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GeeksforGeeks DSA Live Course For Working Professionals

Data Structure and Algorithms are indeed mandatory things in almost every tech interview. Whether it be Google, Microsoft, Amazon, or any other big tech player – they all ask various questions based on Data Structure and Algorithms during their recruitment process.

And you’re not required to have a decent knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms just because of solving several coding problems but apart from your programming or technical skills – it allows the interviewer to assess your problem-solving skills and how optimal and efficient solution you can provide for a particular problem.


However, some of the individuals often treat DS and Algorithms like other computer science subjects and even tend to ignore them as well. Though there may be many reasons behind it such as – lack of guidance & mentorship, unavailability of quality learning resources, etc.

But neveropen has resolved this major problem of all the individuals as we’re providing you with the DSA Live for Working Professionals course where you’ll get to learn all the Data Structures and Algorithms concepts to crack the interview of your dream company! As the name suggests, the course would be very much beneficial for the working professionals as the classes will be scheduled for Weekends – Saturday & Sunday.

Course Details

It will be an interview centric extensive online (live) program to build and enhance your DSA skills. The course is designed in such a manner that it will help you to improve your problem-solving and coding skills by enhancing your understanding of Data Structures & Algorithms. The primary goal of this course is to help you in the preparation for the Coding interviews of companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Uber, etc.

As it will be an online live class – you can attend this class from any geographical location and can ask your doubts or queries as well to the instructor similar to an offline classroom program. Though the course is open for everyone who wants to learn Data Structures and Algorithms, it is majorly recommended to Pre-Final / Final year students preparing for the Placement drives and Employees looking for a job change.

Some of the prominent features of this course are provided below:

  • Doubt Solving Assistance (TA’s)
  • Limited Batch strength – 30 Candidates
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • 6 months access to recorded Live lectures of this course
  • Other than that, you will also get complimentary access to the course content of the DSA Course worth INR 5999/– with some remarkable features:
    • Premium Lecture videos by Mr. Sandeep Jain
    • Specialized topic-based content
    • Weekly Assessment Tests & Practice Tracks
    • 7 Days Active doubt solving portal

This Geeks Classes – Live Session Course is being provided to you at a discounted price of INR 10,999/-. You can easily register yourself for this live course by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Step-1: Firstly, visit the official page of DSA Live Classes for Working Professionals
  • Step-2: Here, you’ll be required to click on the ‘Sign Up Now’ button and provide the required details in the form.
  • Step-3: Then, you need to make the payment of the fee.
  • Step-4: Then you’ll get successfully registered for the course and will be able to attend the live classes as per the schedule.

Course Content

Week 1:

  • Analysis of AlgorithmBackground analysis through a Program and its functions
  • Asymptotic NotationsBest, Average, and Worst case explanation through a program
  • Arrays Introduction and Advantages, Types of Arrays (Fixed-sized array, Dynamic-sized array), Operations on Arrays (Searching, Insertions, Deletion, Arrays vs other DS, Reversing – Explanation with complexity)
  • ProblemsLeft Rotation of the array by 1, Left Rotation of the array by D places, Leaders in an Array, Maximum Difference Problem, Stock Buy and Sell Problem, Trapping Rainwater Problem, Maximum subarray sum, Longest even-odd subarray, Maximum Circular sum subarray, Majority Element, Sliding Window Technique, Prefix sum technique, etc.
  • Basic Recursion

Week 2:

  • Basic Bit Manipulation
  • Bitwise Operators in C++ Operation of AND, OR, XOR operators, Operation of Left Shift, Right Shift, and Bitwise Not
  • Bitwise Operators in JavaOperation of AND, OR, Operation of Bitwise Not, Left Shift, Operation of Right Shift, and unsigned Right Shift
  • Problem Check Kth bit is set or not (Method 1: Using the left Shift, Method 2: Using the right shift)
  • ProblemCount Set Bits (Method 1: Simple method, Method 2: Brian and Kerningham Algorithm, Method 3: Using Lookup Table)
  • ProblemTo check whether a number is a power of 2 or not, Odd occurrences in an array, Two numbers having odd occurrences in an array, Generate power set using bitwise operators
  • Hashing Introduction and Time complexity analysis, Application of Hashing, Discussion on Direct Address Table, Working and examples on various Hash Functions, Introduction and Various techniques on Collision Handling, Chaining and its implementation, Open Addressing and its Implementation, Chaining V/S Open Addressing, Double Hashing, C++ (Unordered Set, Unordered Map), Java (HashSet, HashMap)
  • Problems Count Distinct Elements, Count of the frequency of array elements, The intersection of two arrays, Union of two unsorted arrays, Pair with given sum in an unsorted array, Subarray with zero-sum, Subarray with a given sum, Longest subarray with a given sum, Longest subarray with an equal number of 0’s and 1’s, Longest common span with the same sum in a binary array, Longest Consecutive Subsequence, Count Distinct elements in every window

Week 3:

