Prerequisites: numpy.savetxt(), numpy.loadtxt()
Numpy.savetxt() is a method in python in numpy library to save an 1D and 2D array to a file.
Syntax: numpy.savetxt(fname, X, fmt=’%.18e’, delimiter=’ ‘, newline=’\n’, header=”, footer=”, comments=’# ‘, encoding=None)
numpy.loadtxt() is a method in python in numpy library to load data from a text file for faster reading.
Syntax: numpy.loadtxt(fname, dtype=’float’, comments=’#’, delimiter=None, converters=None, skiprows=0, usecols=None, unpack=False, ndmin=0)
Saving and loading 3D arrays
As discussed earlier we can only use 1D or 2D array in numpy.savetxt(), and if we use an array of more dimensions it will throw a ValueError – Expected 1D or 2D array, got 3D array instead. Therefore, we need to find a way to save and retrieve, at least for 3D arrays, here’s how you can do this by using some Python tricks.
- Step 1: reshape the 3D array to 2D array.
- Step 2: Insert this array to the file
- Step 3: Load data from the file to display
- Step 4: convert back to the original shaped array
import numpy as gfg arr = gfg.random.rand( 5 , 4 , 3 ) # reshaping the array from 3D # matrice to 2D matrice. arr_reshaped = arr.reshape(arr.shape[ 0 ], - 1 ) # saving reshaped array to file. gfg.savetxt( "geekfile.txt" , arr_reshaped) # retrieving data from file. loaded_arr = gfg.loadtxt( "geekfile.txt" ) # This loadedArr is a 2D array, therefore # we need to convert it to the original # array shape.reshaping to get original # matrice with original shape. load_original_arr = loaded_arr.reshape( loaded_arr.shape[ 0 ], loaded_arr.shape[ 1 ] / / arr.shape[ 2 ], arr.shape[ 2 ]) # check the shapes: print ( "shape of arr: " , arr.shape) print ( "shape of load_original_arr: " , load_original_arr.shape) # check if both arrays are same or not: if (load_original_arr = = arr). all (): print ( "Yes, both the arrays are same" ) else : print ( "No, both the arrays are not same" ) |
shape of arr: (5, 4, 3) shape of load_original_arr: (5, 4, 3) Yes, both the arrays are same