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HomeData Modelling & AIFind maximum occurring character in a string

Find maximum occurring character in a string

Given string str. The task is to find the maximum occurring character in the string str.


Input: neveropen
Output: e
Explanation: ‘e’ occurs 4 times in the string

Input: test
Output: t
Explanation: ‘t’ occurs 2 times in the string

Recommended Practice

Return the maximum occurring character in an input string using Hashing:

Naive approach : ( using unordered_map ) 

In this approach we simply use the unordered_map from STL to store the frequency of every character and while adding characters to map we take a variable count to determine the element having highest frequency.

Implementation :


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function that return maximum occurring character
char getMaxOccurringChar(string str)
    // create unordered_map to store frequency of every character
    // to store length of string
    int n = str.length();
    // to store answer
    char ans;
    // to check count of answer character is less or greater
    // than another elements count
    int cnt=0;
    // traverse the string
    for(int i=0 ;i<n ; i++){
        // push element into map and increase its frequency
        // update answer and count
        if(cnt < mp[str[i]]){
            ans = str[i];
            cnt = mp[str[i]];
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string str = "sample string";
    cout << "Max occurring character is: "
         << getMaxOccurringChar(str);
// this code is contributed by bhardwajji


import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    // function that returns maximum occurring character
    static char getMaxOccurringChar(String str) {
        // create HashMap to store frequency of every character
        HashMap<Character, Integer> mp = new HashMap<>();
        // to store length of string
        int n = str.length();
        // to store answer
        char ans = 0;
        // to check count of answer character is less or greater
        // than another elements count
        int cnt = 0;
        // traverse the string
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // push element into map and increase its frequency
            char c = str.charAt(i);
            mp.put(c, mp.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
            // update answer and count
            if(cnt < mp.get(c)) {
                ans = c;
                cnt = mp.get(c);
        return ans;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "sample string";
        System.out.println("Max occurring character is: " + getMaxOccurringChar(str));
// This code is contributed by kalyanbef


# function that return maximum occurring character
def getMaxOccurringChar(str):
    # create dictionary to store frequency of every character
    mp = {}
    # to store length of string
    n = len(str)
    # to store answer
    ans = ''
    # to check count of answer character is less or greater
    # than another elements count
    cnt = 0
    # traverse the string
    for i in range(n):
        # push element into dictionary and increase its frequency
        if str[i] in mp:
            mp[str[i]] += 1
            mp[str[i]] = 1
        # update answer and count
        if cnt < mp[str[i]]:
            ans = str[i]
            cnt = mp[str[i]]
    return ans
# Driver Code
str = "sample string"
print("Max occurring character is:", getMaxOccurringChar(str))


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class MainClass {
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string str = "sample string";
        Console.WriteLine("Max occurring character is: "
                          + getMaxOccurringChar(str));
    // function that return maximum occurring character
    static char getMaxOccurringChar(string str)
        // create dictionary to store frequency of every
        // character
        Dictionary<char, int> mp
            = new Dictionary<char, int>();
        // to store length of string
        int n = str.Length;
        // to store answer
        char ans = '\0';
        // to check count of answer character is less or
        // greater than another elements count
        int cnt = 0;
        // traverse the string
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // push element into map and increase its
            // frequency
            if (mp.ContainsKey(str[i])) {
            else {
                mp.Add(str[i], 1);
            // update answer and count
            if (cnt < mp[str[i]]) {
                ans = str[i];
                cnt = mp[str[i]];
        return ans;


// JavaScript program for the above approach
// function that return maximum occurring character
function getMaxOccurringChar(str)
    // create map to store frequency of every character
    let mp = new Map();
    // to store length of string
    let n = str.length;
    // to store answer
    let ans;
    // to check count of answer character is less or greater
    // than another elements count
    let cnt=0;
    // traverse the string
    for(let i=0 ;i<n ; i++){
        // push element into map and increase its frequency
        mp.set(str[i], (mp.get(str[i]) || 0) + 1);
        // update answer and count
        if(cnt < mp.get(str[i])){
            ans = str[i];
            cnt = mp.get(str[i]);
    return ans;
// Driver Code
let str = "sample string";
console.log("Max occurring character is: " + getMaxOccurringChar(str));
// This code is contributed by rutikbhosale


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Function to find the maximum occurring character
char getMaxOccurringChar(char str[])
    // Create a hash table (unordered_map) to store the
    // frequency of each character
    int count[256] = { 0 };
    // Traverse the string and update the frequency of each
    // character
    int length = strlen(str);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    // Find the character with the maximum frequency
    char maxChar;
    int maxCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (count[(int)str[i]] > maxCount) {
            maxCount = count[(int)str[i]];
            maxChar = str[i];
    return maxChar;
// Driver Code
int main()
    char str[] = "sample string";
    printf("Max occurring character is: %c\n",
    return 0;


Max occurring character is: s

Time Complexity: O(N), Traversing the string of length N one time.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), where N is the size of the string

The idea is to store the frequency of every character in the array and return the character with maximum count.

