Campus placement season is ongoing at almost all the colleges and each one of us wants to prepare to do the best. This article focuses on what all topics that are important for the preparation and how to proceed toward preparing for the best.
In general, Internship/placement process for almost all companies happen in two parts, first is a written round and then a series of interviews. For securing a good internship one need to prepare for both parts thoroughly. The ideal time to start preparing is 2 – 3 months before tests.
Written Test
Written test consists of :
- Coding Questions
- MCQs on CS topics
- Puzzles and Aptitude
- General Quant (in some companies)
For coding, you must be fluent in at least one coding language preferably C++ or Java. Topics asked in coding section are from Data Structures and Algorithms. You must read all the articles on Geekforneveropen which is more than enough if you do them properly, specifically focusing on topics like:
- Array
- Linked List
- Stacks and Queues
- Binary Tree and BST
- Heap and Hashing
- Graphs
- Dynamic Programming
Previous years asked questions are very important and you must practice them all. You must practice questions and try to code them as fast as possible. For that, you can use Gfg Practice sections and practice previously asked questions in different companies. Without practice, your speed will be a downside for you and you might not able to do question that you know.
MCQs are generally asked from topics :
- Languages : C / C++ / Java
- Operating System
- Object Oriented Programming
- Data Structures
You must revise all these topics before a test and practice some previously asked questions on these topics.
Puzzles and Aptitude
Depending on companies number of question on this section varies a lot but generally, almost all companies ask some questions related to these. Generally, puzzles are repeated and it is best to go through them beforehand.
General Quant consist of Probability, Permutation and Combination, Basic Maths.You may go through them and prepare if you want to go to a financial firm like Goldman Sachs etc. You can practice here.
Topics for interviews are same as for written test, the only difference here is you need to explain the interviewers what you are doing and why.
Interviews generally begin with them asking you about yourself and then moving to the technical stuff. Keep your introduction short and precise. If they ask something from your interested fields, you must be able to answer.
- In the technical round, listen to the question carefully and clarify your doubts. Then start to think and it is always advisable to use paper or board for rough work so that they can see what you are doing. Also regularly address the interviewer by telling them about how you are proceeding with the question and give them an insight to your current method and be quick to change approach if it is not working or not fulfilling constraints.
- For preparation, you must know the working of algorithms and neveropen articles are the best for it as they explain everything.
- Interviewers also ask you about your projects from your resume. You need to make them understand what was the aim of your project and some details of what you achieved through it. Don’t bore them with a lot of technical details, only basics will be enough. If they ask precisely, go into details. You must be thorough in whatever you have written in your resume, as not able to answer them leaves a very bad impression.
- At last, they ask if you have any questions for them and you need to show interest in asking them questions about their projects and what will be your role in the company as an intern.
HR round
There is also an HR round which is basically about checking your communication and presentation skills, it is very easy and only thing you need to do is answer the questions confidently and clearly.
General tips for interviews is to be interactive, long silence is not good for an interview. If an interviewer is showing interest in your works or sharing a personal experience with you that is a very good sign. You can also organize mock interviews with friends and it will be very beneficial.
At last, getting selected or not, not only depends on your knowledge but it also depends on many other factors collectively called ‘Luck’. So, not getting selected in one company does not mean you are not good enough for them. It may be interviewer that you encounter was in bad mood or not interested in your projects or questions asked were tough or not from your strong topics etc.
Don’t lose hope if you are not selected in a few companies, be patient and continue preparing, your luck will definitely change.
Best of Luck.
Related Articles:
- Step by Step Preparation for Company Interviews
- Company Specific Practice
- Company Preparation
- Placements Preparation Course
- Interview Corner