In order to use the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) or PSD (Photoshop document) image file in your android studio project, you have to first convert them into an XML (Vector Drawable) file. Why XML (Vector Drawable) file?
- small in size
- scalability (It scaled without loss of display quality)
- height and width can be changed easily
- support transparency
- color can be changed
In this article, we will discuss how to convert SVG and PSD image files into XML Vector Drawable and display it in the Android app.
Steps for Converting SVG, PSD images to Vector Drawable File
Step 1: Create a New Project
To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio.
Step 2: Converting Files
- Right Click on the app -> res, then select New->Vector Asset
- Asset Studio Window will open, select the Local file (SVG, PSD)
- Locate the SVG or PSD file in the Path. (Download file)
- Change the Name, Size, Opacity of the file, and click on Next. Now your SVG file is converted into an XML file.
- When you click on the ic_freesample.xml file following is the auto-generated XML code.
< vector android:height = "166.1017dp" android:viewportHeight = "392" android:viewportWidth = "472" android:width = "200dp" xmlns:android = "" > < path android:fillColor = "#FFB564" android:pathData = "M288.7,187.7c-53.7,-32.6 -119.8,1 -119.8,1s11.6,92.6 11.4,121.4c-0.8,2 -1,4.1 -0.4,6.3c-0.2,1.2 -0.6,1.7 -1,1.7h1.7c1.1,3 2.9,4.3 5.8,5.3c10.9,4 21.5,6.8 33.1,7.7c3.6,0.3 7.1,0.2 10.5,-0.2c1.6,1.5 4,2.4 7.1,2.1c13.2,-1.2 28,-1.9 38.6,-10.3c1.7,-1.4 2.7,-2.7 3.1,-4.7h0.8L288.7,187.7z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#52E2D7" android:pathData = "M173.2,146.4l7.3,37.6l26.1,-6.8l-6.5,-33.2z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#FFFBE8" android:pathData = "M222.6,133.8c0,0 -17.9,-15.6 -5.3,39.9c0.6,2.5 19.4,3.4 19.4,3.4L222.6,133.8z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#F9A035" android:pathData = "M188.6,181.4c0,0 -20.6,0 -20.6,12.4c0.1,17.2 13.4,105.6 13.1,119.9c-0.2,9.3 19.1,13.6 19.1,13.6" /> < path android:fillColor = "#FFB564" android:pathData = "M200.2,93.3c0,0 9.7,50.2 11.6,48.4c2,-1.8 10.8,-7.9 10.8,-7.9l-13.5,-40.5H200.2z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#FFFBE8" android:pathData = "M184.1,123.6c0,0 -12.9,24.6 -10.9,22.8c2,-1.8 27,-2.4 27,-2.4L184.1,123.6z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#F25F68" android:pathData = "M257.9,92.8c-1.5,2 -3,4.1 -4.4,6.3c-1.2,1.9 -2.9,2.3 -4.6,1.9c-1.7,3.4 -3.5,6.7 -5.7,9.8c-6.2,22.4 -0.7,41.7 -8.7,63.8c-1.3,3.5 0.3,0.3 2.2,2.5c5.6,-3 31.1,3.5 38.7,4.2c1.7,-2.3 -9.1,-3.3 -10.3,-6.6c1.4,3.9 0.2,-5.2 0.2,-6.1c0.3,-2.6 0,-5.5 0.3,-8.1c0.7,-4.6 -1.4,-6.4 -0.8,-11c1.9,-14.5 3.4,-29.4 3,-44.1c-2.2,-3.9 -4.1,-7.9 -5.6,-12.1C261,92.9 259.4,92.7 257.9,92.8z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M218.2,174.8c0,0 -4.5,-16.5 -9,-36.4c-4.8,-21.3 -9.7,-43.8 -9,-45.1c1.3,-2.6 5.4,-4.8 8.9,0c2,2.7 7.9,21.6 13.5,40.5c6.3,21.1 12.2,42.3 11.9,40.8" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "square" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "4.9763" /> < path android:fillColor = "#AF3A46" android:pathData = "M200.2,93.3c-11.6,-12.2 -10.4,-19.2 -6.6,-23c6.6,-6.6 -2.8,-16.6 -0.9,-16.8c6.6,-0.6 28.6,9.6 17.3,36.9" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeWidth = "2.4882" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M245.2,109c0,0 11.3,-4.8 22.5,1.9" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "4.9763" /> < path android:fillColor = "#FFFBE8" android:pathData = "M200.1,139.2c0,4.7 -12.2,4.7 -12.2,4.7c-3.2,5.3 -14.1,0 -14.1,0" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "4.9763" /> < path android:fillColor = "#AF3A46" android:pathData = "M190.9,130.3c3.4,3.3 -12,3.5 -12,3.5l5.1,-10.2L190.9,130.3z" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M211.8,141.6c7.7,0 11.4,-6 11.4,-6" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "4.9763" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M169,188.8L169,188.8c43.9,-21.5 94.3,-16.6 119.8,-1.1L277,321.9c0,0 -39.9,23.2 -95.2,-1.1L169,188.8z" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "4.9763" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M255.7,270.4l-2.2,-32.6l-24.4,-18.9L205,236.6c0.3,11.8 1.4,22.8 1.7,34.6C206.6,271.2 236,275.9 255.7,270.4z" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "4.8228" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M229.5,219L229.5,246" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "5" /> < path android:fillColor = "#00000000" android:pathData = "M233.2,240.8c-1.5,0 -2.9,0.3 -6.8,0.4c0,0 -1,-0.9 -0.1,5.9c2.9,0.1 4,0.2 6.9,0.2C233.2,247.4 233.2,242.5 233.2,240.8z" android:strokeColor = "#AF3A46" android:strokeLineCap = "round" android:strokeLineJoin = "round" android:strokeWidth = "3.8582" /> </ vector > |
Step 3: Showing image in the Android app
- Now we will show this XML vector drawable file in the app.
- Below is the code of the activity_main.xml file.
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> < RelativeLayout android:layout_width = "match_parent" android:layout_height = "match_parent" tools:context = ".MainActivity" > <!-- Imageview to show the converted svg file --> < ImageView android:src = "@drawable/ic_freesample" android:layout_centerInParent = "true" android:layout_width = "wrap_content" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" /> </ RelativeLayout > |
- file
There is nothing to do with the file.
// file import; import android.os.Bundle; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } } |