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How to Implement MultiMap in Java Using TreeMap?

Map is an interface in java. Present in java.util package. The map is the collection of keys and values and it stores the data as a Key-Value pair. It is implemented by HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap. Each class has its own features. It doesn’t keep the order of keys.

What is TreeMap in java?

TreeMap is used to implement the Map interface in java. It is also stored as a Kay-Value pair but this gives an extra feature that is sorting. It keeps all keys in a sorted manner. It takes O(log n) time to insert a key in the TreeMap. 

What is MultiMap?

MultiMap is used to keep multiple same keys with different values. Unfortunately, java does not provide this functionality. In this article, we will learn How we can implement it in java. The C++ language supports it. 

MultiMap can be implemented in java using TreeMap because it keeps the keys in sorted order and multimap also stores the keys in sorted order, but the advantage of the multimap is to support multiple same key-value pairs.

We implemented the below methods in MultiMap:

void put(char Key, int value); // To put a new Key-Value pair

void get(char key); // To get the values mapped with key

void removeAll(char key); // To remove all values mapped with given key

boolean remove(char key, int value); // To remove specific Key-Value pair 

int size(); // To get Size of MultiMap

boolean containsKey(char key); // To check key is present in MultiMap

String toString(); // This method is override to print the multimap 

The Time Complexity of all above operations is O(log n) except size() it’s O(1) and toString is O(key*values).

Below is the implementation of MultiMap in Java using TreeMap


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.util.*;
// MultiMap Implementation
class MultiMap {
    // Key is a Type of Character
    // Value is a Type of Integer
    private TreeMap<Character, List<Integer> > treeMap;
    private int size;
    // Constructor
    public MultiMap()
        treeMap = new TreeMap<Character, List<Integer> >();
        size = 0;
    // to Add key-value
    public void put(char key, int value)
        treeMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>())
    // get function -> returns a values mapped with key
    public List<Integer> get(char key)
        return this.containsKey(key)
            ? treeMap.get(key)
            : new ArrayList<Integer>();
    // this will remove key and all values associated with
    // it
    public void removeAll(char key)
        if (this.containsKey(key)) {
            size -= treeMap.get(key).size();
    // this will remove a specific pair of key and value if
    // value is mapped with same key a
    // and return true if same key and value removed from
    // MultiMap else false.
    public boolean remove(char key, int value)
        boolean isKeyPresent = this.containsKey(key);
        // If key not present then return false;
        if (!isKeyPresent) {
            return false;
        boolean isValuePresent
            = treeMap.get(key).contains(value);
        if (isValuePresent) {
            treeMap.get(key).remove(new Integer(value));
        return isKeyPresent && isValuePresent;
    // this function will return the size of MultiMap
    public int size() { return this.size; }
    // To check key is present or not
    public boolean containsKey(char key)
        return treeMap.containsKey(key);
    // Override toString method to print MultiMap with key
    // and value rather in object form
    @Override public String toString()
        String printMultiMap = "{\n";
        for (char key : treeMap.keySet()) {
            printMultiMap += key + " = "
                             + treeMap.get(key).toString()
                             + "\n";
        printMultiMap += "}";
        return printMultiMap;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // initializing multimap
        MultiMap multiMap = new MultiMap();
        // adding values in multimap
        multiMap.put('A', 1);
        multiMap.put('B', 2);
        multiMap.put('C', 3);
        multiMap.put('A', 4);
        multiMap.put('B', 5);
        multiMap.put('A', 6);
        multiMap.put('D', 7);
        multiMap.put('D', 8);
        // Printing Multimap
        System.out.println("Key and Values in MultiMap : ");
        // Printing size
        System.out.println("\nSize Of multiMap : "
                           + multiMap.size());
        // Remove specific key-value pair
        multiMap.remove('A', 4);
        // MultiMap After performing remove operations
            "\nAfter performing remove operation");
        System.out.println("Key and Values in MultiMap : ");
        System.out.println("\nSize Of multiMap : "
                           + multiMap.size());
        // Remove all value associated with key
        // MultiMap After performing remove operations
            "\nAfter performing removeAll operation");
        System.out.println("Key and Values in MultiMap : ");
        System.out.println("\nSize Of multiMap : "
                           + multiMap.size());
        // get values
            "Values in MultiMap associated with key: ");
        // check key is present or not
        System.out.println("\nIs 'A' Present?"
                           + multiMap.containsKey('A'));
        // MultiMap After performing all operations
            "\nKey and Values in MultiMap : ");


Key and Values in MultiMap : 
A = [1, 4, 6]
B = [2, 5]
C = [3]
D = [7, 8]

Size Of multiMap : 8

After performing remove operation
Key and Values in MultiMap : 
A = [1, 6]
B = [2, 5]
C = [3]
D = [7, 8]

Size Of multiMap : 7

After performing removeAll operation
Key and Values in MultiMap : 
A = [1, 6]
B = [2, 5]
C = [3]

Size Of multiMap : 5
Values in MultiMap associated with key: 
[2, 5]

Is 'A' Present?true

Key and Values in MultiMap : 
A = [1, 6]
B = [2, 5]
C = [3]

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