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HomeMobileJailbreakHow to relocate the close button for tabs in Safari

How to relocate the close button for tabs in Safari

RightX 02RightX 02

RightX is a jailbreak tweak for Safari that allows you to reposition the close button for Safari tabs. Once installed, it moves the ‘x’ button used for closing tabs from the upper left-hand corner of the tab to the upper right-hand corner. RightX is handy if you’re left handed and tend to use the iPhone single-handed with your dominant hand.

Of course, there may be other usage benefits to RightX depending on the way you hold your iPhone. Have a look at our full video walkthrough inside for further details on the tweak.

Once installed, RightX just starts working; there are no settings or options to configure. You can find RightX on Cydia’s BigBoss repo for free. It does require iOS 7, and only works with the stock Safari browser.

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