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How to convert NumPy datetime64 to Timestamp?

In this article, we will discuss how to convert NumPy datetime64 to Timestamp in Python.

If the current datetime64 is as follows: 2020-08-18 09:31:51.944622

The required timestamp in seconds will be: 1597743111.944622
The required timestamp in minutes will be: 26629051.8657437
The required timestamp in an hour will be: 443817.53109572834

Example 1:

Here we are taking the date through np.datetime64() and then subtracting that date from the default system date which is 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. and with the help of np.timedelta64() converting the date into seconds, minutes, and hours.


# importing required library
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
# extracting current date
# in utc format
date = datetime.utcnow()
print("Printing the Current date:",
# converting the current date
# in datetime64 format
date64 = np.datetime64(date)
# converting date time into second timestamp
ts = (date64 - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'))
     / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
print("Printing the converted datetime
      in Timestamp in seconds:", ts)
# converting date time into minute timestamp
tm = (date64 - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'))
      / np.timedelta64(1, 'm')
print("Printing the converted datetime
      in Timestamp in minutes:", ts)
# converting date time into hour timestamp
th = (date64 - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'))
      / np.timedelta64(1, 'h')
print("Printing the converted datetime
      in Timestamp in hour:", th)


Printing the Current date: 2020-08-26 10:07:54.820878 

Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in seconds: 1598436474.820878

 Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in minutes: 1598436474.820878 

Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in hour: 444010.13189468835


Converting 15 Aug 2020 in seconds, minutes and hour timestamp and following the same approach as mentioned above i.e. convert numpy.datetime64 to timestamp.


#importing required library
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
print("Printing the date:")
# extracting current date in utc format
dt64 = np.datetime64('2020-08-15');
# converting date time into second timestamp
ts = (dt64 - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
print("Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in seconds:",
print("Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in minutes")
# converting date time into minute timestamp
tm = (dt64 - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')) / np.timedelta64(1, 'm')
print("Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in hour")
# converting date time into hour timestamp
th = (dt64 - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')) / np.timedelta64(1, 'h')


Printing the date: 2020-08-15 Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in seconds: 1597449600.0 Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in minutes 26624160.0 Printing the converted datetime in Timestamp in hour 443736.0


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