For the given user input, get similar words through Enchant module.
is a module in python which is used to check the spelling of a word, gives suggestions to correct words. Also, gives antonym and synonym of words. It checks whether a word exists in dictionary or not. Other dictionaries can also be added, as, (“en_UK”), (“en_CA”), (“en_GB”) etc.
To install enchant :
pip install pyenchant
Examples :
Input : Helo Output : Hello, Help, Hero, Helot, Hole Input : Trth Output : Truth, Trash, Troth, Trench
Below is the implementation :
# Python program to print the similar # words using Enchant module # Importing the Enchant module import enchant # Using 'en_US' dictionary d = enchant. Dict ( "en_US" ) # Taking input from user word = input ( "Enter word: " ) d.check(word) # Will suggest similar words # form given dictionary print (d.suggest(word)) |
Output :
Enter word: aple ['pale', 'ale', 'ape', 'maple', 'ample', 'apple', 'plea', 'able', 'apse']