Choropleth Map is a type of thematic map in which a set of pre-defined areas is colored or patterned in proportion to a statistical variable that represents an aggregate summary of a geographic characteristic within each area. Choropleth maps provide an easy way to visualize how a variable varies across a geographic area or show the level of variability within a region.
Sliders can be used in plotly to change the data displayed or the style of a plot. It is a handy tool that can be used to display changes in a choropleth map.
Let’s start by installing plotly:
pip install plotly
Now, let’s Import the necessary libraries.
import pandas as pd import plotly import numpy as np |
Loading Dataset
Loading sample dataset. We’ll use this dataset to plot a choropleth map.
df = pd.read_csv('https: / / raw.githubusercontent\ .com / plotly / datasets / master / 2011_us_ag_exports .csv') data = [ dict ( type = 'choropleth' , locations = df[ 'code' ].astype( str ), z = df[ 'total exports' ].astype( float ), locationmode = 'USA-states' )] |
Creating Slider
Now, let’s build our slider:
steps = [] for i in range ( len (data)): step = dict (method = 'restyle' , args = [ 'visible' , [ False ] * len (data)], label = 'Year {}' . format (i + 1980 )) step[ 'args' ][ 1 ][i] = True steps.append(step) sliders = [ dict (active = 0 , pad = { "t" : 1 }, steps = steps)] |
Final Code with Output
Finally, let’s put all the code together and plot the choropleth map with a slider.
import pandas as pd import plotly import numpy as np plotly.offline.init_notebook_mode() # Reading sample data using pandas DataFrame df = pd.read_csv('https: / / raw.githubusercontent.\ com / plotly / datasets / master / 2011_us_ag_exports .csv') data = [ dict ( type = 'choropleth' , locations = df[ 'code' ].astype( str ), z = df[ 'total exports' ].astype( float ), locationmode = 'USA-states' )] # let's create some more additional, data for i in range ( 5 ): data.append(data[ 0 ].copy()) data[ - 1 ][ 'z' ] = data[ 0 ][ 'z' ] * np.random.rand( * data[ 0 ][ 'z' ].shape) # let's now create slider for map steps = [] for i in range ( len (data)): step = dict (method = 'restyle' , args = [ 'visible' , [ False ] * len (data)], label = 'Year {}' . format (i + 1980 )) step[ 'args' ][ 1 ][i] = True steps.append(step) slider = [ dict (active = 0 , pad = { "t" : 1 }, steps = steps)] layout = dict (geo = dict (scope = 'usa' , projection = { 'type' : 'albers usa' }), sliders = slider) fig = dict (data = data, layout = layout) plotly.offline.iplot(fig) |