Follow the steps to solve the problem:

  • Create a count array of size 256 to store the frequency of every character of the string
  • Maintain a max variable to store the maximum frequency so far whenever encounter a frequency more than the max then update the max
  • And update that character in our result variable.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C program to output the maximum occurring character
// in a string
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ASCII_SIZE 256
char getMaxOccurringChar(char* str)
    // Create array to keep the count of individual
    // characters and initialize the array as 0
    int count[ASCII_SIZE] = { 0 };
    // Construct character count array from the input
    // string.
    int len = strlen(str);
    int max = 0; // Initialize max count
    char result; // Initialize result
    // Traversing through the string and maintaining
    // the count of each character
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (max < count[str[i]]) {
            max = count[str[i]];
            result = str[i];
    return result;
// Driver program to test the above function
int main()
    char str[] = "sample string";
    printf("Max occurring character is %c",


// C++ program to output the maximum occurring character
// in a string
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ASCII_SIZE 256
using namespace std;
char getMaxOccurringChar(char* str)
    // Create array to keep the count of individual
    // characters and initialize the array as 0
    int count[ASCII_SIZE] = { 0 };
    // Construct character count array from the input
    // string.
    int len = strlen(str);
    int max = 0; // Initialize max count
    char result; // Initialize result
    // Traversing through the string and maintaining
    // the count of each character
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (max < count[str[i]]) {
            max = count[str[i]];
            result = str[i];
    return result;
// Driver program to test the above function
int main()
    char str[] = "sample string";
    cout << "Max occurring character is "
         << getMaxOccurringChar(str);


// Java program to output the maximum occurring character
// in a string
public class GFG {
    static final int ASCII_SIZE = 256;
    static char getMaxOccurringChar(String str)
        // Create array to keep the count of individual
        // characters and initialize the array as 0
        int count[] = new int[ASCII_SIZE];
        // Construct character count array from the input
        // string.
        int len = str.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        int max = -1; // Initialize max count
        char result = ' '; // Initialize result
        // Traversing through the string and maintaining
        // the count of each character
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (max < count[str.charAt(i)]) {
                max = count[str.charAt(i)];
                result = str.charAt(i);
        return result;
    // Driver Method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String str = "sample string";
        System.out.println("Max occurring character is "
                           + getMaxOccurringChar(str));


# Python program to return the maximum occurring character in the input string
def getMaxOccurringChar(str):
    # Create array to keep the count of individual characters
    # Initialize the count array to zero
    count = [0] * ASCII_SIZE
    # Utility variables
    max = -1
    c = ''
    # Traversing through the string and maintaining the count of
    # each character
    for i in str:
        count[ord(i)] += 1
    for i in str:
        if max < count[ord(i)]:
            max = count[ord(i)]
            c = i
    return c
# Driver program to test the above function
str = "sample string"
print("Max occurring character is", getMaxOccurringChar(str))
# Although this program can be written in atmost 3 lines in Python
# the above program has been written for a better understanding of
# the reader
# Shorter version of the program
# import collections
# str = "sample string"
# print "Max occurring character is " +
#        collections.Counter(str).most_common(1)[0][0]
# This code has been contributed by Bhavya Jain


// C# program to output the maximum
// occurring character in a string
using System;
class GFG {
    static int ASCII_SIZE = 256;
    static char getMaxOccurringChar(String str)
        // Create array to keep the count of
        // individual characters and
        // initialize the array as 0
        int[] count = new int[ASCII_SIZE];
        // Construct character count array
        // from the input string.
        int len = str.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        int max = -1; // Initialize max count
        char result = ' '; // Initialize result
        // Traversing through the string and
        // maintaining the count of each character
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (max < count[str[i]]) {
                max = count[str[i]];
                result = str[i];
        return result;
    // Driver Method
    public static void Main()
        String str = "sample string";
        Console.Write("Max occurring character is "
                      + getMaxOccurringChar(str));
// This code is contributed by Sam007


// PHP program to output the maximum
// occurring character in a string
$ASCII_SIZE = 256;
function getMaxOccurringChar($str)
    global $ASCII_SIZE;
    // Create array to keep the count
    // of individual characters and
    // initialize the array as 0
    $count = array_fill(0, $ASCII_SIZE, NULL);
    // Construct character count array
    // from the input string.
    $len = strlen($str);
    $max = 0; // Initialize max count
    // Traversing through the string
    // and maintaining the count of
    // each character
    for ($i = 0; $i < ($len); $i++)
        if ($max < $count[ord($str[$i])])
            $max = $count[ord($str[$i])];
            $result = $str[$i];
    return $result;
// Driver Code
$str = "sample string";
echo "Max occurring character is " .
// This code is contributed by ita_c


// Javascript program to output the maximum occurring character
// in a string
    let ASCII_SIZE = 256;
    function getMaxOccurringChar(str)
        // Create array to keep the count of individual
        // characters and initialize the array as 0
        let count = new Array(ASCII_SIZE);
        for (let i = 0; i < ASCII_SIZE; i++)
            count[i] = 0;
        // Construct character count array from the input
        // string.
        let len = str.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)
            count[str[i].charCodeAt(0)] += 1;
        let max = -1;   // Initialize max count
        let result = ' ';   // Initialize result
        // Traversing through the string and maintaining
        // the count of each character
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)
            if (max < count[str[i].charCodeAt(0)])
                max = count[str[i].charCodeAt(0)];
                result = str[i];
        return result;
    // Driver Method
    let str = "sample string";
    document.write("Max occurring character is " , getMaxOccurringChar(str));
    // This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


Max occurring character is s

Time Complexity: O(N), Traversing the string of length N one time.
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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