In this article, we will learn how to add border color to a button in Tkinter. In the first example, we are using the frame widget to add border color to a button in frame by highlighting the border with black color and a thickness of 2.
Example 1: Using Frame widget to add border color to a button.
- A frame is a container for widgets. In this article, we are using frame widget parameters as highlightbackground and highlightthickness for adding border color to the button.
- Using Label widget to add text in GUI(graphical User Interface) with text font as a parameter.
- The Entry widget is used to take single-line input from the user.
- A frame with a thickness of 2 and a highlight background color as black is used for the button.
- Button widget with text as “Submit”, button background color as yellow with foreground color for text on the button is used as black in this GUI.
- Finally, a button with black border color with text as Submit is created successfully.
Below is the implementation:
import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.geometry( '250x150' ) root.title( "Button Border" ) # Label l = tk.Label(root, text = "Enter your Roll No. :" , font = (( "Times New Roman" ), 15 )) l.pack() # Entry Widget tk.Entry(root).pack() # for space between widgets tk.Label(root, text = " " ).pack() # Frame for button border with black border color button_border = tk.Frame(root, highlightbackground = "black" , highlightthickness = 2 , bd = 0 ) bttn = tk.Button(button_border, text = 'Submit' , fg = 'black' , bg = 'yellow' ,font = (( "Times New Roman" ), 15 )) bttn.pack() button_border.pack() root.mainloop() |
Example 2: Using LabelFrame to add border color to a button.
- A LabelFrame widget in tkinter contains the functionality of both label and a frame.
- The parameters of LabelFrame i.e., bd (border width) are taken as 6 with bg (background) color as black.
- The button widget is used for creating a button, the text parameter is used for adding text on button, and the button background color is taken as green with black color text on it.
- Finally, a button with black border color using LabelFrame widget with text as ‘Button’ on it is created successfully.
Below is the implementation:
from tkinter import * window = Tk() window.geometry( '250x150' ) window.title( 'Button Widget' ) # Button with black border border = LabelFrame(window, bd = 6 , bg = "black" ) border.pack(pady = 10 ) btn = Button(border, text = "Button" , width = 8 , bg = "#6CD300" , fg = "black" ) btn.pack() window.mainloop() |