In this article, we will see how to create a data structure that can handle multiple stacks with growable size. The data structure needs to handle three operations:
- push(x, stackNum) = pushes value x to the stack numbered stackNum
- pop(stackNum) = pop the top element from the stack numbered stackNum
- top(stackNum) = shows the topmost element of the stack stackNum.
Suppose the given multi stack is [{1, 2}, {4, 6}, {9, 10}]
Input: push(3, 0), top(0)
push(7, 1), top(1)
pop(2), top(2)Output: 3, 7, 9
Explanation: When 3 is pushed in stack 0, the stack becomes {1, 2, 3}. So the top element is 3.
When 7 is pushed in stack 1, the stack becomes {4, 6, 7}. So the top element is 7.
When topmost element is popped from stack 2, the stack becomes {9}. So the topmost element is 9
Approach: Follow the approach mentioned below to implement the idea.
- Store the size and the top index of every stack in arrays sizes[] and topIndex[].
- The sizes will be stored in a prefix sum array (using a prefix array sum will help us find the start/size of a stack in O(1) time)
- If the size of a stack reaches the maximum reserved capacity, expand the reserved size (multiply by 2)
- If the size of a stack gets down to a quarter of the reserved size shrink the reserved size (divide it by 2)
- Every time we need to expand/shrink a stack in the data structure, the indexes of other stacks might change so we need to take care of that. That is taken care by incrementing/decrementing value of sizes[] and topIndex[] arrays (we can do that in O(number of stacks) time).
Below is the implementation :
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; template < typename T> // Class to implement multistack class MultiStack { int numberOfStacks; vector<T> values; vector< int > sizes, topIndex; public : // Constructor to create k stacks // (by default 1) MultiStack( int k = 1) : numberOfStacks(k) { // reserve 2 elements for each stack first values = vector<T>(numberOfStacks << 1); // For each stack store the index // of the element on the top // and the size (starting point) sizes = vector< int >(numberOfStacks); topIndex = vector< int >(numberOfStacks); // Sizes is a prefix sum vector for ( int size = 2, i = 0; i < numberOfStacks; i++, size += 2) sizes[i] = size, topIndex[i] = size - 2; } // Push a value in a stack void push( int stackNum, T val) { // Check if the stack is full, // if so Expand it if (isFull(stackNum)) Expand(stackNum); // Add the value to the top of the stack // and increment the top index values[topIndex[stackNum]++] = val; } // Pop the top value and // return it from a stack T pop( int stackNum) { // If the stack is empty // throw an error if (empty(stackNum)) throw ( "Empty Stack!" ); // Save the top value T val = values[topIndex[stackNum] - 1]; // Set top value to default data type values[--topIndex[stackNum]] = T(); // Shrink the reserved size if needed Shrink(stackNum); // Return the pop-ed value return val; } // Return the top value form a stack // Same as pop (but without removal) T top( int stackNum) { if (empty(stackNum)) throw ( "Empty Stack!" ); return values[topIndex[stackNum] - 1]; } // Return the size of a stack // (the number of elements in the stack, // not the reserved size) int size( int stackNum) { if (!stackNum) return topIndex[0]; return topIndex[stackNum] - sizes[stackNum - 1]; } // Check if a stack is empty or not // (has no elements) bool empty( int stackNum) { int offset; if (!stackNum) offset = 0; else offset = sizes[stackNum - 1]; int index = topIndex[stackNum]; return index == offset; } // Helper function to check // if a stack size has reached // the reserved size of that stack bool isFull( int stackNum) { int offset = sizes[stackNum]; int index = topIndex[stackNum]; return index >= offset; } // Function to expand the reserved size // of a stack (multiply by 2) void Expand( int stackNum) { // Get the reserved_size of the stack() int reserved_size = size(stackNum); // Update the prefix sums (sizes) // and the top index of the next stacks for ( int i = stackNum + 1; i < numberOfStacks; i++) sizes[i] += reserved_size, topIndex[i] += reserved_size; // Update the size of the recent stack sizes[stackNum] += reserved_size; // Double the size of the stack by // inserting 'reserved_size' elements values.insert(values.begin() + topIndex[stackNum], reserved_size, T()); } // Function to shrink the reserved size // of a stack (divide by2) void Shrink( int stackNum) { // Get the reserved size and the current size int reserved_size, current_size; if (!stackNum) reserved_size = sizes[0], current_size = topIndex[0]; else reserved_size = sizes[stackNum] - sizes[stackNum - 1], current_size = topIndex[stackNum] - sizes[stackNum - 1]; // Shrink only if the size is // lower than a quarter of the // reserved size and avoid shrinking // if the reserved size is 2 if (current_size * 4 > reserved_size || reserved_size == 2) return ; // Divide the size by 2 and update // the prefix sums (sizes) and // the top index of the next stacks int dif = reserved_size / 2; for ( int i = stackNum + 1; i < numberOfStacks; i++) sizes[i] -= dif, topIndex[i] -= dif; sizes[stackNum] -= dif; // Erase half of the reserved size values.erase(values.begin() + topIndex[stackNum], values.begin() + topIndex[stackNum] + dif); } }; // Driver code int main() { // create 3 stacks MultiStack< int > MStack(3); // push elements in stack 0: MStack.push(0, 21); MStack.push(0, 13); MStack.push(0, 14); // Push one element in stack 1: MStack.push(1, 15); // Push two elements in stack 2: MStack.push(2, 1); MStack.push(2, 2); MStack.push(2, 3); // Print the top elements of the stacks cout << << '\n' ; cout << << '\n' ; cout << << '\n' ; return 0; } |
// Java implementation for the above approach import java.util.*; class MultiStack<T> { private int numberOfStacks; private ArrayList<T> values; private ArrayList<Integer> sizes, topIndex; // Constructor for MultiStack // Takes the number of stacks (k) as input and initializes the MultiStack object public MultiStack( int k) { // Set the number of stacks numberOfStacks = k; // Initialize the values ArrayList with an initial capacity of k*2 values = new ArrayList<>(numberOfStacks << 1 ); // Initialize the sizes ArrayList with a size of k sizes = new ArrayList<>(numberOfStacks); // Initialize the topIndex ArrayList with a size of k topIndex = new ArrayList<>(numberOfStacks); // Loop through k times for ( int size = 2 , i = 0 ; i < numberOfStacks; i++, size += 2 ) { // Add size to the sizes ArrayList sizes.add(size); // Add size-2 to the topIndex ArrayList topIndex.add(size - 2 ); } } // Push a value onto a specified stack public void push( int stackNum, T val) { // If the stack is full, expand it if (isFull(stackNum)) Expand(stackNum); // Add the value to the ArrayList at the index // specified by the topIndex of the specified stack values.add(topIndex.get(stackNum), val); // Increment the topIndex of the specified stack topIndex.set(stackNum, topIndex.get(stackNum) + 1 ); } // Pop a value off a specified stack public T pop( int stackNum) { // If the stack is empty, throw an exception if (empty(stackNum)) throw new RuntimeException( "Empty Stack!" ); // Get the value at the top of the specified stack T val = values.get(topIndex.get(stackNum) - 1 ); // Set the value at the top of the specified stack to null values.set(topIndex.get(stackNum) - 1 , null ); // Decrement the topIndex of the specified stack topIndex.set(stackNum, topIndex.get(stackNum) - 1 ); // Shrink the specified stack if necessary shrink(stackNum); // Return the value at the top of the specified stack return val; } // Returns the element at the top of the specified stack public T top( int stackNum) { if (empty(stackNum)) throw new RuntimeException( "Empty Stack!" ); return values.get(topIndex.get(stackNum) - 1 ); } // Returns the number of elements in the specified stack public int size( int stackNum) { if (stackNum == 0 ) return topIndex.get( 0 ); return topIndex.get(stackNum) - sizes.get(stackNum - 1 ); } // Checks if the specified stack is empty public boolean empty( int stackNum) { int offset; if (stackNum == 0 ) offset = 0 ; else offset = sizes.get(stackNum - 1 ); int index = topIndex.get(stackNum); return index == offset; } // Checks if the specified stack is full public boolean isFull( int stackNum) { int offset = sizes.get(stackNum); int index = topIndex.get(stackNum); return index >= offset; } public void Expand( int stackNum) { int reserved_size = size(stackNum); for ( int i = stackNum + 1 ; i < numberOfStacks; i++) { sizes.set(i, sizes.get(i) + reserved_size); topIndex.set(i, topIndex.get(i) + reserved_size); } sizes.set(stackNum, sizes.get(stackNum) + reserved_size); for ( int i = 0 ; i < reserved_size; i++) values.add(topIndex.get(stackNum), null ); } // Function to shrink the reserved size // of a stack (divide by2) void shrink( int stackNum) { // Get the reserved size and the current size int reserved_size, current_size; if (stackNum == 0 ) { reserved_size = sizes.get( 0 ); current_size = topIndex.get( 0 ); } else { reserved_size = sizes.get(stackNum) - sizes.get(stackNum - 1 ); current_size = topIndex.get(stackNum) - sizes.get(stackNum - 1 ); } // Shrink only if the size is // lower than a quarter of the // reserved size and avoid shrinking // if the reserved size is 2 if (current_size * 4 > reserved_size || reserved_size == 2 ) { return ; } // Divide the size by 2 and update // the prefix sums (sizes) and // the top index of the next stacks int dif = reserved_size / 2 ; for ( int i = stackNum + 1 ; i < numberOfStacks; i++) { sizes.set(i, sizes.get(i) - dif); topIndex.set(i, topIndex.get(i) - dif); } sizes.set(stackNum, sizes.get(stackNum) - dif); // Erase half of the reserved size values.subList(topIndex.get(stackNum), topIndex.get(stackNum) + dif).clear(); } // Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { // create 3 stacks MultiStack<Integer> MStack = new MultiStack<>( 3 ); // push elements in stack 0: MStack.push( 0 , 21 ); MStack.push( 0 , 13 ); MStack.push( 0 , 14 ); // Push one element in stack 1: MStack.push( 1 , 15 ); // Push two elements in stack 2: MStack.push( 2 , 1 ); MStack.push( 2 , 2 ); MStack.push( 2 , 3 ); // Print the top elements of the stacks System.out.println( 0 )); System.out.println( 1 )); System.out.println( 2 )); } }; // This code is contributed by amit_mangal_ |
# Python3 implementation for the above approach class MultiStack: def __init__( self , k = 1 ): # Initializes the MultiStack with k number of stacks. self .number_of_stacks = k # Initializes an array to hold values of all stacks. self .values = [ None ] * ( self .number_of_stacks * 2 ) # Initializes an array to hold sizes of all stacks. self .sizes = [ 2 + i * 2 for i in range ( self .number_of_stacks)] # Initializes an array to hold the top index of each stack. self .top_index = [size - 2 for size in self .sizes] def push( self , stack_num, val): # Pushes a value onto the given stack_num. # If the stack is full, expands the stack. if self .is_full(stack_num): self .expand(stack_num) self .values[ self .top_index[stack_num]] = val self .top_index[stack_num] + = 1 def pop( self , stack_num): # Pops the top value off of the given stack_num. # If the stack is empty, raises an exception. if self .is_empty(stack_num): raise Exception( "Empty Stack!" ) val = self .values[ self .top_index[stack_num] - 1 ] self .values[ self .top_index[stack_num] - 1 ] = None self .top_index[stack_num] - = 1 self .shrink(stack_num) return val def top( self , stack_num): # Check if the stack is empty if self .is_empty(stack_num): raise Exception( "Empty Stack!" ) # Return the top element of the stack return self .values[ self .top_index[stack_num] - 1 ] def size( self , stack_num): # If no stack_num specified, return the # total number of elements in all stacks if not stack_num: return self .top_index[ 0 ] # Calculate the number of elements in the specified stack return self .top_index[stack_num] - self .sizes[stack_num - 1 ] def is_empty( self , stack_num): # Calculate the index offset for the specified stack if not stack_num: offset = 0 else : offset = self .sizes[stack_num - 1 ] # Check if the stack is empty index = self .top_index[stack_num] return index = = offset def is_full( self , stack_num): # Calculate the index offset for the specified stack offset = self .sizes[stack_num] # Check if the stack is full index = self .top_index[stack_num] return index > = offset # This method expands a stack by copying its elements # to the next stack(s) and increasing its size def expand( self , stack_num): # Get the reserved size of the stack reserved_size = self .size(stack_num) # Increase the size and top index of all the # stacks after the current stack for i in range (stack_num + 1 , self .number_of_stacks): self .sizes[i] + = reserved_size self .top_index[i] + = reserved_size # Increase the size of the current stack self .sizes[stack_num] + = reserved_size # Insert reserved_size None values at the # top of the current stack to expand it self .values = ( self .values[: self .top_index[stack_num]] + [ None ] * reserved_size + self .values[ self .top_index[stack_num]:]) # This method shrinks a stack by reducing its size # and copying its elements to the next stack(s) def shrink( self , stack_num): # Get the reserved size and current size of the stack if not stack_num: reserved_size, current_size = self .sizes[ 0 ], self .top_index[ 0 ] else : reserved_size = self .sizes[stack_num] - self .sizes[stack_num - 1 ] current_size = self .top_index[stack_num] - self .sizes[stack_num - 1 ] # Check if the stack should be shrunk if current_size * 4 > reserved_size or