Given a nested JavaScript object, the task is to flatten the object and pull out all the values to a single depth. If the values are already at single depth then it returns the result unaltered.
typeof() method: The typeof() method is used in the script to check the type of JavaScript variable.
Parameters: This method accept one parameter as mentioned above and described below:
- Variable: The input variable.
Return Value: This method returns a string which contains the type of the passed variable.
- We make a function called flatten object which takes input of an object and returns an object.
- Loop through the object and check the type of the current property:
- If it is of type Object and it is not an Array , recursively call the function again.
- Otherwise, store the value in the result.
- Return the object.
// Declare an object let ob = { Company: "neveropen" , Address: "Noida" , contact: +91-999999999, mentor: { HTML: "GFG" , CSS: "GFG" , JavaScript: "GFG" } }; // Declare a flatten function that takes // object as parameter and returns the // flatten object const flattenObj = (ob) => { // The object which contains the // final result let result = {}; // loop through the object "ob" for (const i in ob) { // We check the type of the i using // typeof() function and recursively // call the function again if (( typeof ob[i]) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(ob[i])) { const temp = flattenObj(ob[i]); for (const j in temp) { // Store temp in result result[i + '.' + j] = temp[j]; } } // Else store ob[i] in result directly else { result[i] = ob[i]; } } return result; }; console.log(flattenObj(ob)); |
{ Company: 'neveropen', Address: 'Noida', contact: -999999908, 'mentor.HTML': 'GFG', 'mentor.CSS': 'GFG', 'mentor.JavaScript': 'GFG' }