Web Tables are used to organize similar types of content on the web page, Web tables are groups of elements that are logically stored in a row and column format. Web table has various HTML tags like., table, th, tr, td. Let’s understand these tags a bit more:
- <table> – It defines a table
- <th> – It defines a header cell
- <tr> – It defines a row in a table.
- <td>- It defines a cell in a table. the <td> tag always lies inside the <tr> tag.
Example of HTML Table
Static Demo Table
The below table is a static demo table and the HTML code for the table:
< html > < head > < style ></ style > </ head > < body > < table name = "BookTable" > < tr > < th >BookName</ th > < th >Author</ th > < th >Subject</ th > < th >Price</ th > </ tr > < tr > < td >Learn Selenium</ td > < td >A</ td > < td >Selenium</ td > < td >100</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >Learn Java</ td > < td >B</ td > < td >Java</ td > < td >500</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >Learn JS</ td > < td >C</ td > < td >Javascript</ td > < td >700</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >Master In Selenium</ td > < td >D</ td > < td >Selenium</ td > < td >1000</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >Master In Java</ td > < td >E</ td > < td >JAVA</ td > < td >2000</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >Master In JS</ td > < td >F</ td > < td >Javascript</ td > < td >1000</ td > </ tr > </ table > </ body > </ html > |
Save the code as “table.html”, then you will get an HTML table like below.
To print the total cost of all the books listed in the table:
- Open URL
- Find the x-path
- compute the cost for each book,
Find the X-Path of the Table:
- Go to the website
- Right-click on the table and select inspect and copy the x-path.
- If any doubts check this article
- For finding the price we have to copy the x-path for the 4th column ie. the price column
package GFG_Maven.GFG_MAven; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver; public class Geeks { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { System.setProperty( "webdriver.chrome.driver" , "C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\Documents\\chromedriver.exe" ); ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); // Maximize the browser driver.manage().window().maximize(); // Launch Website List<WebElement> costColumns= driver.findElements(By.xpath( "/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td[4]" )); int sum_price= 0 ; for (WebElement e : costColumns) { sum_price= sum_price+Integer.parseInt(e.getText()); } System.out.println( "total price: " +sum_price); } } |
Step by Step Code Explanation:
- In setup method do all the config stuff, like launch a browser, open URL.
- To get the URL you should define the address of the file which saved as table.html in your system
- Creating a List of data type web elements and storing all the values in the 4th column in the table
- Now looping through the List and convert the data into integer and sum the price.
- Print the total cost
- Then click on run java application in eclipse.
For setting the chrome driver and selenium webdriver refer to this article How to Open Chrome Browser Using Selenium in Java?