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HomeLanguagesJavaHow to add a Pie Chart into an Android Application

How to add a Pie Chart into an Android Application


A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions. It depicts a special chart that uses “pie slices”, where each sector shows the relative sizes of data. A circular chart cuts in a form of radii into segments describing relative frequencies or magnitude also known as circle graph. A pie chart represents numbers in percentages, and the total sum of all segments needs to equal 100%.

So let’s see the steps to add a Pie Chart into an Android app.

  1. Step1: Opening a new project
    • Open a new project just click of File option at topmost corner in left.
    • Then click on new and open a new project with whatever name you want.
    • Now we gonna work on Empty Activity with language as Java. Leave all other options as untouched.
    • You can change the name of project as per your choice.
    • By default, there will be two files activity_main.xml and
  2. Step 2: Before going to the coding section first you have to do some pre-task.
    • Go to app->res->values->colors.xml section and set the colors for your app.


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <color name="colorPrimary">#024265</color>
          <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#024265</color>
          <color name="colorAccent">#05af9b</color>
          <color name="color_one">#fb7268</color>
          <color name="color_white">#ededf2</color>
          <color name="color_two">#E3E0E0</color>
          <color name="R">#FFA726</color>
          <color name="Python">#66BB6A</color>
          <color name="CPP">#EF5350</color>
          <color name="Java">#29B6F6</color>

    • Go to Gradle Scripts->build.gradle (Module: app) section and import following dependencies and click the “sync Now” on the above pop up.

      build.gradle (:app)

      // For Card view
      implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'
      // Chart and graph library
      implementation 'com.github.blackfizz:eazegraph:1.2.5l@aar'
      implementation 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'

  3. Step3: Designing the UI
    • Below is the code for the xml file.


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <!-- Card view for displaying the --->
          <!-- Pie chart and details of pie chart -->
              <!--Linear layout to display pie chart --->
              <!-- and details of pie chart-->
                  <!--Pie chart to display the data-->
                  <!--Creating another linear layout --->
                  <!-- to display pie chart details -->
                          <!--View to display the yellow color icon-->
                          <!--Text view to display R -->
                      <!--Linear layout to display Python-->
                          <!--View to display the green color icon-->
                          <!--Text view to display python text -->
                      <!--Linear layout to display C++-->
                          <!--View to display the red color icon-->
                          <!--Text view to display C++ text -->
                      <!--Linear layout to display Java-->
                          <!--View to display the blue color icon-->
                          <!--Text view to display Java text -->
          <!-- Another Card view for displaying --->
          <!-- Use of programming languages -->
              <!--Relative layout to display --->
              <!-- use of programming languages -->
                          <!--Text view to use of --->
                          <!-- programming languages text-->
                              android:text="Use of Programming Languages(In Percentage):"
                          <!--View to display the line-->
                              <!--Text view to display R -->
                              <!--Text view to display the --->
                              <!-- percentage of programming language --->
                              <!-- used. For now default set to 0-->
                          <!--View to display the line-->
                              android:layout_marginRight="20dp" />
                              <!--Text view to display the percentage --->
                              <!-- of programming language used. --->
                              <!-- For now default set to 0-->
                              android:layout_marginRight="20dp" />
                              <!--Text view to display the percentage --->
                              <!-- of programming language used. --->
                              <!-- For now default set to 0-->
                              android:layout_marginRight="20dp" />
                              <!--Text view to display the percentage --->
                              <!-- of programming language used. --->
                              <!-- For now default set to 0-->

    • After using this code in .xml file, the UI will be like:

  4. Step4: Working with Java file
    • Open the file there within the class, first of all create the object of TextView class and the pie chart class.

      // Create the object of TextView and PieChart class
      TextView tvR, tvPython, tvCPP, tvJava;
      PieChart pieChart;

    • Secondly inside onCreate() method, we have to link those objects with their respective id’s that we have given in .XML file.

      // Link those objects with their respective
      // id's that we have given in .XML file
      tvR = findViewById(;
      tvPython = findViewById(;
      tvCPP = findViewById(;
      tvJava = findViewById(;
      pieChart = findViewById(;

    • Create a private void setData() method outside onCreate() method and define it.
    • Inside setData() method the most important task is going to happen that is how we set the data in the text file and as well as on the piechart.
    • First of all inside setData() method set the percentage of language used in their respective text view.

      // Set the percentage of language used

    • And then set this data to the pie chart and also set their respective colors using addPieSlice() method.

      // Set the data and color to the pie chart
          new PieModel(
          new PieModel(
          new PieModel(
          new PieModel(

    • For better look animate the piechart using startAnimation().

      // To animate the pie chart

    • At last invoke the setData() method inside onCreate() method.

    Below is the complete code for file:

    package com.example.piechart;
    // Import the required libraries
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.widget.TextView;
    import org.eazegraph.lib.charts.PieChart;
    import org.eazegraph.lib.models.PieModel;
    public class MainActivity
        extends AppCompatActivity {
        // Create the object of TextView
        // and PieChart class
        TextView tvR, tvPython, tvCPP, tvJava;
        PieChart pieChart;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            // Link those objects with their
            // respective id's that
            // we have given in .XML file
            tvR = findViewById(;
            tvPython = findViewById(;
            tvCPP = findViewById(;
            tvJava = findViewById(;
            pieChart = findViewById(;
            // Creating a method setData()
            // to set the text in text view and pie chart
        private void setData()
            // Set the percentage of language used
            // Set the data and color to the pie chart
                new PieModel(
                new PieModel(
                new PieModel(
                new PieModel(
            // To animate the pie chart



Dominic Wardslaus
Dominic Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,

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