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HomeTutorialsWeb HostingHow to Tell if a Website is Reputable… or a Scam

How to Tell if a Website is Reputable… or a Scam

While we all visit websites pretty much every day, many people do not take the time to first check that sites are reputable and not scams. But it is essential that you know how to tell whether a website is safe in order to prevent your personal and financial details from being stolen or inadvertently downloading malicious software.

Thankfully, there are some simple ways in which you can identify whether a website is reputable or whether it is untrustworthy.

Tell if Website is Reputable
Image source: Pixabay

Look at the URL

Everyone should know what a secure URL looks like. If the address bar of a website you visit begins with “https://” or displays a lock symbol, you can be almost certain that it is not a scam site.

That is because a URL with those features means the site is using secured encryption processes to transfer data and thus protect itself against cyber criminals.

Look for Reviews and Ratings of the Website, e.g. for a Casino Website

It can be a good idea to take extra precautions to identify how reputable a website is. One of the simplest ways of confirming a site is trustworthy and not a scam is to look at online reviews of the website you want to visit.

By reading reputable and recent online reviews, you can learn a lot about the trustworthiness and reputability of a site.

For instance, if you want to play games like blackjack and roulette at 888 online casino’s website, you can read this trusted review of 888 casino to see just how good the casino actually is in terms of both safety and the range of games it has to offer. 

Review a Website’s Social Media Presence

In addition to looking at online reviews, you can further establish the authenticity of a website by looking at its social media presence. Most legitimate companies have a presence on social media sites and are active on those sites.

So, by carefully examining a website’s social media details, you can better ascertain whether the site is for real or a scam.

Double-check Domain Names

Some sophisticated scammers create websites that look like reputable sites, so be on the outlook for these. Thankfully, they are easy to spot, even though they generally use similar domain names to trick people.

The key is to simply double-check the domain name to make certain it is the legitimate site you want to visit. For example, if you want to shop on, make sure you are not on a site with a domain name like

Scammers hope people will not notice subtle differences, so always ensure you check domain names.

Find Out the Age of Domains

By verifying the age of a domain, you can further protect yourself against scam sites and ensure you are using legitimate ones.

For instance, Amazon has been in operation for years, so if you check a domain name like and find it has only recently been set up, you gain further confirmation that the website is not legitimate.

There are various online domain trackers you can use to find out how long website names have been in operation. And speaking of domains, check out this guide if you are choosing a domain name for a business yourself.

Verify the Data Privacy Policy

Most websites are required by law to publish their data privacy details. So, by finding that information on a website, you can find out how the site collects, uses, protects, and stores your data, and ensure you are not on a scam site.

Even if you know you are using a reputable website, you should always look through the data privacy policy to know exactly how your information will be used before you register or make any purchases.

Calisto Chipfumbu
Calisto Chipfumbu
I have 5 years' worth of experience in the IT industry, primarily focused on Linux and Database administration. In those years, apart from learning significant technical knowledge, I also became comfortable working in a professional team and adapting to my environment, as I switched through 3 roles in that time.


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