While building a Deep Learning model, the first task is to import datasets online and this task proves to be very hectic sometimes.
We can easily import Kaggle datasets in just a few steps:
Code: Importing CIFAR 10 dataset
!pip install kaggle |
Now go to your Kaggle account and create new API token from my account section, a kaggle.json file will be downloaded in your PC.
from google.colab import files files.upload() |
Code: Uploading the kaggle.json file
!mkdir - p ~ / .kaggle !cp kaggle.json ~ / .kaggle / !chmod 600 ~ / .kaggle / kaggle.json |
Copy the URL of your dataset and paste it in another cell.
Code: To unzip the uploaded dataset.
from zipfile import Zipfile file_name = ( "cifar10-preprocessed.zip" ) with Zipfile(file_name, 'r' ) as zip : zip .extractall() print ( "done" ) |
'./get_CIFAR-10.sh' import tensorflow as tf (x_train,y_train),(x_test,y_test) = tf.keras.cifar10.load_data() |
Now your training and test set is ready to be used.