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HomeMobileJailbreakI’m Listening: Share your now playing track from anywhere

I’m Listening: Share your now playing track from anywhere

I'm Listening FeaturedI'm Listening Featured

Are you finding that iOS’ options are a bit limited when it comes sharing information about the music you’re currently listening to? If so, then I’m Listening might be the jailbreak tweak for you.

I’m Listening is a recently released tweak on Cydia, and it allows you to customize the various sharing activities available for your currently playing song. The tweak works with the stock Music app, and also plays nice with 3rd party music apps like Spotify. I’m Listening utilizes a variety of methods: gestures in the app switcher, gestures on the Lock screen, and Activator gestures, in order to share your now playing track. Take a look inside for our hands-on video detail…

As mentioned, I’m Listening features several different activation methods, which are shown in the screenshot below. All of the activation methods do the same thing and cause the sharing sheet to pop up from the bottom of the screen.

I'm Listening - Image Activation MethodsI'm Listening - Image Activation Methods

Each sharing sheet features a variety of activities that can be enabled or disabled by means of Toggles in the tweak’s preferences. This means that it’s possible to remove the Facebook sharing option if you don’t use Facebook. You can also share to Messages, or copy the I’m Listening text to your clipboard for sharing in unsupported apps.

I'm Listening - Image ActivitiesI'm Listening - Image Activities

I’m Listening features several variables for customizing the textual output that comes with sharing your music. The variables, [TITLE], [ARTIST], and [ALBUM], can be added, omitted, or mixed in with other custom text. The nice thing about this tweak is that you can change around the output text for each activity configured on your phone. That means that you can have your Twitter sharing message say one thing and the Facebook sharing message say something totally different.

I'm Listening - Advanced SettingsI'm Listening - Advanced Settings

For those of you looking forward to taking advantage of some of these advanced settings, there is a handy tutorial section located in the advanced settings section of the tweak’s preferences. Here you can learn all about the various variables, and how best to use them.

I’m Playing is now available for download on Cydia’s BigBoss repo for $0.99. There are other tweaks that allow you to do similar things, but if my memory serves me correctly, this is one of the more deeper additions to Cydia that I’ve seen. What do you think?

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