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How to create Covid19 Country wise status project using REST API ?

Today, All Countries in the world fighting with Coronavirus. Every day, Coronavirus cases rising rapidly. It is important for all to keep track of COVID Cases daily and should try to keep himself/herself safe. We have made small web apps that will tell you the total no of cases, new cases, new death, recovery, etc. to the user. You have to just enter the country name and click on search. 

This app is also protected from clientside scripting and uses Free Covid-19 API. The following is the API Link: 

Steps to Run the program: We are showing JavaScript and HTML files in this article. All codes including HTML, CSS, and js are in my GitHub profile. The following is the complete project link: 

  • Git clone, to copy the GitHub project file on your computer.
  • Now open the Index.html file.
  • Type a country name and click search.

Project File and Module Required:

  • You should have three main files index.html (Below the code of the index.html file), and CSS (it is only required if you want to design, You can download CSS from my GitHub repository project file). And the third most important file is the JavaScript file (We have given the full code below) which is needed to for fetching COVID data and responding to the user search.
  • You require jQuery which is JavaScript Library. You can put CDN Script on your HTML Code from Jquery Official Website OR using the Command below: Note: Make sure you have NODE and NPM installed in the machine, otherwise go to the official website of the node to download and install. Firstly, you have to type the below command in the project directory. It will create a package.json file.
npm init

Now type the below command to install jQuery.

npm install jquery

Project Directory:

 Project Directory 

The project will look like this: Home Page:

full image of webapp

COVID19 stats search for INDIA country: 

working example INDIA 

Steps To Build the Application:

  • The first step is to go to API Copy the link of API to the Postman app and visualize the JSON format of data. We are using the summary data of API.
  • Create a form in an HTML file with the input field as the country name.
  • Assign Id to the head, form, input, and tag that should be used on JavaScript. Below is the Demo HTML file where class and id are used for styling and action call. 


<h1 class='section-heading'>COVID RESULT</h1>
<h2 class='section-subheading'>SEARCH COUNTRY NAME</h2>
<div class="section-description">
    <p class="section-subheading">
    <form id="query-form">
            <label for="ingredients">Country :</label>
            <input class="textfield" id="ingredients"
                   type="text" name="ingredients"
                   placeholder="e.g.India, chiNA"
                   onChange="sanitizeInputs()" />
        <div class="button">
            <br />
            <input class="button" type="button" value="Reset"
                   onClick="this.form.reset();resetResults()" />
            <input class="button" type="submit" value="Search ..."
                   id="searchButton" />
    <div class="section-subheading" id="search-results-heading"></div>
    <div class="results-div" id="results"></div>

  • Now include your CSS file (it is optional).
  • Remember to include the below two things in the HTML code:
    • jQuery CDN link
    • Your JS file
  • Now, add the following code to your JS file: 


// This Code calls function name performSearch()
// on clicking submit button of form
$(document).ready(function () {
    // Add an event listener (performSearch)
    // to the form
    $("#query-form").submit(function (event)
        { performSearch(event); });

  • Now create performSearch() Function using the below code: 


function performSearch(event) {
    // Variable to hold request
    let request;
    // Prevent default posting of form
    // put here to work in case of errors
    // Abort any pending request
    if (request) {
    // Setup some local variables
    let $form = $(this);
    // Disable the inputs and buttons
    // for the duration of the request.
    // It will show heading searching during the request
    $("#search-results-heading").text("Searching ...");
    // Send the request to API for data
    request = $.ajax({
        url: "",
        type: "GET",
        // data: { i:, q: $("#contains").val()}
    // Taking country name from input box that we created
    pat = $("#ingredients").val();
    // Callback handler for success
    request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
        // Calling formal search after getting data from api
    // Callback handler for failure (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            text("Unable to fetch Covid Data, Try again")
    // Callback handler that will be called in any case
    request.always(function () {
        // Reenable the inputs

  • Creating a formatSearchResults function that will give the user desired search result. 


let pat, flag = 0;
function formatSearchResults(jsonResults) {
    // Storing Json Data in jsonobject variable
    let jsonObject = jsonResults;
    $("#search-results-heading").text("Search Results");
    let formatedText = "";
    jsonObject.Countries.forEach(function (item, index) {
        // Matching user search data with api data
        if (item.Country.toLowerCase() == pat.toLowerCase()) {
            let thumbnail = item.NewConfirmed;
            // Printing the result
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>TotalConfirmed: " +
                item.TotalConfirmed + "<h3></div>";
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>NewDeaths: " +
                item.NewDeaths + "<h3></div>";
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>NewConfirmed: " +
                item.NewConfirmed + "<h3></div>";
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>NewRecovered: " +
                item.NewRecovered + "<h3></div>";
            flag = 1;
    // If result not found
    if (!flag) {
            .text("Dont Fun With it.Please Enter"
                + " Correct Country Name e.g-India");

  • And the last step is to protect data from client-side scripting and reset function. 


function resetResults() {
    flag = 0;
// This function checks the user input fields
// for any unacceptable characters and removes
// them if found
function sanitizeInputs() {
    let str = $("#ingredients").val();
    str = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9, ]/gim, "");
    str = str.trim();

The Complete Javascript Code: 


// This Code call function name performSearch()
// on clicking submit button of form
$(document).ready(function () {
    // Add an event listener (performSearch)
    // to the form
    $("#query-form").submit(function (event)
        { performSearch(event); });
let pat, flag = 0;
function formatSearchResults(jsonResults) {
    // Storing Json Data in jsonobject variable
    let jsonObject = jsonResults;
    $("#search-results-heading").text("Search Results");
    let formatedText = "";
    jsonObject.Countries.forEach(function (item, index) {
        // Matching user search data with api data
        if (item.Country.toLowerCase() == pat.toLowerCase()) {
            var thumbnail = item.NewConfirmed;
            // Printing the result
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>TotalConfirmed: " +
                item.TotalConfirmed + "<h3></div>";
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>NewDeaths: " +
                item.NewDeaths + "<h3></div>";
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>NewConfirmed: " +
                item.NewConfirmed + "<h3></div>";
            formatedText +=
                "<div class='dish-ingredients-div'><h3>NewRecovered: " +
                item.NewRecovered + "<h3></div>";
            flag = 1;
    // If result not found
    if (!flag) {
            .text("Dont Fun With it.Please Enter"
                + " Correct Country Name e.g-India");
function performSearch(event) {
    // Variable to hold request
    let request;
    // Prevent default posting of form -
    // put here to work in case of errors
    // Abort any pending request
    if (request) {
    // Setup some local variables
    let $form = $(this);
    // Disable the inputs and buttons
    // for the duration of the request.
    // It will show heading searching
    // during the request
        .text("Searching ...");
    // Send the request to API for data
    request = $.ajax({
        url: "",
        type: "GET",
        // data: { i:, q: $("#contains").val() }
    // Taking country name from input
    // box that we created
    pat = $("#ingredients").val();
    // Callback handler for success
    request.done(function (response,
        textStatus, jqXHR) {
    // Callback handler for failure (jqXHR,
        textStatus, errorThrown) {
        // Calling formal search after
        // getting data from api
            "Sorry We Unable to fetch Covid Data.Try again.");
    // Callback handler that will be
    // called in any case
    request.always(function () {
        // Reenable the inputs
// This function clears the search results
// and the heading "Search Results"
function resetResults() {
    flag = 0;
// This function checks the user input
// fields for any unacceptable characters
// and removes them if found
function sanitizeInputs() {
    let str = $("#ingredients").val();
    str = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9, ]/gim, "");
    str = str.trim();


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