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How to change pids_limit value in OpenShift 4.x

In OpenShift 4.x environment, each container running will be limited to the default maximum PID value of 1024. If there is a need to run applications with more than 1024 processes within one single container, the OpenShift Container Platform Cluster operator is required to adjust the default maximum PID value to a higher number.

pids_limit is the maximum number of processes allowed in a container, and it can be viewed by running the command below in an OpenShift node:

$ sudo crio-status config | grep pid
pids_limit = 1024

In OpenShift, it is NOT recommended to change the value directly by editing crio.conf file:

$ grep  pids_limit /etc/crio/crio.conf
pids_limit = 1024

It is recommended to follow the correct way that depends on the OCP version in use. I’m running OpenShift 4.4 and in this version, ContainerRuntimeConfig custom resource was introduced. You can check KCS Article 5133191.

Create ContainerRuntimeConfig custom resource for configuring cri-o pidsLimit

cat <<EOF > custom-pidslimit.yaml
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: ContainerRuntimeConfig
 name: custom-pidslimit
     custom-crio: custom-pidslimit
   pidsLimit: 4096

You can update the configuration file before applying:

vim custom-pidslimit.yaml

Apply configuration:

$ oc create -f custom-pidslimit.yaml
containerruntimeconfig.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/custom-pidslimit created

Verify the resource has been created

$ oc get ctrcfg
NAME               AGE
custom-pidslimit   44s

Once the custom resource is created, we need to roll out the pidslimit changes to all the worker nodes in the cluster.

Let’s add custom-crio: custom-pidslimit under labels in the machineConfigPool config

$ oc edit machineconfigpool worker
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfigPool
  creationTimestamp: "2020-07-15T08:29:58Z"
  generation: 7
    custom-crio: custom-pidslimit      #add this line

Check to ensure that a new 99-worker-XXX-containerruntime is created and that a new rendered worker is created:

$ oc get machineconfigs | grep containerruntime
99-worker-261cdd8d-c387-4f61-b1ce-b9ab2d025f09-containerruntime   601c2285f497bf7c73d84737b9977a0e697cb86a   2.2.0             93s

The changes should now be rolled out to each node in the worker pool via that new rendered-worker machine config.

You can verify by checking that the latest rendered-worker machine-config has been rolled out to the pools successfully:

$ oc get mcp
master   rendered-master-238bb9ffd94d526621cba8ee876c3ac8   True      False      False      5              5                   5                     0                      216d
worker   rendered-worker-6c236aa19af4d88fa0acdbc8f6ff53f3   False     True       True       10             0                   0                     7                      216d

Once a worker node is rebooted you can login and confirm the current setting:

$ oc debug node/<workernode>
sh-4.4# chroot /host
sh-4.4# grep pids_limit /etc/crio/crio.conf

I hope this short guide was helpful in changing the default value of pids_limit in your OpenShift 4.x cluster.


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