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HomeData Modelling & AIFind the time which is palindromic and comes after the given time

Find the time which is palindromic and comes after the given time

Given a string str which stores the time in the 24 hours format as HH:MM such that 0 ? HH ? 23 and 0 ? MM ? 59. The task is to find the next closest time which is a palindrome when read as a string. If no such string exists then print -1.

Input: str = “21:12” 
Output: 22:22 
The only palindromic time possible in the given hour is 21:12 
but it is not greater than the given time so the output will be 
the palindromic time in the next hour i.e. 22:22
Input: str = “23:32” 
Output: -1 


Approach: There are three possible cases: 

  1. If MM < reverse(HH) then the output will be HH as hours and reverse(HH) as minutes.
  2. If HH = 23 and MM ? 32 then output will be 00:00 i.e 12:00 A.M.
  3. Else output will be HH + 1 as hours and reverse(HH + 1) as minutes.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
// Function to return the required time
string getTime(string s, int n)
    // To store the resultant time
    string res;
    // Hours are stored in h as integer
    int h = stoi(s.substr(0, 2));
    // Minutes are stored in m as integer
    int m = stoi(s.substr(3, 2));
    // Reverse of h
    int rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) / 10;
    // Reverse of h as a string
    string rev_hs = to_string(rev_h);
    if (h == 23 && m >= 32) {
        res = "-1";
    // If MM < reverse of (HH)
    else if (m < rev_h) {
        string temp;
        // 0 is added if HH < 10
        if (h < 10)
            temp = "0";
        temp = temp + to_string(h);
        // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
        if (rev_h < 10)
            res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
            res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
    else {
        // Increment hours
        // Reverse of the hour after incrementing 1
        rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) / 10;
        rev_hs = to_string(rev_h);
        string temp;
        // 0 is added if HH < 10
        if (h < 10)
            temp = "0";
        temp = temp + to_string(h);
        // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
        if (rev_h < 10)
            res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
            res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
    return res;
// Driver code
int main()
    string s = "21:12";
    int n = s.length();
    cout << getTime(s, n);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
    // Function to return the required time
    static String getTime(String s, int n)
        // To store the resultant time
        String res = "";
        // Hours are stored in h as integer
        int h = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, 0 + 2));
        // Minutes are stored in m as integer
        int m = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 3 + 2));
        // Reverse of h
        int rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 +
                   ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) / 10;
        // Reverse of h as a string
        String rev_hs = Integer.toString(rev_h);
        if (h == 23 && m >= 32)
            res = "-1";
        // If MM < reverse of (HH)
        else if (m < rev_h)
            String temp = "";
            // 0 is added if HH < 10
            if (h < 10)
                temp = "0";
            temp = temp + Integer.toString(h);
            // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
            if (rev_h < 10)
                res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
                res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
            // Increment hours
            // Reverse of the hour after incrementing 1
            rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) -
                    (h % 10)) / 10;
            rev_hs = Integer.toString(rev_h);
            String temp = "";
            // 0 is added if HH < 10
            if (h < 10)
                temp = "0";
            temp = temp + Integer.toString(h);
            // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
            if (rev_h < 10)
                res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
                res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
        return res;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = "21:12";
        int n = s.length();
        System.out.println(getTime(s, n));
// This code is contributed by
// sanjeev2552


# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Function to return the required time
def getTime(s, n) :
    # Hours are stored in h as integer
    h = int(s[0 : 2]);
    # Minutes are stored in m as integer
    m = int(s[3 : 5]);
    # Reverse of h
    rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) // 10;
    # Reverse of h as a string
    rev_hs = str(rev_h)
    temp = ""
    res  = ""
    if (h == 23 and m >= 32) :
        res = "-1";
    # If MM < reverse of (HH)
    elif (m < rev_h) :
        # 0 is added if HH < 10
        if (h < 10) :
            temp = "0";
        temp = temp + str(h);
        # 0 is added if rev_h < 10
        if (rev_h < 10) :
            res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
        else :
            res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
    else :
        # Increment hours
        h += 1
        # Reverse of the hour after incrementing 1
        rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) //10;
        rev_hs = str(rev_h);
        # 0 is added if HH < 10
        if (h < 10) :
            temp = "0";
        temp = temp + str(h);
        # 0 is added if rev_h < 10
        if (rev_h < 10) :
            res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
        else :
            res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
    return res;
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    s = "21:12";
    n = len(s);
    print(getTime(s, n));
    # This code is contributed by AnkitRai01