reserved_size = = 2 : return # Calculate the difference to reduce the stack size dif = reserved_size / / 2 # Reduce the size and top index of all the stacks after the current stack for i in range (stack_num + 1 , self .number_of_stacks): self .sizes[i] - = dif self .top_index[i] - = dif # Reduce the size of the current stack self .sizes[stack_num] - = dif # Remove dif elements from the top of the current stack to shrink it self .values = ( self .values[: self .top_index[stack_num] - dif] + self .values[ self .top_index[stack_num]:]) # create 3 stacks MStack = MultiStack( 3 ) # push elements in stack 0: MStack.push( 0 , 21 ) MStack.push( 0 , 13 ) MStack.push( 0 , 14 ) # Push one element in stack 1: MStack.push( 1 , 15 ) # Push two elements in stack 2: MStack.push( 2 , 1 ) MStack.push( 2 , 2 ) MStack.push( 2 , 3 ) # Print the top elements of the stacks print ( 0 )) print ( 1 )) print ( 2 )) # This code is contributed by amit_mangal_ |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class MultiStack<T> { private int numberOfStacks; // Number of stacks in the // MultiStack private List<T> values; // List to store all the values // of the stacks private List< int > sizes; // List to store the sizes of each stack private List< int > topIndexes; // List to store the top // indexes of each stack // Constructor to create a MultiStack with 'k' stacks // (default is 1) public MultiStack( int k = 1) { numberOfStacks = k; values = new List<T>(); sizes = new List< int >( new int [k]); topIndexes = new List< int >( new int [k]); } // Push a value onto a specific stack public void Push( int stackNum, T val) { if (stackNum < 0 || stackNum >= numberOfStacks) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Invalid stack number" ); } // Add the value to the main list values.Add(val); // Increase the size of the stack sizes[stackNum]++; // Update the top index for this stack topIndexes[stackNum] = values.Count - 1; } // Pop a value from a specific stack public T Pop( int stackNum) { if (stackNum < 0 || stackNum >= numberOfStacks) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Invalid stack number" ); } if (IsEmpty(stackNum)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Stack is empty" ); } // Get the index of the top element of the stack int index = topIndexes[stackNum]; // Get the value at this index T val = values[index]; // Remove the value from the main list values.RemoveAt(index); // Decrease the size of the stack sizes[stackNum]--; // Update top indexes for the remaining stacks UpdateTopIndexes(stackNum, index); // Return the popped value return val; } // Get the top value of a specific stack public T Top( int stackNum) { if (stackNum < 0 || stackNum >= numberOfStacks) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Invalid stack number" ); } if (IsEmpty(stackNum)) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Stack is empty" ); } // Return the value at the top index of this stack return values[topIndexes[stackNum]]; } // Get the size of a specific stack public int Size( int stackNum) { if (stackNum < 0 || stackNum >= numberOfStacks) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Invalid stack number" ); } // Return the size of this stack return sizes[stackNum]; } // Check if a specific stack is empty public bool IsEmpty( int stackNum) { if (stackNum < 0 || stackNum >= numberOfStacks) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Invalid stack number" ); } // Check if the size of this stack is 0 return sizes[stackNum] == 0; } // Update the top indexes of stacks after a pop // operation private void UpdateTopIndexes( int stackNum, int removedIndex) { for ( int i = stackNum; i < numberOfStacks; i++) { // Decrement the top index if it's greater than // the removed index if (topIndexes[i] > removedIndex) { topIndexes[i]--; } } } } class Program { static void Main() { // Create an instance of MultiStack with 3 stacks MultiStack< int > MStack = new MultiStack< int >(3); // Push elements into different stacks MStack.Push(0, 21); MStack.Push(0, 13); MStack.Push(0, 14); MStack.Push(1, 15); MStack.Push(2, 1); MStack.Push(2, 2); MStack.Push(2, 3); // Print the tops of each stack Console.WriteLine( "Top of Stack 0: " + MStack.Top(0)); Console.WriteLine( "Top of Stack 1: " + MStack.Top(1)); Console.WriteLine( "Top of Stack 2: " + MStack.Top(2)); } } |
14 15 3
Time complexities:
- O(1) for top() function.
- Amortized O(1) for push() and pop() functions.
Auxiliary Space: O(N) where N is the number of stacks
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