A3tweaks, the team behind Auxo, has put together a beta repo which will host nightly builds of its popular tweak for paying customers. That means that if you purchased Auxo, you can simply add this beta repo to your Cydia sources, and enjoy the latest features before the general public.
In fact, there’s already a new beta build available for download right now. Take a look past the break to learn how you can easily access the bleeding edge upgrades.
To add the Auxo beta repo, do the following:
Step 1: Open Cydia.
Step 2: Tap the Manage button at the bottom, and ensure you see the Packages, Sources, Storage options on the page. If you do not, tap back until you see the Manage page.
Step 3: Tap Sources.
Step 4: Tap Edit in the upper right-hand corner, and then tap Add in the upper left-hand corner.
Step 5: Type the following in the Enter Cydia/APT URL box: repo.a3tweaks.com
Step 6: Tap Add Source and the source will be added, then tap Return to Cydia.
Step 7: You should now see the new A3tweaks Beta Repo, tap it and you will see the latest beta build of Auxo.
Now you can download the latest version of Auxo before the public versions are released.
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