A Plotly is a Python library that is used to design graphs, especially interactive graphs. It can plot various graphs and charts like histogram, barplot, boxplot, spreadplot, and many more. It is mainly used in data analysis as well as financial analysis. plotly is an interactive visualization library.
Simple Slider Control
In plotly, a slider is a Tkinter object with which a user can set the values by moving an indicator. A slider can be vertically and horizontally arranged. In plotly, the slider can be formed by using the Scale method().
Example 1:
import plotly.graph_objects as px import plotly.express as go import numpy as np df = go.data.tips() x = df[ 'total_bill' ] y = df[ 'day' ] plot = px.Figure(data = [px.Scatter( x = x, y = y, mode = 'lines' ,) ]) plot.update_layout( xaxis = dict ( rangeselector = dict ( buttons = list ([ dict (count = 1 , step = "day" , stepmode = "backward" ), ]) ), rangeslider = dict ( visible = True ), ) ) plot.show() |
Example 2:
import plotly.express as px df = px.data.tips() fig = px.scatter(df, x = "total_bill" , y = "tip" , animation_frame = "day" , color = "sex" ,) fig[ "layout" ].pop( "updatemenus" ) fig.show() |