(x) = *(y), *(y) = t)
// Both sorted sub-arrays must be adjacent in 'a'
// 'an' is the length of the first sorted section in 'a'
// 'bn' is the length of the second sorted section in 'a'
static void merge(int* a, size_t an, size_t bn)
    int *b = a + an, *e = b + bn, *s, t;
    // Return right now if we're done
    if (an == 0 || bn == 0 || !(*b < *(b - 1)))
    // Do insertion sort to merge if size of sub-arrays are
    // small enough
    if (an < __INSERT_THRESH && an <= bn) {
        for (int *p = b, *v; p > a;
             p--) // Insert Sort A into B
            for (v = p, s = p - 1; v < e && *v < *s;
                 s = v, v++)
                __swap(s, v);
    if (bn < __INSERT_THRESH) {
        for (int *p = b, *v; p < e;
             p++) // Insert Sort B into A
            for (s = p, v = p - 1; s > a && *s < *v;
                 s = v, v--)
                __swap(s, v);
    // Find the pivot points.  Basically this is just
    // finding the point in 'a' where we can swap in the
    // first part of 'b' such that after the swap the last
    // element in 'a' will be less than or equal to the
    // least element in 'b'
    int *pa = a, *pb = b;
    for (s = a; s < b && pb < e; s++)
        if (*pb < *pa)
    pa += b - s;
    // Swap first part of b with last part of a
    for (int *la = pa, *fb = b; la < b; la++, fb++)
        __swap(la, fb);
    // Now merge the two sub-array pairings
    merge(a, pa - a, pb - b);
    merge(b, pb - b, e - pb);
} // merge_array_inplace
#undef __swap
// Merge Sort Implementation
void merge_sort(int* a, size_t n)
    size_t m = (n + 1) / 2;
    // Sort first and second halves
    if (m > 1)
        merge_sort(a, m);
    if (n - m > 1)
        merge_sort(a + m, n - m);
    // Now merge the two sorted sub-arrays together
    merge(a, m, n - m);
// Function to print an array
void print_array(int a[], size_t n)
    if (n > 0) {
        cout <<" "<< a[0];
        for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
            cout <<" "<< a[i];
    cout <<"\n";
// Driver program to test sort utility
int main()
    int a[] = { 3, 16, 5, 14, 8,  10, 7, 15,
                1, 13, 4, 9,  12, 11, 6, 2 };
    size_t n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
    merge_sort(a, n);
    print_array(a, n);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by shivanisinghss2110


//                      Merge In Place in C
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define __INSERT_THRESH 5
#define __swap(x, y) (t = *(x), *(x) = *(y), *(y) = t)
// Both sorted sub-arrays must be adjacent in 'a'
// 'an' is the length of the first sorted section in 'a'
// 'bn' is the length of the second sorted section in 'a'
static void merge(int* a, size_t an, size_t bn)
    int *b = a + an, *e = b + bn, *s, t;
    // Return right now if we're done
    if (an == 0 || bn == 0 || !(*b < *(b - 1)))
    // Do insertion sort to merge if size of sub-arrays are
    // small enough
    if (an < __INSERT_THRESH && an <= bn) {
        for (int *p = b, *v; p > a;
             p--) // Insert Sort A into B
            for (v = p, s = p - 1; v < e && *v < *s;
                 s = v, v++)
                __swap(s, v);
    if (bn < __INSERT_THRESH) {
        for (int *p = b, *v; p < e;
             p++) // Insert Sort B into A
            for (s = p, v = p - 1; s > a && *s < *v;
                 s = v, v--)
                __swap(s, v);
    // Find the pivot points.  Basically this is just
    // finding the point in 'a' where we can swap in the
    // first part of 'b' such that after the swap the last
    // element in 'a' will be less than or equal to the
    // least element in 'b'
    int *pa = a, *pb = b;
    for (s = a; s < b && pb < e; s++)
        if (*pb < *pa)
    pa += b - s;
    // Swap first part of b with last part of a
    for (int *la = pa, *fb = b; la < b; la++, fb++)
        __swap(la, fb);
    // Now merge the two sub-array pairings
    merge(a, pa - a, pb - b);
    merge(b, pb - b, e - pb);
} // merge_array_inplace
#undef __swap
// Merge Sort Implementation
void merge_sort(int* a, size_t n)
    size_t m = (n + 1) / 2;
    // Sort first and second halves
    if (m > 1)
        merge_sort(a, m);
    if (n - m > 1)
        merge_sort(a + m, n - m);
    // Now merge the two sorted sub-arrays together
    merge(a, m, n - m);
// Function to print an array
void print_array(int a[], size_t n)
    if (n > 0) {
        printf("%d", a[0]);
        for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
            printf(" %d", a[i]);
// Driver program to test sort utiliyy
int main()
    int a[] = { 3, 16, 5, 14, 8,  10, 7, 15,
                1, 13, 4, 9,  12, 11, 6, 2 };
    size_t n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
    merge_sort(a, n);
    print_array(a, n);
    return 0;
// Author: Stew Forster (     Date: 29
// July 2021


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Time Complexity of merge():  Worst Case: O(n^2),  Average: O(n log n),  Best: O(1)

Time Complexity of merge_sort() function:  Overall: O(log n) for the recursion alone, due to always evenly dividing the array in 2

Time Complexity of merge_sort() overall:  Worst Case: O(n^2 log n),  Average: O(n (log n)^2), Best: O(log n)

The worst-case occurs when every sub-array exchange within merge() results in just _INSERT_THRESH-1 elements being exchanged

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Nokonwaba Nkukhwana
Experience as a skilled Java developer and proven expertise in using tools and technical developments to drive improvements throughout a entire software development life cycle. I have extensive industry and full life cycle experience in a java based environment, along with exceptional analytical, design and problem solving capabilities combined with excellent communication skills and ability to work alongside teams to define and refine new functionality. Currently working in springboot projects(microservices). Considering the fact that change is good, I am always keen to new challenges and growth to sharpen my skills.


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