The purpose of this article is to make a simple program to create a leaderboard using PHP. Below is the implementation for the same using PHP. The prerequisites of this topic are PHP/MySQL and the installment of Apache Server on your computer.
Step 1: First we will create a HTML table using <table> tag defined by the <tr> tag for creating rows. It’s just a simple HTML/CSS file. The only thing worth noting is that we are using the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework to give style to our page. You can use any other styling framework of your choice or write your own CSS if you want.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >LeaderBoard Using PHP</ title > </ head > < body > < h2 >Welcome To GFG</ h2 > < table > < tr > < td >Ranking</ td > < td >UserName</ td > < td >Marks</ td > </ tr > |
Step 2: Fetch data from SQL and display it using PHP.
Step 3: Create a MySQL database by following commands.
CREATE DATABASE leaderboard;
CREATE TABLE leaderboard(userName VARCHAR(30), marks INT(10));
Step 4: Insert some values into the database.
INSERT INTO leaderboard(userName,marks) VALUES('Devesh Pratap Singh',100);
<?php /* Connection Variable ("Servername", "username","password","database") */ $con = mysqli_connect( "localhost" , "root" , "" , "leaderboard" ); /* Mysqli query to fetch rows in descending order of marks */ $result = mysqli_query( $con , "SELECT userName, marks FROM leaderboard ORDER BY marks DESC"); /* First rank will be 1 and second be 2 and so on */ $ranking = 1; /* Fetch Rows from the SQL query */ if (mysqli_num_rows( $result )) { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result )) { echo "<td>{ $ranking }</td> <td>{ $row [ 'userName' ]}</td> <td>{ $row [ 'marks' ]}</td>"; $ranking ++; } } ?> |
Step 5: Close the table tag, body tag, and html tag.
</ table > </ body > </ html > |
Step 6: Save this file as “index.php“.
Step 7: Copy this file inside your xampp server in htdocs directory.
Step 8: Open phpMyAdmin or MySQL server on your computer.
Step 9: Open https://localhost/index.php into your web browser.