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HomeSecurity & TestingIn-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass

In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass{text-align:center}.tdi_3 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media(max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}

The OWASP Amass Project is a tool used by security professionals to perform network mapping of attack surfaces as well as external asset discovery. It uses several techniques that include open-source information gathering and active reconnaissance. This tool written in the Go language allows in-depth DNS, ASN numbers, and subdomain enumeration.

Below is a list of the techniques and the data sources involved in information collection:

  • DNS: FQDN Similarity-based Guessing, Brute force, Reverse DNS sweeping, Zone transfers, NSEC zone walking FQDN alterations/permutations
  • Routing: NetworksDB, ARIN, BGPView, IPdata, RADb, Robtex, BGPTools, ShadowServer, TeamCymru, IPinfo
  • Scraping: Ask, Baidu, Bing, Gists, HackerOne, HyperStat, IPv4Info, PKey, RapidDNS, Riddler, Searchcode, DNSDumpster, DuckDuckGo, Searx, SiteDossier, Yahoo, AbuseIPDB
  • WHOIS: AlienVault, DNSlytics, ONYPHE, SpyOnWeb, Umbrella, WhoisXMLAPI, AskDNS, SecurityTrails
  • Web Archives: Arquivo, ArchiveIt, CommonCrawl, HAW, Wayback, UKWebArchive
  • Certificates: Crtsh, Active pulls (optional), CertSpotter, Digitorus, Censys, FacebookCT, GoogleCT
  • APIs: Quake, BufferOver, BuiltWith, C99, Chaos, CIRCL, N45HT, PassiveTotal, PentestTools, Shodan, Cloudflare, DNSDB, DNSRepo, Detectify, FOFA, FullHunt, GitHub, GitLab, Greynoise, HackerTarget, Hunter, IntelX, LeakIX, Maltiverse, Mnemonic, SonarSearch, Spamhaus, ThreatCrowd, ThreatMiner, Twitter, URLScan, VirusTotal, ZETAlytics, ZoomEye, 360PassiveDNS, Ahrefs, AnubisDB, BinaryEdge, Spyse, Sublist3rAPI, ThreatBook

The features associated with the OWASP Amass Project are:{text-align:center}.tdi_2 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media(max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}

  • OWASP Amass is installed by default and can be managed like any other Kali package
  • Offers a precompiled version with each release
  • It uses open-source information to perform network mapping of attack surfaces and external asset discovery
  • The volume argument allows the Amass graph database to persist between executions and output files to be accessed on the host system

This guide covers the steps on how to install and use Amass for in-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery.

Install OWASP Amass on Your System

Installing OWASP Amass can be done through several methods. The methods covered here are:

1. Using Docker

I assume that you already have Docker installed on your system. If not, use the guide below to achieve this.

Now you can pull the Amass docker image using the command:

docker pull caffix/amass

You can also build a container image:

docker build -t amass

Get the docker images:

$ docker images 
REPOSITORY     TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
amass          latest        be4990590056   5 seconds ago    46.7MB
<none>         <none>        d6128fb91090   16 seconds ago   680MB
alpine         latest        e66264b98777   3 weeks ago      5.53MB
caffix/amass   latest        77cec86f7fb4   8 weeks ago      46.8MB
golang         1.16-alpine   7642119cd161   3 months ago     302MB

Run the container with the image when executing the Amass commands. For example:

docker run -v OUTPUT_DIR_PATH:/.config/amass/ caffix/amass enum -share -d
docker run -v OUTPUT_DIR_PATH:/.config/amass/ amass enum -share -d

Remember to provide the OUTPUT_DIR_PATH in order to persist the data/output files on the host system.

2. Using Package Managers

There are several package managers that provide Amass. These include:

  • Homebrew:
brew tap caffix/amass
brew install amass
  • Snapcraft:

Ensure snap is installed:

Once installed and running, use the command below to install Amass

$ sudo snap install amass
2022-06-15T06:43:33-04:00 INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
amass v3.19.2 from Jeff Foley (caffix) installed

3. From Sources

Ensure that Go is installed on your system:

Download OWASP Amass;

go get -v

Now you have the binary in $GOPATH/bin

Perform In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass

Once installed, you can now use Amass to perform in-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery. There are 6-subcommands used. These include:

  • amass intel – Used to discover targets for enumerations
  • amass enum – Used to perform enumerations and network mapping
  • amass viz – To visualize enumeration results
  • amass track – to track differences between enumerations
  • amass db – used to manipulate the Amass graph database
  • amass dns – To resolve DNS names at high performance

1. Amass intel

This Amass subcommand helps one discover more root domain names associated with the organization.

To get available options, run:

amass intel

Sample Output:

In depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass

The subcommand uses several techniques that include WHOIS and IPv4Info. You can specify the technique as shown below:

$ amass intel -d -whois

For docker, the command above will be:

docker run -v OUTPUT_DIR_PATH:/.config/amass/ amass intel -d -whois
docker run -v OUTPUT_DIR_PATH:/.config/amass/ caffix/amass intel -d -whois

You can also look for organizations that return ASN IDs assigned to the target. For example:

$ amass intel -org 'Example Ltd'
111111, MAIN_PRODUCT -- Example Ltd
222222, SECONDARY_PRODUCT - Example Ltd

Please note that the above data is fictitious for demonstration purposes. Retrieved ASN IDs could then be fed back into Amass. The below command attempts to retrieve parent domains on the specified ASN ID and return them along with the IP address they resolve to ( in this case for demonstration purposes):

$ amass intel -active -asn 222222 -ip

2. Amass Enum

This subcommand allows one to perform DNS enumeration and mapping of the target to determine the attack surface exposed. It can be run in passive or active modes. The passive mode is quicker but doesn’t validate the DNS information. For example, to search for domains associated with an organization, the command will be:

amass enum -passive -d -src -dir amass4owasp

Sample Output:

In depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass 1

The active mode can be used to obtain more accurate results using default/specific resolvers.

amass enum -active -d -brute  -src -ip -dir amass4owasp -o amass_results_owasp.txt

Sample Output:

In depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass 2

3. Amass Track

This subcommand is used to compare the enumeration results performed against the same domain/target.

For example, to compare the last two enumerations performed, the command will be:

amass track  -dir amass4owasp -d -last 2

Sample Output:

In depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery with Amass 3

4. Amass db

This can be used to make interactions with the Amass graph database. For example, listing all the enumerations performed on a domain stored in a database called amass4owasp.The command will be:

$ amass db -dir amass4owasp -list
1) 06/15 11:21:31 2022 UTC -> 06/15 11:21:56 2022 UTC:

2) 06/15 11:17:31 2022 UTC -> 06/15 11:18:48 2022 UTC:,,

To retrieve assets identified during the enumeration modify the above command as below:

amass db -dir amass4owasp -d -enum 1 -show

5. Amass Viz

This command allows you to visualize the data in the Amass graph database. The results obtained can then be imported into Maltego for analysis.

To generate a d3-force HTML graph from the graph database, say, amass4owasp, the command will be:

amass viz -d3 -dir amass4owasp

The end!

We have triumphantly gone through how to perform in-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery using Amass. I hope this was important to you.

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