Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. The core library is focused on the view layer only and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries. Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.
The v-for directive is used to loop over a list of elements. The syntax is in the form of item in items, where items is the array that has to looped through and item is used as an alias for the element currently iterated on.
The examples below demonstrate the looping over of elements:
Example 1: In this example, the list is iterated over and displayed.
< html > < head > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body > < div id = 'parent' > < h1 style = "color: green" > neveropen </ h1 > < h3 >Friends of Mine!</ h3 > < ol > < li v-for = 'friend in friends' > < strong >{{friend}}</ strong > </ li > </ ol > </ div > < script src = 'app.js' ></ script > </ body > </ html > |
const parent = new Vue({ el: '#parent' , data: { friends: [ 'Vikash' , 'Deepak' , 'Mukesh' , 'Harsh' , 'Motiar' , 'Raja' ] } }) |
Example 2: In this example, the list containing objects are displayed as a table.
< html > < head > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body > < div id = 'parent' > < h1 style = "color: green" > neveropen </ h1 > < h3 >Courses Details!</ h3 > < table > < tr > < th >Course Id</ th > < th >Course Name</ th > < th >Instructor</ th > </ tr > < tr v-for = 'Course in Courses' > < td >{{Course.CourseId}}</ td > < td >{{Course.CourseName}}</ td > < td >{{Course.instructor}}</ td > </ tr > </ table > </ div > < script src = 'app.js' ></ script > </ body > </ html > |
const parent = new Vue({ el: '#parent' , data: { Courses: [ { CourseId: '100A' , CourseName: 'React.js' , instructor: 'Stphen Grider' }, { CourseId: '100B' , CourseName: 'Vue.js' , instructor: 'Maxmillian' }, { CourseId: '100C' , CourseName: 'Angular.js' , instructor: 'Maxmillian' }, { CourseId: '100D' , CourseName: 'Java' , instructor: 'Tim Buchikka' }, { CourseId: '100E' , CourseName: 'web Dev' , instructor: 'Colt Stele' } ] } }) |