In this article, we will see how to remove special characters from strings in PHP, along with understanding their implementation through the examples. We have given a string and we need to remove special characters from string str in PHP, for this, we have the following methods in PHP:
Using str_replace() Method: The str_replace() method is used to remove all the special characters from the given string str by replacing these characters with the white space (” “).
str_replace( $searchVal, $replaceVal, $subjectVal, $count )
Example: This example illustrates the use of the str_replace() function to remove the special characters from the string.
<?php // PHP program to Remove // Special Character From String // Function to remove the special function RemoveSpecialChar( $str ) { // Using str_replace() function // to replace the word $res = str_replace ( array ( '\'' , '"' , ',' , ';' , '<' , '>' ), ' ' , $str ); // Returning the result return $res ; } // Given string $str = "Example,to remove<the>Special'Char;" ; // Function calling $str1 = RemoveSpecialChar( $str ); // Printing the result echo $str1 ; ?> |
Example to remove the Special Char
Using str_ireplace() Method: The str_ireplace() method is used to remove all the special characters from the given string str by replacing these characters with the white space (” “). The difference between str_replace and str_ireplace is that str_ireplace is case-insensitive.
str_ireplace( $searchVal, $replaceVal, $subjectVal, $count )
Example: This example illustrates the use of the str_ireplace() method to remove all the special characters from the string.
<?php // PHP program to Remove // Special Character From String // Function to remove the special function RemoveSpecialChar( $str ){ // Using str_ireplace() function // to replace the word $res = str_ireplace ( array ( '\'' , '"' , ',' , ';' , '<' , '>' ), ' ' , $str ); // returning the result return $res ; } // Given string $str = "Example,to remove<the>Special'Char;" ; // Function calling $str1 = RemoveSpecialChar( $str ); // Printing the result echo $str1 ; ?> |
Example to remove the Special Char
Using preg_replace() Method: The preg_replace() method is used to perform a regular expression for search and replace the content.
preg_replace( $pattern, $replacement, $subject, $limit, $count )
Example: This example illustrates the use of the preg_replace() method where the particular or all the matched pattern found in the input string will be replaced with the substring or white space.
<?php // PHP program to Remove // Special Character From String // Function to remove the special function RemoveSpecialChar( $str ){ // Using preg_replace() function // to replace the word $res = preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/s' , ' ' , $str ); // Returning the result return $res ; } // Given string $str = "Example,to remove<the>Special'Char;" ; // Function calling $str1 = RemoveSpecialChar( $str ); // Printing the result echo $str1 ; ?> |
Example to remove the Special Char
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