We all know ReactJS is a front-end development framework. For the front end, we need to create HTML templates. So, this article teaches you how to use HTML templates in ReactJS. The process is very simple.
- npm
- create-react-app
Approach: We will create a simple one-page HTML template in React js. They have different sections like home blog contact us and courses etc. It looks like same as a normal HTML and CSS template.
Steps to use HTML templates in ReactJS:
Step 1: You will start a new project using create-react-app so open your terminal and type:
npx create-react-app myreact
Step 2: Now go to your react-footer folder by typing the given command in the terminal:
cd myreact
Step 3: Now we will create an assets folder in the public directory and create a style.css file. The path will be:
Project Structure: After running the npm install we have the following project structure of the project will look like this.
Step 4: Create an HTML template or download:
First, we need to create an HTML template to use in React JS. If you don’t have an HTML template then simply download it.
Step 5: Edit index.html
Go to public/index.html and remove the existing CSS and JavaScript files from it. Add your CSS and JavaScript link to it. Then index.html looks like as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < meta charset = "utf-8" /> < meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> < meta name = "theme-color" content = "#000000" /> < meta name = "description" content = "Web site created using create-react-app" /> < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "./assets/style.css" > < title >Geeksforneveropen</ title > </ head > < body > < noscript >You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</ noscript > < div id = "root" ></ div > < script type = "text/javascript" > AddFillerLink("content", "navigation", "extra") </ script > </ body > </ html > |
Step 6: Edit App.js
Go to the src/App.js directory and remove the existing code in return(). Add a blank Fragment tag and paste the body part of the HTML template in it. Follow the below code.
import React from 'react' ; function App() { return ( <> <div id= "container" > <div id= "header" > <nav> <h1>Geeksforneveropen</h1> <li><a href= '#header' >Home</a></li> <li ><a href= "#extra" >Bolgs</a></li> <li ><a href= Contact US</a></li> <li ><a href= Courses</a></li> </nav> </div> <div id= "wrapper" > <div id= "content" > <h1>Welcome to Geeksforneveropen</h1> <h2>Build your career with Geeksforneveropen </h2> <p> Geeksforneveropen provides you to best tutorials, articles, coding, courses etc. <p>Geeksforneveropen DSA self placed code is best course ever and it is made by experts.</p> </p> <button>Learn More</button> </div> </div> <div id= "navigation" > <img src= alt= "logo" /> </div> <div id= "extra" > <div id= "card" > <h3>Create Math captcha using PHP</h3> <p>In this article we are implement Math captcha.</p> <button>Read More</button> </div> <div id= "card" > <h3>Style Google Custom Search Manually</h3> <p>We are styling Google Custom Search manually with CSS</p> <button>Read More</button> </div> <div id= "card" > <h3>What is Interaction Manager.</h3> <p>In this article we will see what is Interaction Manager and how use it.</p> <button>Read More</button> </div> </div> <div id= "footer" ><p>Copyright@2007</p> </div> </div> </> ) } export default App; |
Step 7: Add style.css
We can add CSS for styling. For that, we need to edit style.css located in public/assets folder. Then style.css looks like as follows:
html, body { margin : 0 ; padding : 0 ; } body { color : #292929 ; font : 90% Roboto, Arial , sans-serif ; font-weight : 300 ; } div#header { position : relative ; } div#header h 1 { height : 80px ; line-height : 80px ; margin : 0 ; padding-left : 10px ; background : green ; color : white ; margin-left : 5% ; } div#header nav { position : relative ; display : flex; list-style : none ; margin : 0 ; padding-left : 10px ; background : green ; color : white ; } div#header li { align-items: center ; justify- content : center ; margin-top : 28px ; padding-left : 10% ; color : white ; } div#header li a { color : #fff ; text-decoration : none ; } div#navigation img { width : 30 rem; height : 22 rem; margin : 6px ; } div#extra { display : flex; padding : 0px ; margin : auto ; } div#extra #card { width : 20 rem; height : 13 rem; margin : 5% ; padding : 5px ; border : 2px solid #292929 ; } div#extra #card button { height : 50px ; width : 10 rem; background-color : rgb ( 8 , 62 , 8 ); color : #fff ; border : none ; position : absolute ; bottom : 4px ; border-radius: 10px ; margin : 20px ; } div#footer { background : #42444e ; color : #fff ; } div#footer p { padding : 20px 10px ; text-align : center ; } div#wrapper { float : left ; width : 60 ; margin-left : 5% ; } div#wrapper#content { text-align : center ; } div#content h 1 { font-size : 50px ; font-weight : 800 ; color : rgb ( 11 , 49 , 11 ); } div#content button { height : 50px ; width : 10 rem; background-color : rgb ( 8 , 62 , 8 ); color : #fff ; border : none ; border-radius: 10px ; margin : 20px ; } div#navigation { float : right ; width : 40% ; } div#extra { clear : both ; width : 100% ; } |
Step 8: Run the project:
After editing all the files, you save them and run the project using the following command:
npm start
HTML template with react js