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HomeMobileJailbreakFixRoulette for Netflix adds a shuffle button to your Netflix TV shows

FixRoulette for Netflix adds a shuffle button to your Netflix TV shows

Sometimes it can be slightly challenging to figure out what you want to watch on Netflix. After all, with a seemingly endless library of movies and TV shows, even narrowing your search down to a single series can leave you with too many seasons and episodes to decide where you should begin.

Shuffle button added to Netflix TV shows with FixRoulette for Netflix.Shuffle button added to Netflix TV shows with FixRoulette for Netflix.

iOS developer joshuaseltzer wanted to make this choice easier for users, and so they created a free jailbreak tweak called FixRoulette for Netflix so that you can let a random number generator make that tough decision for you.

As you can see for yourself in the screenshot example above, FixRoutlette for Netflix adds a new Shuffle button to the Netflix app when viewing the page of any TV series, and upon tapping on it, you’ll get to view a random episode from any season of that particular TV show.

Citing the developer, FixRoulette for Netflix should support any version of Netflix that works in iOS versions 10 through 16. The last tested version of the Netflix app is version 15.33.0, but it’s important to note that newer versions of the app can always break this tweak’s functionality, so users may want to consciously suppress updates for the Netflix app to prevent breaking it.

The developer also says that they work hard to keep the tweak updated for more recent versions of the Netflix app, so if you ever want to know if a version of the app will be made compatible after a few updates make their way to the general public, you can always reach out to them with the question.

While FixRoulette for Netflix isn’t a new tweak, the latest version 2.0 release has been rebranded on the Havoc repository and supports even the latest rootless jailbreaks on iOS 15 and 16, such as Dopamine and palera1n.

Those who’d like to give FixRoulette for Netflix a try can download it for free from the Havoc repository via their favorite package manager app. A jailbreak will be required to take advantage of the tweak.

Are you going to be using FixRoulette for Netflix to help you decide what you should watch the next time you can’t decide? Let us know in the comments section down below.

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