Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeLanguagesJavascriptHow to add a new line in the alert box ?

How to add a new line in the alert box ?

To add a new line to the content of alert box we are going to use \n backslash(n). 

Example 1: This example adds \n between the 2 lines to the text of alert box


<h1 style="color:green;">
    Click on the button to pop
    alert box with added new line.
<button onclick="gfg_Run()">
    click here
    var text =
        "This is line 1\nThis is line 2";
    function gfg_Run() {


How to add a new line in the alert box ?

How to add a new line in the alert box ?

Example 2: This example adds \n among the 3 lines to the text of alert box


<h1 style="color:green;">
    Click on the button to pop
    alert box with added new line.
<button onclick="gfg_Run()">
    click here
    var text =
        "This is first line\nThis is "+
        "middle line\nThis is last line";
    function gfg_Run() {


How to add a new line in the alert box ?

How to add a new line in the alert box ?

Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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