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Find tags by CSS class using BeautifulSoup

In this article, we will discuss how to find tags by CSS using BeautifulSoup. We are given an HTML document, we need to find and extract tags from the document using the CSS class.


HTML Document:
    <title> GeeksforLazyroar </title>
    <div class="ext" >Extract this tag</div>

<div class="ext" >Extract this tag</div>

Required Modules:

  • bs4: It is a python library used to scrape data from HTML, XML, and other markup languages. 
    Make sure you have pip installed on your system.
    Run the following command in the terminal to install this library-
pip install bs4
pip install beautifulsoup4


  • Import bs4 library
  • Create an HTML doc
  • Parse the content into a BeautifulSoup object
  • Searching by CSS class –  The name of the CSS attribute, “class”, is a reserved word in Python. The compiler gives syntax error if class is used as a keyword argument. We can search CSS class using the keyword argument class_
    We can pass class_ a string, a regular expression, a function, or True.
  • find_all() with keyword argument class_ is used to find all the tags with the given CSS class
    If we need to find only one tag then, find() is used
  • Print the extracted tags.

Example 1: Find the tag using find() method


# Import Module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# HTML Document
HTML_DOC = """
                   <title> GeeksforLazyroar </title>
                   <div class="ext" >Extract this tag</div>
# Function to find tags
def find_tags_from_class(html):
    # parse html content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    # find tags by CSS class
    div = soup.find("div", class_= "ext")
    # Print the extracted tag
# Function Call


Example 2: Find all the tags using find_all() method


# Import Module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# HTML Document
HTML_DOC = """
                   <title> Table Data </title>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 1 </td>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 2 </td>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 3 </td>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 4 </td>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 5 </td>
# Function to find tags
def find_tags_from_class(html):
    # parse html content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    # find tags by CSS class
    rows = soup.find_all("td", class_= "table-row")
    # Print the extracted tag
    for row in rows:
# Function Call


Example 3: Finding tags by CSS class using Regular Expressions. 


# Import Module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
# HTML Document
HTML_DOC = """
                   <title> Table Data </title>
                    <td class = "table"> This is row 1 </td>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 2 </td>
                    <td class = "table"> This is row 3 </td>
                    <td class = "table-row"> This is row 4 </td>
                    <td class = "table"> This is row 5 </td>
# Function to find tags
def find_tags_from_class(html):
    # parse html content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    # find tags by CSS class using regular expressions
    # $ is used to match pattern ending with
    # Here we are finding class that ends with "row"
    rows = soup.find_all("td", class_= re.compile("row$"))
    # Print the extracted tag
    for row in rows:
# Function Call



<td class="table-row"> This is row 2 </td>
<td class="table-row"> This is row 4 </td>

Above two tags class name ends with “row”. Therefore, they are extracted. Other tags class name doesn’t end with “row”. Therefore, they are not extracted.

Example 4: Finding tags by CSS class using the user-defined function.


# Import Module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# HTML Document
HTML_DOC = """
                   <title> Table Data </title>
                    <td class = "table"> This is invalid because len(table) != 3 </td>
                    <td class = "row"> This is valid because len(row) == 3 </td>
                    <td class = "data"> This is invalid because len(data) != 3 </td>
                    <td class = "hii"> This is valid because len(hii) == 3 </td>
                    <td> This is invalid because class is None </td>
# Returns true if the css_class is not None
# and length of css_class is equal to 3
# else returns false
def has_three_characters(css_class):
    return css_class is not None and len(css_class) == 3
# Function to find tags
def find_tags_from_class(html):
    # parse html content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
    # find tags by CSS class using user-defined function
    rows = soup.find_all("td", class_= has_three_characters)
    # Print the extracted tag
    for row in rows:
# Function Call


Example 5: Finding tags by CSS class from a website


# Import Module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# Assign website
import requests
HTML_DOC = requests.get(URL)
# Function to find tags
def find_tags_from_class(html):
    # parse html content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html.content, "html5lib")
    # find tags by CSS class
    div = soup.find("div", class_= "article--container_content")
    # Print the extracted tag
# Function Call


Dominic Rubhabha Wardslaus
Dominic Rubhabha Wardslaus
infosec,malicious & dos attacks generator, boot rom exploit philanthropist , wild hacker , game developer,


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