using System;
class GFG
    // Function to return the required time
    static string GetTime(string s, int n)
        // To store the resultant time
        string res = "";
        // Hours are stored in h as integer
        int h = int.Parse(s.Substring(0, 2));
        // Minutes are stored in m as integer
        int m = int.Parse(s.Substring(3, 2));
        // Reverse of h
        int rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 +
                    ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) / 10;
        // Reverse of h as a string
        string rev_hs = rev_h.ToString();
        if (h == 23 && m >= 32)
            res = "-1";
        // If MM < reverse of (HH)
        else if (m < rev_h)
            string temp = "";
            // 0 is added if HH < 10
            if (h < 10)
                temp = "0";
            temp = temp + h.ToString();
            // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
            if (rev_h < 10)
                res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
                res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
            // Increment hours
            // Reverse of the hour after incrementing 1
            rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) -
                    (h % 10)) / 10;
            rev_hs = rev_h.ToString();
            string temp = "";
            // 0 is added if HH < 10
            if (h < 10)
                temp = "0";
            temp = temp + h.ToString();
            // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
            if (rev_h < 10)
                res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
                res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
        return res;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string s = "21:12";
        int n = s.Length;
        Console.WriteLine(GetTime(s, n));


// JavaScript implementation of the approach
 // Function to return the required time
    function getTime(s,n)
    // To store the resultant time
        let res = "";
        // Hours are stored in h as integer
        let h = parseInt(s.substring(0, 0 + 2));
        // Minutes are stored in m as integer
        let m = parseInt(s.substring(3, 3 + 2));
        // Reverse of h
       let rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 +
                   ((h % 100) - (h % 10)) / 10;
        // Reverse of h as a string
        let rev_hs = (rev_h).toString();
        if (h == 23 && m >= 32)
            res = "-1";
        // If MM < reverse of (HH)
        else if (m < rev_h)
            let temp = "";
            // 0 is added if HH < 10
            if (h < 10)
                temp = "0";
            temp = temp + h.toString();
            // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
            if (rev_h < 10)
                res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
                res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
            // Increment hours
            // Reverse of the hour after incrementing 1
            rev_h = (h % 10) * 10 + ((h % 100) -
                    (h % 10)) / 10;
            rev_hs = (rev_h).toString();
            let temp = "";
            // 0 is added if HH < 10
            if (h < 10)
                temp = "0";
            temp = temp + h.toString();
            // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
            if (rev_h < 10)
                res = res + temp + ":0" + rev_hs;
                res = res + temp + ":" + rev_hs;
        return res;
 // Driver Code
    let  s = "21:12";
    let n = s.length;
    document.write(getTime(s, n));
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


//PHP implementation of the approach
// Function to return the required time
function getTime( $s, $n)
    // To store the resultant time
    // Hours are stored in h as integer
    $h = intval($s.substr(0, 2));
    // Minutes are stored in m as integer
    $m = intval($s.substr(3, 2));
    // Reverse of h
    $rev_h = ($h % 10) * 10 + (($h % 100) - ($h % 10)) / 10;
    // Reverse of h as a string
    $rev_hs = strval($rev_h);
    if ($h == 23 && $m >= 32) {
        $res = "-1";
    // If MM < reverse of (HH)
    else if ($m < $rev_h) {
        // 0 is added if HH < 10
        if ($h < 10)
            $temp = "0";
        $temp = $temp . strval($h);
        // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
        if ($rev_h < 10)
            $res = $res . $temp . ":0" . $rev_hs;
            $res = $res. $temp .":" . $rev_hs;
    else {
        // Increment hours
        // Reverse of the hour after incrementing 1
        $rev_h = ($h % 10) * 10 + (($h % 100) - ($h % 10)) / 10;
        $rev_hs = strval($rev_h);
        // 0 is added if HH < 10
        if ($h < 10)
            $temp = "0";
        $temp = $temp . strval($h);
        // 0 is added if rev_h < 10
        if ($rev_h < 10)
            $res = $res . $temp . ":0" . $rev_hs;
            $res = $res . $temp . ":" . $rev_hs;
    return $res;
// Driver code
    $s = "21:12";
    $n = strlen($s);
    echo getTime($s, $n);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by ChitraNayal



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