  • StringsDiscussion of String DS, Problems (Given a string: check if they are an anagram of each other, find the leftmost character that repeats, find the leftmost character that does not repeat, find the lexicographic rank of it in O(n) time, Implementation of the previously discussed lexicographic rank problem, Given a text string and a pattern string, find if a permutation of the pattern exists in the text, Given two strings, check if they are rotations of each other or not, Various Pattern Searching Algorithms)
  • Linked ListsIntroduction, Implementation in CPP, Implementation in Java, Comparison with Array DS, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List, Loop Problems (Detecting Loops, Detecting loops using Floyd cycle detection)

Week 4:

  • Linked List ProblemMiddle of Linked List, Nth node from the end of linked list, Deleting a Node without accessing Head pointer of Linked List, An iterative method to Reverse a linked list, Recursive method to reverse a linked list, Segregating even-odd nodes of linked list, The intersection of two linked list, Pairwise swap nodes of linked list, Clone a linked list using a random pointer, LRU Cache Design
  • Stacks Understanding the Stack data structure, Applications of Stack, Implementation of Stack in Array and Linked List (In C++, In Java)
  • Problem Balanced Parenthesis, Two stacks in an array, K Stacks in an array, Stock span problem with variations, Previous Greater Element, Next Greater Element, Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram
  • Queues Introduction and Application, Implementation of the queue using array and LinkedList (In C++ STL, In Java, Stack using queue)
  • Problem Reversing a Queue, Generate numbers with given digits, Maximums of all subarrays of size k

Week 5:

  • Binary Tree – Introduction, Tree, Application, Binary Tree, Tree Traversal
  • Implementation of – Inorder Traversal, Preorder Traversal, Postorder Traversal, Level Order Traversal (Line by Line), Tree Traversal in Spiral Form
  • Problems – Size of Binary Tree, Maximum in Binary Tree, Height of Binary Tree, Print Nodes at K distance, Print Left View of Binary Tree, Children Sum Property, Check for Balanced Binary Tree, Maximum Width of Binary Tree, Convert Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List, Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Preorder, The diameter of a Binary Tree, LCA problem with an efficient solution
  • Binary Search Tree – Background, Introduction and Application, Implementation of Search in BST (In CPP, In Java), Insertion in BST (In CPP, In Java), Deletion in BST (In CPP, In Java), Floor in BST (In CPP, In Java)
  • Self Balancing BST, AVL Tree, Red-Black Tree, Set in C++ STL, Map in C++ STL, TreeSet in java, TreeMap in Java
  • Problems – The ceiling of a key in BST, Ceiling on the left side in an array, Find Kth Smallest in BST, Check for BST, Fix BST with Two Nodes Swapped, Pair Sum with given BST, Vertical Sum in a Binary Tree, Vertical Traversal of Binary Tree, Top View of Binary Tree, Bottom View of Binary Tree

Week 6:

  • Heaps – Introduction & Implementation
  • Binary Heap – Insertion, Heapify, and Extract, Decrease Key, Delete and Build Heap
  • Heap Sort
  • Priority Queue in C++
  • PriorityQueue in Java
  • Problems – Sort K-Sorted Array, Buy Maximum Items with Given Sum, K Largest Elements, Merge K Sorted Arrays, Median of a Stream
  • Graph Algorithms – Introduction to Graph, Graph Representation (Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List in CPP and Java, Adjacency Matrix VS List), Breadth-First Search (Applications), Depth First Search (Applications)

Week 7:

  • Graph Algorithms
  • Problems – Shortest Path in an Unweighted Graph, Number of Islands, Snake-Ladder, Detecting Cycle (In the Undirected Graph, In the Directed Graph), Topological Sorting (Kahn’s BFS Based Algorithm, DFS Based Algorithm)
  • Shortest Path in Directed Acyclic Graph
  • Greedy Algorithms – Introduction, Activity Selection Problem, Fractional Knapsack, Job Sequencing Problem

Week 8:

  • Dynamic Programming – Introduction, Dynamic Programming (Memoization, Tabulation)
  • Problems – Longest Common Subsequence, Coin Change Count Combinations, Edit Distance Problem (Naive Approach, DP Approach), Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem (Naive Approach, Efficient Approach), Maximum Cuts, Minimum coins to make a value, Minimum Jumps to reach at the end, 0-1 knapsack problem (Naive Approach, Efficient Approach), Optimal Strategy for a Game, Variation of Longest Common Subsequence, Variation of Longest Increasing Subsequence, Egg Dropping Problem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is this a language-specific course?

Ans. Yes, the discussion forum and doubt assistance are available only for C++ & Java.

Q2. Do we get any Placement Assistance?

Ans. Here, in this course, we’re actually preparing you for your interviews. And yes, we have a hiring platform where you can see the current opening & once you have completed this course you can apply for any one of them.

Q3. Who is eligible for this course?

Ans. The course is open to everyone. Though Pre-Final / Final year students preparing for the Placement drives and Employees looking for a job change are strongly recommended.

Q4. Will I get any certification after completion of the course?

Ans. Yes, and along with the certification, you’ll also get 6 months access to recorded live lectures of this course and access to the additional online data structures & algorithms course. 

This DSA Live for Working Professionals course will surely help you to get proficient with Data Structure & Algorithm skills conveniently to get into your dream job – all you need to have is a working internet connection and a laptop or PC. Now, what are you waiting for..?? Do register yourself asap!!

Last Updated :
12 Jan, 2023
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