In this article, we are going to discuss how to merge two CSV files there is a function in pandas library pandas.merge(). Merging means nothing but combining two datasets together into one based on common attributes or column.
Syntax: pandas.merge()
Parameters :
- data1, data2: Dataframes used for merging.
- how: {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’}, default ‘inner’
- on: label or list
Returns : A DataFrame of the two merged objects.
There are 4 types of a merge.
- Inner
- Left
- Right
- Outer
We are going to use the below two csv files i.e. loan.csv and borrower.csv to perform all operations:
Inner Join
By setting how=’inner‘ it will merge both dataframes based on the specified column and then return new dataframe containing only those rows that have a matching value in both original dataframes.
import pandas as pd # reading two csv files data1 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/loan.csv' ) data2 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/borrower.csv' ) # using merge function by setting how='inner' output1 = pd.merge(data1, data2, on = 'LOAN_NO' , how = 'inner' ) # displaying result print (output1) |
Left Outer Join
By setting how=’left’ it will merge both dataframes based on the specified column and then return new dataframe containing all rows from left dataframe including those rows also who do not have values in the right dataframe and set right dataframe column value to NAN.
import pandas as pd # reading csv files data1 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/loan.csv' ) data2 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/borrower.csv' ) # using merge function by setting how='left' output2 = pd.merge(data1, data2, on = 'LOAN_NO' , how = 'left' ) # displaying result print (output2) |
Right Outer Join
By setting how=’right’ it will merge both dataframes based on the specified column and then return new dataframe containing all rows from right dataframe including those rows also who do not have values in the left dataframe and set left dataframe column value to NAN.
import pandas as pd # reading csv files data1 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/loan.csv' ) data2 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/borrower.csv' ) # using merge function by setting how='right' output3 = pd.merge(data1, data2, on = 'LOAN_NO' , how = 'right' ) # displaying result print (output3) |
Full Outer Join
By setting how=’right’ it will merge both dataframes based on the specified column and then return new dataframe containing rows from both dataframes and set NAN value for those where data is missing in one of the dataframes.
import pandas as pd # reading csv files data1 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/loan.csv' ) data2 = pd.read_csv( 'datasets/borrower.csv' ) # using merge function by setting how='outer' output4 = pd.merge(data1, data2, on = 'LOAN_NO' , how = 'outer' ) # displaying result print (output4) |