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Implementation of Logistic Regression from Scratch using Python


Logistic Regression is a supervised learning algorithm that is used when the target variable is categorical. Hypothetical function h(x) of linear regression predicts unbounded values. But in the case of Logistic Regression, where the target variable is categorical we have to strict the range of predicted values. Consider a classification problem, where we need to classify whether an email is a spam or not. So, the hypothetical function of linear regression could not be used here to predict as it predicts unbound values, but we have to predict either 0 or 1.

To do, so we apply the sigmoid activation function on the hypothetical function of linear regression. So the resultant hypothetical function for logistic regression is given below :

h( x ) = sigmoid( wx + b )

Here, w is the weight vector.
x is the feature vector. 
b is the bias.

sigmoid( z ) = 1 / ( 1 + e( - z ) )

Mathematical Intuition:

The cost function of linear regression ( or mean square error ) can’t be used in logistic regression because it is a non-convex function of weights. Optimizing algorithms like i.e gradient descent only converge convex function into a global minimum. 

So, the simplified cost function we use :

J = - ylog( h(x) ) - ( 1 - y )log( 1 - h(x) )

here, y is the real target value

h( x ) = sigmoid( wx + b )

For y = 0,

J = - log( 1 - h(x) )

and y = 1,

J = - log( h(x) )

This cost function is because when we train, we need to maximize the probability by minimizing the loss function. 

Gradient Descent Calculation: 

repeat until convergence  {
       tmpi = wi - alpha * dwi
       wi = tmpi         
where alpha is the learning rate.

The chain rule is used to calculate the gradients like i.e dw.

Chain rule for dw

here, a = sigmoid( z ) and z = wx + b.


Diabetes Dataset used in this implementation can be downloaded from link.

It has 8 features columns like i.e “Age“, “Glucose” e.t.c, and the target variable “Outcome” for 108 patients. So in this, we will train a Logistic Regression Classifier model to predict the presence of diabetes or not for patients with such information.

# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore" )
# to compare our model's accuracy with sklearn model
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# Logistic Regression
class LogitRegression() :
    def __init__( self, learning_rate, iterations ) :        
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate        
        self.iterations = iterations
    # Function for model training    
    def fit( self, X, Y ) :        
        # no_of_training_examples, no_of_features        
        self.m, self.n = X.shape        
        # weight initialization        
        self.W = np.zeros( self.n )        
        self.b = 0        
        self.X = X        
        self.Y = Y
        # gradient descent learning
        for i in range( self.iterations ) :            
        return self
    # Helper function to update weights in gradient descent
    def update_weights( self ) :           
        A = 1 / ( 1 + np.exp( - ( self.W ) + self.b ) ) )
        # calculate gradients        
        tmp = ( A - self.Y.T )        
        tmp = np.reshape( tmp, self.m )        
        dW = self.X.T, tmp ) / self.m         
        db = np.sum( tmp ) / self.m 
        # update weights    
        self.W = self.W - self.learning_rate * dW    
        self.b = self.b - self.learning_rate * db
        return self
    # Hypothetical function  h( x ) 
    def predict( self, X ) :    
        Z = 1 / ( 1 + np.exp( - ( self.W ) + self.b ) ) )        
        Y = np.where( Z > 0.5, 1, 0 )        
        return Y
# Driver code
def main() :
    # Importing dataset    
    df = pd.read_csv( "diabetes.csv" )
    X = df.iloc[:,:-1].values
    Y = df.iloc[:,-1:].values
    # Splitting dataset into train and test set
    X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(
      X, Y, test_size = 1/3, random_state = 0 )
    # Model training    
    model = LogitRegression( learning_rate = 0.01, iterations = 1000 )
  X_train, Y_train )    
    model1 = LogisticRegression() X_train, Y_train)
    # Prediction on test set
    Y_pred = model.predict( X_test )    
    Y_pred1 = model1.predict( X_test )
    # measure performance    
    correctly_classified = 0    
    correctly_classified1 = 0
    # counter    
    count = 0    
    for count in range( np.size( Y_pred ) ) :  
        if Y_test[count] == Y_pred[count] :            
            correctly_classified = correctly_classified + 1
        if Y_test[count] == Y_pred1[count] :            
            correctly_classified1 = correctly_classified1 + 1
        count = count + 1
    print( "Accuracy on test set by our model       :  ", ( 
      correctly_classified / count ) * 100 )
    print( "Accuracy on test set by sklearn model   :  ", ( 
      correctly_classified1 / count ) * 100 )
if __name__ == "__main__" :     

Output : 

Accuracy on test set by our model       :   58.333333333333336
Accuracy on test set by sklearn model   :   61.111111111111114

Note: The above-trained model is to implement the mathematical intuition not just for improving accuracies.


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