In this article, we will see how to get the file name from the path in PHP, along with understanding its implementation through the examples. We have given the full path & we need to find the file name from the file path. For this, we will following below 2 methods:
- Using the basename() function
- Using the pathinfo( ) Function
Input : path = /testweb/var/www/mywebsite/htdocs/home.php
Output : home.phpInput : path = /testweb/var/www/mywebsite/htdocs/abc.txt
Output : abc.txt
We will understand both functions with the help of examples.
Method 1: Using basename() function:
The basename() function is an inbuilt function that returns the base name of a file if the path of the file is provided as a parameter to the basename() function.
$filename = basename(path, suffix);
The path is a required field that specifies the path which is to be checked. The suffix is an optional field that specifies a file extension. If the filename has this file extension, the file extension will not show.
Example: This example describes the use of the basename() function that returns the base name of the file.
<?php $path = "/testweb/var/www/mywebsite/htdocs/home.php" ; $file1 = basename ( $path ); $file2 = basename ( $path , ".php" ); // Show filename with file extension echo $file1 . "\n" ; // Show filename without file extension echo $file2 ; ?> |
home.php home
Method 2: Using pathinfo() function:
The pathinfo() is an inbuilt function that is used to return information about a path using an associative array or a string ie., It will create an array with the parts of the path we want to use.
$filename = pathinfo(path);
Example: This example explains the pathinfo() function that will return information about a path. Here, we will use $filename[‘basename’], when we want to access the file name.
<?php // Path of the file stored under pathinfo $myFile = pathinfo ( '/usr/admin/config/test.php' ); // Show the file name echo $myFile [ 'basename' ], "\n" ; ?> |