In this article, we will learn how to check if the provided value is an object created by the Object constructor in JavaScript. Almost all the values in JavaScript are objects except primitive values.
There are several methods that can be used to check if the provided value is an object created by the Object constructor in JavaScript.
- Using the instanceof operator
- Using the method
- Using Object.getPrototypeOf()
- Using a combination of type-checking and the constructor property
Approach 1: Using the instanceof operator
The instanceof operator tests whether an object’s prototype chain contains the prototype property of a constructor. It checks if the provided value is an instance of the specified constructor or its derived classes.
Example: In this example, we are using the above-explained approach.
function isObjectInstanceof(value) { return value instanceof Object; } // Test cases const object1 = {}; const object2 = new Object(); const array = []; const date = new Date(); const number = 42; console.log(isObjectInstanceof(object1)); console.log(isObjectInstanceof(object2)); console.log(isObjectInstanceof(array)); console.log(isObjectInstanceof(date)); console.log(isObjectInstanceof(number)); // false (numbers are not objects) |
true true true true false
Approach 2: Using the method
Using, it retrieves the internal [[Class]] property, and comparing it to “[object Object]” verifies if the provided value is an object created by the Object constructor.
Example: In this example, we are using the above-explained approach.
function isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(value) { return === '[object Object]' ; } // Test cases const object1 = {}; const object2 = new Object(); const array = []; const date = new Date(); const number = 42; console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(object1)); // true console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(object2)); // true console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(array)); /* false (arrays are objects, but not created by Object constructor) */ console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(date)); /* false (dates are objects, but not created by Object constructor) */ console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(number)); // false (numbers are not objects) |
true true false false false
Approach 3: Using Object.getPrototypeOf()
Using Object.getPrototypeOf(), we can retrieve the prototype of the provided object, and if it matches Object.prototype, we can verify if the value is an object created by the Object constructor.
Example: In this example, we have the function isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor that checks if the provided value is an object created by the Object constructor using Object.getPrototypeOf()
function isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(value) { return Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === Object.prototype; } // Test cases const object1 = {}; const object2 = new Object(); const array = []; const date = new Date(); const number = 42; console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(object1)); // true console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(object2)); // true console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(array)); /* false (arrays are objects, but not created by Object constructor) */ console.log( isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(date)); /*false (dates are objects, but not created by Object constructor)*/ console.log(isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(number)); // false (numbers are not objects) |
true true false false false
Approach 4: Using a combination of type-checking and the constructor property
This approach involves multiple checks: it ensures that the value is an object (not null or other primitive types) and that its constructor is the Object constructor.
Example: In this example, we have the function isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor that checks if the provided value is an object created by the Object constructor using a combination of checks.
function isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(value) { return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Object; } // Test cases const object1 = {}; const object2 = new Object(); const array = []; const date = new Date(); const number = 42; console.log(isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(object1)); // true console.log(isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(object2)); // true console.log(isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(array)); /* false (arrays are objects, but not created by Object constructor) */ console.log(isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(date)); /* false (dates are objects, but not created by Object constructor) */ console.log(isObjectCreatedByObjectConstructor(number)); // false (numbers are not objects) |
true true false false false