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How to Clear Cache In Laravel 10, 9, 8?

If you are working in Laravel web application and you are facing any error due to cache in your web application or some things are not working due to cache in laravel web apps. So In this tutorial, you will learn how to clear route, config, view, and app cache in laravel 10, 9, 8 apps using artisan command and without command.

How to Clear Cache In Laravel 10, 9, 8?

By using the following two methods to clear route, app, config, view cache in Laravel 10, 9, 8 apps:

  • Solution 1 – Laravel Clear route, app, config, view cache using Command Line
  • Solution 2 – Laravel Cache Clear using without Command Line

Solution 1 – Laravel Clear route, app, config, view cache using Command Line

Let’s explore the various PHP artisan commands available in Laravel 10, 9, and 8 to delete or clear route, app, config, and view caches:

  • Laravel Clear Route Cache
  • Laravel Clear App Cache
  • Laravel Clear Config Cache
  • Laravel Clear View Cache
  • Laravel Clear Cache using Reoptimized Class

Laravel Clear Route Cache

Use the below command and clear your routes cache :

php artisan route:cache

Laravel Clear App Cache

Use the below command and clear your application cache like session cache, cookies cache:

php artisan cache:clear

Laravel Clear Config Cache

Use the below command and clear your config cache :

php artisan config:cache

Laravel Clear View Cache

Use the below command and clear your view (blade) cache :

php artisan view:clear

Laravel Clear Cache using Reoptimized Class

php artisan optimize

Solution 2 – Laravel Cache Clear using without Command

If you are unable to access SSH on shared hosting servers, there is an alternative method to clear the cache by modifying the route file. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the web.php file in your project. This file is usually located in the routes directory.
  2. Open the web.php file in a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE).
  3. Insert the following code snippet at the desired location within the file:
//Clear route cache:
Route::get('/route-cache', function() {
$exitCode = Artisan::call('route:cache');
return 'Routes cache cleared';

//Clear config cache:
Route::get('/config-cache', function() {
$exitCode = Artisan::call('config:cache');
return 'Config cache cleared';

// Clear application cache:
Route::get('/clear-cache', function() {
$exitCode = Artisan::call('cache:clear');
return 'Application cache cleared';

// Clear view cache:
Route::get('/view-clear', function() {
$exitCode = Artisan::call('view:clear');
return 'View cache cleared';

Then save the changes to the web.php file.

Now, you can clear the cache of your application by accessing the /clear-cache URL in your web browser. For example, if your website URL is, you would visit

After accessing the URL, the cache of your application will be cleared, and you should see a message indicating successful cache clearance.

If the cache is not cleared yet. Then go to the bootstrap/cache directory. And delete all files and sub-directories inside the bootstrap/cache directory.

Or, you can execute the following on the terminal instead of manually deleting the file:

cd bootstrap/cache/
rm -rf *.php

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